身為科技島國,台灣在通訊技術方面的發展一直頗受矚目,每次技術的進步都讓我們擁有了更多、更好的選擇。就像我們在選擇網路服務時會細心Surfshark vs PIA 一樣,台灣在經歷了2G、3G的數位浪潮,再到4G的轉變過程中,經過了無數的選擇和挑戰。現在,5G來了,帶著更快的速度和更低的延遲,但同時,您是否也有這樣的疑問:「不覺得現在的手機上網速度慢,真的有需要更快的5G嗎?」。
旅行是一次令人興奮的冒險,但在手機上擁有合適的工具可以讓您的旅程更加順利。 現代智慧型手機提供了大量功能,可以增強您的旅行體驗。 在這份綜合指南中,我們將探討對旅客非常有用的七種手機功能,並深入研究每項功能,為您提供寶貴的見解和提示。
1. GPS 和地圖:在陌生的環境中導航 GPS 和地圖應用程式是旅行者最基本的功能之一。 這些工具可讓您輕鬆瀏覽陌生的街道、找到前往景點的路線並發現當地的餐廳。 下載離線地圖以避免出國旅遊時產生數據費用。 充分利用 GPS 和地圖 使用 GPS 和地圖應用程式時,了解如何最大限度地發揮其效用至關重要。 首先在旅行前下載您將訪問的特定地區的地圖。 這確保您可以在沒有網路連線的情況下進行導航,這可以成為連接有限的地區的救星。 此外,探索您選擇的地圖應用程式的各種功能。 一些應用程式提供即時交通更新、替代路線,甚至是公共交通資訊。 了解如何使用這些功能可以幫助您避免交通擁堵並在旅途中最有效地利用時間。 2. 語言翻譯:打破語言障礙 旅行時語言障礙可能是一個挑戰,但語言翻譯應用程式可以透過幫助您與當地人溝通來彌補這一差距。 許多應用程式提供即時翻譯,使對話更容易進行。 掌握語言翻譯應用程式 要充分利用語言翻譯應用程序,請考慮下載同時支援文字和語音翻譯的應用程式。 這樣,您就可以輸入或說出短語,使溝通更加自然。 此外,練習使用當地語言的常用短語和表達方式。 雖然當地人通常很欣賞您的努力,但擁有一個翻譯應用程式作為備份會非常有幫助。 3. 旅行應用程式:簡化您的旅程 各種旅行應用程式可滿足您旅行的不同方面,從預訂航班和住宿到尋找最佳的當地體驗。 這些應用程式簡化了規劃過程並提供有價值的資訊。 選擇合適的旅行應用程式 選擇正確的旅行應用對於無縫體驗至關重要。 研究並閱讀評論,以確定可靠且用戶友好的應用程式。 考慮使用可離線存取您的旅行行程、預訂和當地指南的應用程序,因為這可以確保您即使在沒有網路連線的情況下也能獲得重要資訊。 此外,尋找可以提供其他旅行者推薦的應用程式。 這些應用程式通常會提供對隱藏寶石和當地最愛的深入了解,讓您獲得更真實的旅行體驗。 4. VPN:保護您的線上隱私 當涉及在旅行時保護您的線上隱私時,VPN(虛擬私人網路)至關重要。 這些應用程式在您的裝置和互聯網之間創建安全且加密的連接,確保您的資料保持私密性,尤其是在使用公共 Wi-Fi 網路時。 VPN 的重要性 當您發現自己使用公共 Wi-Fi 網路時,無論是在咖啡館、機場還是飯店,請務必意識到您的敏感資訊可能容易受到潛在駭客的攻擊。 然而,有一種解決方案可以充當您的資料的保護盾 - VPN(虛擬私人網路)。 VPN 的工作原理是對您的網路流量進行加密,從本質上講,惡意行為者幾乎不可能攔截您的寶貴資訊。 在開始您的下一個旅程之前,明智的做法是進行一些研究並選擇信譽良好的 VPN 服務。 考慮從 VPN 試用開始,以確保它滿足您的需求和期望。 一旦您對自己的選擇充滿信心,就可以在每次連接到公共 Wi-Fi 網路時啟動 VPN。 透過採取此步驟,您可以在旅行期間安心地探索數位世界,因為您知道您的線上活動不會被窺探。 5. 貨幣轉換器:管理您的財務 當您在旅行期間處理不同的貨幣時,貨幣轉換器應用程式可以成為您的救星。 它可以幫助您追蹤費用並確保您不會為物品或服務支付過高的費用。 高效率的財務管理 旅行時管理財務對於保持預算至關重要。 貨幣轉換器應用程式提供即時匯率,讓您能夠做出明智的支出決策。 您可以輕鬆地將價格從當地貨幣轉換為您的本國貨幣,從而更輕鬆地遵守預算。 6.行動支付:交易便捷 即使您沒有當地貨幣,行動支付應用程式也可以方便地支付購買或服務費用。 世界上許多地方都接受行動支付,使交易變得無憂無慮。 隨時隨地無縫支付 Apple Pay、Google Pay 或本地同類產品等行動支付應用程式安全且易於使用。 將您的信用卡或金融卡連結到應用程序,只需輕按手機即可付款。 這樣就無需攜帶實體現金,從而降低了遺失或被竊的風險。 7. 緊急服務:您的安全網 在緊急情況下,使用手機的緊急服務可以成為名副其實的救星。 了解如何撥打緊急電話號碼並在您的裝置上存取重要的健康資訊。 應急準備 旅行前,請熟悉當地的緊急電話號碼和程序。 將這些號碼儲存在您的通訊錄中以便快速存取。 此外,考慮安裝醫療資訊應用程序,用於儲存重要的健康訊息,例如過敏和藥物,以防醫療緊急情況。
Are you tired of stressing out about every little detail of your vacation or business trip? Whether you are jetting off across the globe or merely taking a weekend away, life on the road can sometimes be quite chaotic. But here is your chance to take back control and master the art of travel with these top 7 travel hack secrets collected from seasoned travelers! In this post, we will reveal insider tips, tricks, and techniques that will save you money, time—and maybe even a few grey hairs! Get ready for smoother journeys filled with amazing experiences - let’s dive right in!
No matter how comfortable your couch or guest bed may be, sometimes you need to get away and explore a new place. Whether it’s for work, a family trip, or just some much-needed rest and relaxation, finding the right hotel accommodations can make all the difference in starting off on the right foot with your journey. But between price points, amenities offered, location proximity, and reviews from other travelers – oh my! – where do you even begin when selecting that perfect spot?
Astute readers of my regular weekend column may have noted that there was no column last weekend, and this was because I was off for three days enjoying myself on Xiao Liuqiu island. MyTaiwanTour published a previous article on this barely discovered gem here a few months back, but this was the first time I’d gotten to experience the place firsthand.
我的精明讀者可能已經註意到這個周末專欄,上週末沒有專欄,這是因為我在小琉球上休息了三天。 MyTaiwanTour在幾個月前發表了一篇文章關於這個幾乎沒有人發現過的小寶島,但是這是我第一次親身體驗這個地方。 Readers, brace yourselves, because you’re going to be hearing more about Xiao Liuqiu in the months to come. Because if Taiwan is Asia’s best kept travel secret, then Xiao Liuqiu is definitely Taiwan’s best kept travel secret. And if nearly two decades in travel writing has taught me anything it’s this: “best kept travel secrets” don’t stay secrets long. 讀者們,準備好你們自己,因為在接下來的幾個月你們會聽到更多小琉球的消息。 因為如果台灣是亞洲最好的旅遊秘密,那麼小琉球絕對是台灣保存最好的旅遊秘密。 而且,如果我從將近二十年的旅行寫作衹有學到一件事情,那就是:“保存最好的旅行秘密”不會是長久的保密。 So before the cat gets too far out of the bag, let me create some hype of my own by telling you why I’ve fallen in love with this island off the coast of Pingtung County, why I’m planning to spend a lot more time there in 2018, and you should too. 所以,在這個秘密被透露之前,讓我先說說為什麼我愛上了屏東縣的這個海島,為什麼今年要花更多時間在哪裏,且爲什麽你也應該這麽做。 Xiao Liuqiu is wicked easy to get to 小琉球很容易去得到 Compared to any of the other outer islands (including my one-time stomping ground, Penghu), Xiao Liuqiu is a breeze to reach. 45 minutes by car from the Zuoying HSR station to Donggang Harbor (which, by the way, boasts one of Taiwan’s greatest seafood markets, where a sashimi feast can be had for a fraction of what you’d pay nearly anywhere else), and the ferry out to the island takes about as long as a trip on the Staten Island ferry. Bonus points for the boat being calm enough to make a pre-journey trip to the seafood market not a regrettable decision. 與其他外島(包括我的一次性的樂園,澎湖)相比,小琉球是一件輕而易舉的事情。 從左營高鐵站乘車45分鐘到東港(順便提一下,東港是台灣最大的海鮮市場之一,其中的生魚片是其他地方的半價以下) 渡輪到島上需要大約只要一個史坦頓島渡輪之旅。 船上的積分足夠冷靜,所以先前往海鮮市場吃東西不會是一個令人遺憾的決定。
Proof that great travel experiences come in small packages
證明很好的旅行經驗就是很多小行程 The island is small enough to be manageable on an electric scooter, which is a good thing as Taiwan’s wild west days in which rental shops rented 150cc motorcycles to anyone with money and a smile are long gone. These days you’ll need an international driver’s license with the proper motorcycle endorsement to get one of those, but electric scooters are still classified as low powered enough to require only the aforementioned cash and a smile. Electric scooters are pretty low powered (maximum speed of about 30KPH, which fits in with Xiao Liuqiu’s take it easy vibe), and you can get around the island about three times before swapping out the battery for a new one. 這個小島足夠小,可以在電動機車上去所有地方,這是一件好事,因爲台灣狂野的西部時代 (出租店有錢人和微笑的人就可以租一臺150cc摩托車)早已不存在了。 現在你需要一個國際駕照和適當的摩托車證明才能騎,但是電動機車仍然被分類為低功率,足以僅需要上述現金和微笑。 電動機車功率相當低(最大速度約30KPH,適合小琉球的輕鬆氛圍),可以在島上繞行三次左右,才需要換新電池。
We got ours from the Lu Nung (Green Power) agency, who were nice enough to pick us up right off the boat and give Stephanie a private lesson on scooter riding and betel nut. Stephanie said the lesson was helpful and the betel nut interesting.
我們從魯能(綠色能源)機構取得了我們的資料,他們很高興能夠從船上接我們,並教導斯蒂芬妮機車和檳榔的私人課程。 斯蒂芬妮說,這一課是有益的,檳榔是…有趣。
Though it’s been compared to Okinawa, three days exploring the island left me thinking that Xiao Liuqiu is more a bite-sized microcosm of Taiwan itself, offering a variety of Taiwanese cultural experiences and natural splendors in an easy to navigate environment. We spent most of the first day riding around the island on our electric scooters, stopping for a late lunch of fried rice and seafood soup in the main town just by Baisha Harbor before exploring the town itself, a few long streets with a mixture of restaurants and still-closed bars, snack shops and retail stores. Exploring the lanes and alleys around the main street led us to a treasure trove of older traditional homes with stone walls being consumed by Banyan trees and a few small temples (a mere harbinger of things to come). We walked along the colorful waterfront and stopped into the lovely Coral Cafe for an afternoon cappuccino surrounded by gorgeous art while listening to cool jazz on genuine vinyl albums that any Portland hipster would approve of before heading back to the SunnyBay BnB to watch the sunset from our porch.
雖然與沖繩比較,但三天的探索之旅讓我覺得小琉球更是台灣本身的一個小小的縮影,在一個容易導航的環境中提供各種台灣的文化體驗和天然的光輝。第一天,我們大部分時間都在島上騎電動車,在白沙港的主要城鎮停下來吃晚飯和炒飯,海鮮湯,然後才開始遊覽小鎮,還有幾條長長的街道,還有封閉的酒吧,小吃店和零售商店。探索主要街道周圍的巷子,到古老的傳統房屋的寶庫,這些房屋的石牆被榕樹和一些小型廟宇(僅僅是事物的預兆)。我們沿著五彩繽紛的海濱走了一圈,走進可愛的珊瑚咖啡廳,下午喝著卡布奇諾咖啡,一邊聽著真正的乙烯基專輯上的酷爵士樂,一邊波特蘭時髦人士都會贊同,然後回到SunnyBay BnB觀看我們的日落門廊。 So yeah, great coffee, cool vibes & a relaxed atmosphere. What more could one ask from a tropical island? 所以,是的,超好喝的咖啡,冷靜的氛圍和輕鬆的氛圍。 一個熱帶島嶼還需要什麼呢? Swimming with Sea Turtles 跟海龜一起游泳 Yes, that seems like a worthwhile other thing to to ask for, and we spent a good chunk of our second day on the island doing just that in a secluded bay on the Xiao Liuqiu eastern coast. I’d heard about the diving in Xiao Liuqiu for years, but only recently had I learned that the island was a protected turtle sanctuary, and as such the coral reefs surrounding Xiao Liuqiu are quite literally swimming with enormous sea turtles. 是的,這似乎是另一件值得問的事情,我們在島上的第二天度過了很長一段時間在小琉球東海岸的一個僻靜的海灣。 我已經聽說了小琉球的潛水很多年,但直到最近我才知道這個島是一個受保護的海龜保護區,因此小琉球周圍的珊瑚礁完全可以和大海龜一起游泳。 Our guide (蟹老闆專業浮潛, “Crab boss professional snorkeling,” – they’re just down the road from the scooter shop) suited us up and brought us over to one of the island’s many promising snorkeling spots. 我們的導遊(蟹老闆專業浮潛,他們剛從摩托車店走下來)給我們穿浮潛裝,把我們帶到島上許多有潛力的浮潛地點之一。 As we snorkeled in the reefs closer to shore, a dozen or so scuba divers were further out and under swimming in the deep. Stephanie spotted the first turtle. We’d been swimming above the reefs looking down at schools of tropical fish swimming below for about twenty minutes when she waved me over excitedly. I swam to where she was floating and saw it; its shell was about the size of a truck’s hubcap, and it hovered placidly, prehistoric maw snapping out every few seconds to make short of a fish, happy as a fat kid at an all you can eat sashimi buffet. We hovered above it for long minutes, our guide taking pictures of us and the turtle. Realizing its meal was being watched and recorded, the turtle swam out towards the deeper waters in search of a less public dining spot. 當我們在靠近岸邊的礁石裡潛水時,十多名水肺潛水員在深處游泳。 斯蒂芬妮發現了第一隻烏龜。 我們一直在礁石下面游泳,俯視下面游泳的熱帶魚類學校,大概二十分鐘,她激動地揮舞著我。 我游到她漂浮的地方,看到它。 它的外殼大約是一個卡車輪轂蓋的大小,它平穩地盤旋著,史前的魚肚每隔幾秒就會彈出一條魚來,魚兒很快就像一個肥胖的孩子一樣快樂,你可以盡情享受生魚片的自助餐。 我們長時間盤旋在它上面,我們的導遊為我們和烏龜拍照。 當時正在觀看和記錄下它的食物,烏龜向更深的海域游去,尋找一個不太公共的餐飲場所。 Though the waters were still warm enough for skin and swimsuits, we were glad we’d taken advantage of our guide’s offer of wetsuits after the first fifteen minutes, both because they kept our body temperature warm enough to keep swimming for about 90 minutes and they provided a nearly magical buoyancy that counteracted my lifelong fear of drowning. When we eventually became too exhausted for further swimming, we were especially glad for the protection provided by the thick wet suits on the short, wet scooter ride from the beach to Crab Boss Snorkeling Shop. (Special thanks to Crab Boss Snorkeling Shop for taking the photos below!) 雖然海水對於皮膚和泳衣來說依然溫暖,但是我們很高興在頭十五分鐘之後我們能夠利用導遊的潛水服,因為他們保持足夠的溫度保持90分鐘的水溫, 提供了一個近乎神奇的浮力,抵消了我終生害怕的溺水。 當我們終於疲憊不堪,無法進一步游泳的時候,讓我們特別高興的是,從海灘到螃蟹老闆浮潛店的短而濕滑的摩托車上,穿著厚厚的防水服提供的保護。 (特別感謝蟹老闆浮潛店拍下面的照片!)
Balancing tourism with environmental concerns
考量旅遊與環境的問題 Xiao Liuqiu is a marine sanctuary, meaning that while tour guides bring people out to swim above (but not too closely to) the sea turtles and give demonstrations about the proper way to handle sea urchins (carefully; they’re all spiky and some are filled with poison), the turtles remain protected and any sea urchin you eat on the island has come from non-island urchin beds. But Xiao Liuqiu’s commitment to eco-tourism goes beyond this, and beyond the electric scooters that are quickly becoming the favored form of transportation on the island. On our second evening there we headed over to a party celebrating a weekend long cleanup event that had brought locals and volunteers together to collect trash from around the island (and, sadly, trash that had floated up onto the shore). The event had been going on all weekend, and culminated in a party with live bands, food & general festivities at Sanlong Temple, one of the island’s larger temples. The mood was festive, and most of the participants were exhausted from their work. One of the volunteers told me that the event was just a small part of the island’s overall plan to develop a cleaner, greener island. 小琉球是一個海洋避難所,這就是說,導遊帶著人們出海游泳(但不是太靠近)海龜,並舉辦示範,以處理海膽的正確方法(仔細,他們都尖銳,有些是充滿毒藥),海龜仍然受到保護,你在島上吃的任何海膽都來自非島海膽床。但小琉球對生態旅遊的承諾超出了這個範圍,超越了迅速成為島上交通青睞的電動車。在我們的第二天晚上,我們前往參加一個清理活動的派對,這次活動讓當地人和志願者聚集在一起,收集來自島上的垃圾(可悲的是,垃圾已經漂浮在岸上)。這個活動整個週末都在進行,最後在島上更大的寺廟之一,三龍寺舉行現場樂隊,美食和一般慶祝活動。心情愉快,大部分參與者都筋疲力盡。其中一位志願者告訴我,這事件只是島上更清潔,更綠色島嶼計劃的一小部分。
More culture than you can shake a stick at
超級豐富的的文化體驗 On the ride home from the party in Sanlong Temple we decided to sleep in the next day and do some temple hopping the following morning. Our plans for a late morning were soon challenged, however, thanks to my desire to spend an extra twenty minutes riding down a road we’d somehow missed during previous rides. Somewhere on the island’s quiet southern tip we passed through a small village that by all rights should have been asleep but wasn’t. Instead, folks were out assembling a colorful stage in front of a temple. Inquiring what was going on, Stephanie and I found ourselves invited to a traditional opera performance scheduled for 8am the next morning. It was an invitation that Stephanie, a student of Taiwanese art and culture, couldn’t refuse. 在三龍寺派對回家的路上,我們決定第天睡過頭,第三天早上做一些寺廟跳舞。 然而,我們很快就要對一個早晨的計劃提出挑戰,這要歸功於我希望再花二十分鐘的時間騎上一條我們之前錯過的道路。 在島上安靜南端的某個地方,我們經過了一個小村莊,這個小村莊這個時候應該是要睡覺,但沒有。 相反,人們正在寺廟前組裝一個色彩繽紛的舞台。 詢問發生了什麼事,斯蒂芬妮和我發現自己被邀請參加第二天早上8點的傳統歌劇表演。 斯蒂芬妮是台灣藝術文化的學生,因此是她不能拒絕的邀請。 The next morning after a strong mug of coffee each, we rode back to the village, which was way less quiet than it had been the night before, indeed far noisier than any small village should have been. The sound of morning birdsong was quickly replaced by that most distinctly Taiwanese sound, a Lu bian Guzixi, or roadside Taiwanese opera. The small stage from the night before was filled with several performers and musicians performing a play, and as we watched it seemed to me that they performed not for the benefit of the small early morning crowd assembled, but for the god inside of the temple facing the stage. A brief conversation (mostly shouted above the noise of instruments and sharp, high notes of the dialogue itself) revealed this to be true. The party was for the benefit of Matsu, who must have been by the end of the event as hard of hearing as Stephanie and I were halfway through. 第二天早上喝了一大杯咖啡後,我們回到了村里,沒有比前一天晚上安靜,確實比臺灣任何一個小村莊還要吵。 早上飛鳥的聲音很快被路邊古子戲或路邊的台灣歌劇所取代,也就是台灣最明顯的聲音。 前一天晚上的小舞台上擺滿了幾個表演者和音樂家,我們看到他們的表演似乎並不是為了早晨聚集的小人群,而是為了面對神殿內的神 。 一個簡短的談話(主要是音量高於樂器的喧囂,尖銳的對話)顯示這是真實的。 這次聚會是為了拜馬祖,她一定到最後跟我和斯蒂芬妮一樣耳聾。
Three Days was not enough
三天不夠 With only a half day left on our Xiao Liuqiu vacation, we spent the rest of the morning relaxing in our hotel until checkout time and the remaining time visiting some of the must visit sights of the island. We visited the Black Devil Cave and its attached art museum before scooting over to the Beauty Cave and its nearby pavilion. Riding back to the bike shop to deliver our bikes (and be delivered ourselves to the ferry that would take us back to the Mainland, we left unexplored a dozen or so beautiful and ostentatious temples, several beaches on which people were swimming, snorkeling & kayaking, simultaneously regretting that we’d not had time to visit these places and glad that we hadn’t, knowing that it gave us many reasons to return to Xiao Liuqiu sooner rather than later. And if that’s not the hallmark of a truly excellent vacation spot, I don’t know what is. 在我們小琉球的度假只剩下半天的時候,我們在酒店休息。退房候的時間都我們都在拜訪一些必須參觀島上的景點。 我們參觀了黑魔鬼洞及其附屬的美術館,然後前往美人洞及其附近的亭子。 回到自行車店還我們的自行車(把自己送到可以帶我們回到“大陸”的渡口的時候,我們沒有探索到十幾個美麗而炫目的寺廟,幾個游泳,浮潛和皮划艇的海灘 ,同時很遺憾,我們沒有時間去這些地方參觀,也很高興我們沒有去到這些地方,因爲我們有很多理由早日回到小琉球。如果這不是一個真正的出色度假景點,那我們真的不知道什麽才算是出色的度假景點。 Expect to see more about Xiao Liuqiu on these pages in the near future. And if you can’t wait to read about it, leave a message below and the good folks at MyTaiwanTour will customize your experience from start to finish. Until next week, I leave you with a collage of images from the journey. 希望在不久的將來能在這些網頁上看到更多關於小琉球的消息。 如果您迫不及待想要閱讀,請在下面留言,MyTaiwanTour的好友們將自始至終定制您的體驗。直到下週之前,我還會留下一幅來自旅程的圖像拼貼畫。 JSB Three Days on Xiao Liuqiu (were not enough) 三天在小琉球 (時間會不夠) originally ran at the MyTaiwanTour Journal. All photos and text posted in the above blog were taken from https://www.mytaiwantour.com/blog/. Follow this link for more stories like this one! Visiting Taiwan? Let MyTaiwanTour help curate your experience. Find them online at https://www.mytaiwantour.com/ Three Days on Xiao Liuqiu (were not enough) 三天在小琉球 (時間會不夠) 最初在MyTaiwanTour學報。 https://www.mytaiwantour.com/blog/. 點擊此鏈接獲得更多這樣的故事! 拜訪台灣? 讓MyTaiwanTour幫助策劃你的經驗。 通過 https://www.mytaiwantour.com/ Be sure to like, share and comment below! 記得按讚, 分享和在下面留言!
All photos credit to Stephanie Huffman and Candace Chen
Though the form for which the island is named is readily apparent from angles further north and south, from Toucheng pier due west, Turtle Island looks more slug-like than terrapin-shaped. A small and curving rock covered in green, the island – like all points on the horizon – grows larger and more distinctive as our boat draws closer. There are about sixty people on the Blue Whale, all wearing bright orange life jackets and hoping to catch a glimpse of the dolphins sometimes spotted frolicking around the island. The boat takes its time along the island’s southern end, a steep hill dotted with carved outcroppings. 所有的照片都歸功於Stephanie Huffman和Candace Chen 儘管從南面和南面的角度,西面的頭城碼頭,這個島嶼的名稱是顯而易見的,但是龜山島看起來比鱉魚更像是瓜牛的樣子。 隨著我們的船靠近,一個綠色的小彎曲的岩石,像島上所有的點 - 越來越大,更加鮮明。 “藍鯨”上有六十人左右,都穿著明亮的橙色救生衣,希望能看到有時在島上嬉鬧的海豚。 船沿著島的南端,一個陡峭的小山,點綴著雕刻的露頭。 “Are those lookout points?”, asks Stephanie. I point to the long, faded green barrel of a cannon just sticking out of one of the outcropping. “Among other things,” I answer. As with many of Taiwan’s outer islands, military utility took precedence over tourism for many years. Stephanie問道:“那些瞭望點? 我指著長長的,褪色的大砲剛剛露出的一個大砲。 “還有其他用處,”我回答。 和台灣的許多外島一樣,軍事用途多年來一直以旅遊業為主。
The smell of sulfur, a gentle rotten egg fragrance fills the air as the Blue Whale approaches the underwater thermal springs bubbling from beneath the waves by the Turtle’s head. Steam rising from the water makes it seem like the beast is smoking some great underwater hooka. As our boat rounds the Turtle’s head, the gentle green curves of the island’s Taiwan-facing side give way to the rocky cliffs of its seaward side, which in parts look almost as if the process of collapsing into the sea are ongoing.
當藍鯨靠近烏的龜頭部下方的海浪冒出的水下溫泉時,硫磺的味道瀰漫著一股溫和的臭雞蛋香味。從水中冒出的蒸汽使得它看起來像野獸正在吸取一些偉大的水下鉤子。當我們的船繞著海龜的頭時,島的台灣邊柔和的綠色曲線讓位於海邊的岩石峭壁,這部分看起來好像正在進入海洋的過程。 From this angle, Turtle Island is far more foreboding. Over the boat’s loudspeaker, the guide explains in Mandarin that the seaward side of the volcanic island takes the brunt of the area’s regular typhoons, and that some of the more rugged cliffs were formed by earthquakes. Past the cliffs the landscape becomes more gentle, and with a bit of squinting I can almost see the long, sloping neck of the turtle connecting head to shell, all covered in green. Although I’m told there are hiking trails along the spine, no hikers are currently present. 從這個角度來看,龜山島更是不祥的預兆。在船上的揚聲器上,導遊用中文解釋說,火山島的海面受到該地區正常颱風的衝擊,一些較為崎嶇的懸崖是由地震形成的。過去的懸崖,景色變得更溫柔,有一點瞇眼,我幾乎可以看到連接頭部和殼體的烏龜的長長的,傾斜的脖子,全部被綠色覆蓋。儘管我被告知有沿著脊椎的徒步旅行路線,但目前沒有人爬山。 Though technically open to tourists as a maritime ecological park since 2000, tourism to the island is fairly restricted. Our friend Candice had applied for our landing permit nearly a month in advance, but of the other travelers on our boat only one couple from Taipei had done the same. It was a far smaller group that were permitted to disembark from the Whale at the boat dock that sits just to one side of the Turtle’s tail. Only when our names are checked against those on a list by a Coast Guard official are we allowed to cross the floating bridge connecting pier to island. The Blue Whale will head further out in search of dolphins while our small group would explore the area around the Turtle’s tail. 自2000年以來,雖然在技術上作為海上生態公園,也向遊客開放,但到島上旅遊受到相當多的限制。我們的朋友Candice已經提前一個月申請了我們的登陸許可證,但是其他船上的旅客,只有一對來自台北的夫婦也這樣做了。這是一個小得多的小組,被允許從坐在鯨魚尾巴一側的船塢的鯨魚下船。只有當我們的名字與海岸警衛隊官員的名單進行核對時,才允許我們穿越連接碼頭的浮橋。”藍鯨”會進一步尋找海豚,而我們的小組將探索烏龜尾巴周圍的區域。
Our guide, Mr. Guo, brings us first to the island’s ranger station staffed by an older gentleman and lady. The woman is cheerful, and runs a small, well-stocked gift shop. The man’s semi-military attire suggests that he’s an official of some sort. He sits behind a long desk, empty except for six round, smooth stones arranged in the shape of a turtle.
“Can you guess what these are?” The man says, adding before anyone can reply: “That’s right! Turtle Eggs!” 我們的導遊郭先生把我們帶到了一位老先生和女士的護送站。這個女人很開朗,並且經營著一個小型的,儲備豐富的禮品店。這名男子的軍裝顯示他是某種官員。他坐在一張長桌子後面,除了六個圓形的光滑的石頭,排列成一個烏龜的形狀。 “你能猜到這是什麼嗎?”男人說,在沒有人回答之前補充說:“沒錯!龜蛋!“ I pick one up. The man’s claim is patently false. I wonder if he is just testing me to see if I, as a foreigner, am aware of the dual meaning of the term Turtle Egg in Mandarin. In China the term can be used as a pejorative. “They’re stones,” I say. “Ha ha ha ha!” The man’s voice booms through the room.” Of course you’re right…but they are laid out in the shape of a turtle!” 我挑一個。這名男子的說法顯然是虛假的。我不知道他是否只是在考驗我,看看我作為一個外國人是否意識到了中文的龜卵的雙重含義。在中國這個詞可以用作貶義詞。 “他們是石頭,”我說。 “哈哈哈哈!”男人的聲音在房間裡嗡嗡作響,“當然你是對的,但是它們是以烏龜的形狀擺放的! He has the bearing of a man who knows well the lay of the land (and had much time for rock collecting). I ask him if there are any guest houses on Turtle Island, or if perhaps camping is allowed. He laughs again, even louder this time, as if willingly spending the night on this godforsaken rock was something people would pay for. 他擁有一個熟悉土地的人(並且有很多時間可以收集岩石)。我問他在龜山島有沒有民俗,或者是否允許露營。他又笑了起來,這次更大聲了,好像自願在這個被人遺忘的岩石上度過夜晚是人們付出的代價。 “No camping, no guest house.” He tells me. “Even I don’t sleep here.” Turtle Island wasn’t always uninhabited. Settlers began arriving in 1853, and by the early 1970s the small, flat plain on the part of the island facing Taiwan boasted a village with houses, a school, a fresh water spring, and even a temple. But in 1977, the villagers – then numbering around 700 – were relocated to the town of Toucheng in Yilan. The official story, according to both Guo (and the surprisingly well-translated English language displays in what’s left of the town itself) is that after a particularly bad typhoon which cut the village off from resupply for almost two weeks, the villagers agreed that life on the island had become unsustainable and moved willingly to the mainland as part of a deal negotiated with the government. Immediately thereafter Turtle Island was declared a restricted military zone, and of course it’s equally likely that the villagers’ relocation was not entirely as enthusiastically agreed-upon as our guide or the display suggests. As it turned out, the island’s new inhabitants would come to wish that one particular Turtle Island resident had not joined the villagers’ exodus. “沒有露營,沒有民俗。”他告訴我。 “即使我不在這裡睡覺。” 龜山島並不總是無人居住。定居者於1853年開始抵達,到70年代初,面向台灣的島嶼上的一片平坦的小平原吹起了一座有房屋,有學校,淡水泉,甚至還有一座寺廟的村莊。但是在1977年,當時的村民大約700人,搬到了宜蘭頭城鎮。據郭(以及在鎮上留下的驚人翻譯的英文)顯示,官方的故事是,在一個特別糟糕的颱風將村莊補給了近兩週的時間之後,村民們同意,作為與政府談判的一部分,這個島上已經變得不可持續,願意向大陸轉移。此後,龜山島立即被宣佈為受限制的軍事區,當然,我們的指導或展示所表明的那樣,村民搬遷的可能性也不盡如人意。 事實證明,島上的新居民會希望一個特定的海龜島居民沒有加入村民的外流。
Guo takes us to a temple, a small one by Taiwanese standards, but one that’s clearly been maintained to weather the elements. “Can you guess whose temple this is?” he asks.
“Matsu,” I answer. It seems a sensible guess. A temple built on a small island by people whose livelihoods depend on the sea would naturally offer prayers to the Goddess of the Sea. But I am simultaneously right and wrong. 郭先生將我們帶到了一個按照台灣標準來看的小寺廟,但是一個明顯被保留下來的寺廟可以抵禦這個因素。 “你能猜出這是哪個廟嗎?”他問。 “媽祖,”我回答。這似乎是一個明智的猜測。一個建在小島上的人們依靠海上生活的人自然會向海洋女神祈禱。但我同時對與錯。 Guo tells the tale of how the villagers, evicted from their island home, brought their goddess with them to their new village. Shortly thereafter, the military moved in. But in the months that followed, the new residents complained that a general malaise seemed to have crept into life on the island. “After the villagers left, the weather was rougher than normal, and the soldiers now living on the island described feeling uneasy,” Guo tells us. “It was decided that having an empty temple was upsetting the very spirit of the island itself. The military brought a statue of Guanyin from Taiwan along with some priests, who re-consecrated the temple to the Goddess of Compassion and Mercy.” According to Guo, things got better shortly after. 郭先生講述了被趕出島上的村民如何把他們的女神帶到新的村莊的故事。不久之後,軍方進來了。但是在接下來的幾個月裡,新居民抱怨說,島上似乎有一種全身不適的感覺。 “村民們離開後,天氣比平時更加粗糙,現在住在島上的士兵感到不安,”郭先生告訴我們。 “這是決定有一個空的寺廟是令人不安的島嶼本身的精神。軍方帶來台灣觀音像和一些祭司,把寺院重新奉獻給慈悲仁慈。 據郭先生介紹,事情不久後就好轉了。 Beneath the main statue in the Guanyin temple, there is also a lucky money tiger, where visitors exchange old coins for new while wishing for good fortune. Though the tiger is a simulacrum, Green Island’s other wildlife is not. The island is best-known for what lives in the waters surrounding it, from a species of crab that feeds on the sulfur coming from the underwater hot springs to a number of larger aquatic animals such as dolphins and killer whales. 在觀音廟的主雕像下面還有一隻幸運的金錢老虎,遊客在交換舊金幣的同時也希望得到好運。雖然老虎是一個模擬,但綠島的其他野生動物卻不是。這個小島以生活在周圍水域中的一種生物而聞名於世。這個小島由一種以水下溫泉產生的硫磺為原料的螃蟹,到一些大型的水生動物,如海豚和虎鯨。
One animal endemic (some say epidemic) to turtle island are snakes, and signs warning visitors to be wary of venomous snakes greet us at various points along our journey. As we walk through the remains of the now-abandoned fishing village, Guo tells us his own version of a not-uncommon tale among the Taiwanese of Japanese snake-breeding experiments designed to create particularly venomous vipers, presumably to be used in battlefield situations. Having heard the story before, I already know where it’s going.
一個動物流行(有人說流行)龜山島是蛇,並警告遊客警惕蛇毒蛇在我們的旅程中的各個點上迎接我們。在我們走過現在被遺棄的漁村的遺跡時,郭先生向我們講述了他自己的一個日本蛇飼養實驗中的一個非常罕見的故事,這個實驗的目的是為了製造特別有毒的毒蛇,大概是在戰場上使用的。之前聽過這個故事,我已經知道他要講什麽。 “Of course, when the Japanese lost the war, they released all the snakes, which is why there are so many snakes on Turtle Island today,” Guo tells the group. Whether by nature or nurture, the snake population is clearly a concern to the people in charge of maintaining guest safety. In addition to the general Beware of Snakes signs posted throughout, part of a multilingual exhibit of text and photographs covering the history, geography and ecology of Turtle Island is specifically devoted to snakes, going into detail on their size, color patterns, aggressiveness and venom level. The display is sobering, and I find myself hoping that the ranger station has a well stocked anti-venom bar somewhere by the gift shop. “當然,當日本人輸掉戰爭時,他們釋放了所有的蛇,這就是今天龜山島上有這麼多蛇的原因。無論是自然還是培育,蛇的種群顯然都是維護客人安全的人們關心的問題。除了一般“小心蛇”標誌外,部分多語種文字和照片展示了龜山島的歷史,地理和生態,專門針對蛇,詳細介紹了它們的大小,顏色模式,侵略性和毒液水平。展示令人清醒,我發現自己希望護林員站在禮品店的某個地方有一個儲備豐富的防毒酒吧。
We continue through the village, a lonely collection of a few crumbling stone houses and a newer barracks building built for the military, all built on the side of a brackish lake. I try to imagine children playing in the rock-paved streets and people living in the houses, now being used to store massive rolls of green mesh webbing used to gather stones to create the walls and levees that keep the high tides from inundating the island’s low-lying spots. Even with my imaginary life, the place still feels forlorn.
我們繼續穿過這個村子,孤零零地收集幾座搖搖欲墜的石頭房屋和一個為軍隊建造的更新的軍營建築,全部建在半鹹水湖的一側。我試圖想像孩子們在岩石鋪就的街道和住在房子裡的人們玩耍,現在被用來儲存大量的綠色網狀織物,用來收集石頭,以創造牆壁和堤壩,防止高潮淹沒島上的低 - 點。即使在我想像的生活中,這個地方仍然感到孤獨。 Lack of time and hiking permits does not allow our small group to hike up the Turtle’s back, but Guo has a different kind of exploration planned for us. A short hike leads us to a tunnel entrance, next to which a few abandoned military-type buildings stand, broken doors revealing electronic equipment likely state of the art in the 1970s, including a stereo system, microphone and tape deck likely used to both facilitate communication throughout the island and keep up troop morale. Another sign warns us to keep only to the main tunnel, and again to beware of snakes. 缺少時間和爬山許可證不允許我們的小組加入龜背,但郭先生有一個不同的探索計劃。短暫的徒步旅行將我們帶到了一個隧道入口處,在那裡,幾座廢棄的軍用建築物立於其中,上世紀70年代破門而出的電子設備可能是最先進的,包括立體聲系統,麥克風和磁帶機,溝通整個島嶼,並保持軍隊士氣。另一個標誌警告我們能走在主隧道,並再次提防蛇。
“This is one of the tunnels built throughout the island for military defense purposes,” Guo tells us. The tunnel is long enough so that midway through, the only light comes from fluorescent tubes stuttering at even intervals; secondary tunnels branch off here and there, but, technically off limits to tourists in any event, unlit. Reaching the end of our tunnel, I realize that we are now inside one of the outcroppings that Stephanie had pointed out from the deck of the Whale. The 120mm naval gun makes clear the fact that observation is only one of the lookout’s purposes.
“這是為了軍事防禦而在全島建造的隧道之一,”郭先生告訴我們。隧道足夠長,以至於在中途,唯一的光線來自熒光燈管,每隔一段時間,二級隧道在這里和那里分支,但是,技術上禁止遊客在任何情況下,熄燈。走到隧道的盡頭,我意識到我們現在正在斯蒂芬妮從鯨魚甲板上指出的露頭之一。 120毫米的海軍炮明確表明,觀察只是其中一個目的。 Guo shows some of the features of the area, from the swiveling gun turret to the shape of the ceiling, designed to dissipate the gun’s deafening boom. I try to imagine being among the conscripts assigned to man the lonely outcropping day in, day out, staring out over a patch of ocean that, in the eighties and nineties at least, seemed an unlikely spot for conflict. Our guide looks at his watch and tells us we’ll need to hurry if we’re to catch the boat back. We return through the tunnel and village, past the ranger station (now closed), and to the dock where the Blue Whaleawaits to return us to Taiwan, leaving Turtle Island uninhabited once more save for a few officials, an unknown number of snakes and whatever ghosts choose to remain behind beneath the watchful eye of the Goddess of Compassion, Mercy and Kindness. 郭先生顯示了該地區的一些特點,從旋轉砲塔到天花板的形狀,旨在消除槍聲震耳欲聾的繁榮。我試圖想像成為那些被派去孤軍奮戰的義務兵的日子,他們盯著一片海洋,至少在八十年代和九十年代,似乎不太可能發生衝突。我們的導遊看著他的手錶,告訴我們,如果我們要趕回船的話,我們需要快點。我們穿過隧道和村莊,經過巡邏車站(現已關閉),到“藍鯨”等待將我們送回台灣的碼頭,離開龜山島再次無人居住,還有一些官員,數不清的蛇,幽靈選擇留在慈悲善良女神的監視之下。 Our exploration focused mainly on culture and history, but Taiwan based author Richard Saunders writes lovingly about his 2010 Turtle Island Hiking trip at Taiwan Off The Beaten Track. Interested in visiting Turtle Island? MyTaiwanTour will do its best to hook you up. (No promises though – permits need to be obtained in advance, and slots often fill up quick.) 我們的探索主要集中在文化和歷史上,但是台灣作家理查德·桑德斯(Richard Saunders)深情地寫下了他在台灣“Off The Beaten Track. ”的2010年龜島徒步旅行。 有興趣參觀龜島嗎? MyTaiwanTour將竭盡全力來吸引你。 (沒有任何承諾 - 許可證需要提前獲得,而且插槽通常會很快填滿。) (Guanyin, Snakes & History’s Ghosts: An Afternoon on Turtle Island 觀音,蛇和歷史:龜山島的一個下午之旅) originally ran at the MyTaiwanTour Journal. All photos and text posted in the above blog were taken from https://www.mytaiwantour.com/blog/. Follow this link for more stories like this one! Visiting Taiwan? Let MyTaiwanTour help curate your experience. Find them online at https://www.mytaiwantour.com/ (Guanyin, Snakes & History’s Ghosts: An Afternoon on Turtle Island 觀音,蛇和歷史:龜山島的一個下午之旅)最初跑在MyTaiwanTour學報。 https://www.mytaiwantour.com/blog/. 點擊此鏈接獲得更多這樣的故事! 拜訪台灣? 讓MyTaiwanTour幫助策劃你的經驗。 通過 https://www.mytaiwantour.com/ Be sure to like, share and comment below! 記得按讚, 分享和在下面留言!
It’s Mid-September and the unusually oppressive heat of summer is fading at last, replaced by the rich, windy weather (and occasional typhoon) for which Taiwan autumns are known. As a cyclist, it’s my favorite time of the year, and this week’s column would probably be about my upcoming weekend cycling plans, if I’d not been sidetracked by an experience I had in Tainan on Monday, delivering a keynote address on the subject of “Branding Taiwan’s Cities”.
現在是九月中旬,夏天異常炎熱的時候正在消失,取而代之的是秋風豐富的獨特台灣天氣(偶爾有颱風)。 作為一名自行車騎士,這是我每一年中最喜歡的一季節,如果不是周一我在台南體驗的一段經歷,本週的文章可能是關於即將到來的周末自行車計劃。我那時候就這個題目發表主題演講 “品牌化台灣的城市”。 In typical Friday Column tradition (and in keeping with Lao Tzu’s maxim on travel), I may take a winding route to reach the destination. 在典型的“星期五專欄”傳統(並符合老子在旅行中的格言),我可以採取曲折的路線到達目的地。 Before coming on board with MyTaiwanTour I worked as a travel writer, both for travel-guide giant Lonely Planet and several dozen other smaller publications, periodicals and travel websites. Though my work brought me to many places around the world (Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Belize and all over China, just to name a few), my specialty has generally been writing about urban areas. I have an affinity for cities, and have always said that given 72 hours in any city I can gather enough information to be able to offer sound advice to any first-time traveler. 在加入MyTaiwanTour之前,我曾擔任過旅遊指南領先者Lonely Planet和其他幾家小型出版社,期刊和旅遊網站的旅行作家。儘管我的工作把我帶到了世界各地(台灣,新加坡,馬來西亞,伯利茲和中國各地,僅舉幾例),但我的專業其實在於城市地區的寫作。我對城市有著濃厚的興趣,並且總是說在任何一個城市72小時都可以收集足夠的訊息來讓任何初次旅行者提供合理的建議。 My usual method for getting to know a city is as follows: Before leaving, I do some basic research on the city I’m about to visit. Local history, must-see sights, signature dishes, that sort of thing. Once I hit the ground, I forget 90% of this and get myself purposely lost for as many hours as possible. This is in line not just with Lao Tzu’s maxim about having no fixed goals, but also with that of American writer Lawrence Block, who writes, “Our happiest moments as tourists always seem to come when we stumble upon one thing while in pursuit of something else.” 我通常了解一個新的城市的方法如下:在離開之前,我會對我即將訪問的城市做一些基本研究。當地的歷史,必看的景點,招牌菜等等。一旦我落地,我就忘記了90%,並故意盡可能讓自己迷路和,而且浪費很多時間。這不僅與老子關於沒有固定目標的格言一致,而且與美國作家勞倫斯·布洛克(Lawrence Block)的格言也是一致的,他寫道:“我們最快樂的時刻就是在我們追求某物時偶然發現另一件事情,像遊客一樣。” Lawrence Block is from from New York City, and so am I. Which is as good a segue as any to the subject of City Branding. If I were to walk into a crowded elevator anywhere in the English speaking world singing 勞倫斯·布洛克來自紐約市,我也是。這就讓我們連續到下一個話題:城市品牌。 如果我在講英語的任何國家走進擁擠的電梯唱這首歌: Start Spreading the news… I’m leaving today… I wanna be a part of it… And then point to someone at random, chances are better than average that they’d respond 然後隨便指出一個人,他們應該會回應如下: New York, New York! NYC is easily the most well-branded city on the planet. Barely a day goes by in Taiwan where I don’t run into at least a couple of people advertising some aspect of my hometown on their clothing, whether it’s a T-shirt bearing the letters NYC, some variation of the city’s iconic skyline, or just the NY Yankees Logo. I’ve had farmers in rural China ask me where I’m from, and when I’ve answered Niǔyuē (New York), they’ve given me the thumbs up and responded Dà píngguǒ! (The Big Apple!) 紐約市很容易成為地球上品牌最好的城市。 在台灣我幾乎每天至少會遇到一些穿著廣告我的家某個方面的衣服, 不管是帶有NYC字母的T卹,紐約城的天際線的某個角度,或 只是紐約洋基標誌。 我曾在中國農村有遇過農民問我從哪裡來,當我用中文回答 “紐約” 的時候,他們給了我大拇指,並回應了”大蘋果!” Not surprisingly, New York City has consistently been one of the world’s top ten most visited cities for decades. While I gave up NYC residency about the same time I came legally of age, I’ve never given up my identity as a New Yorker (or the distinctive accent). 毫不奇怪,紐約市數十年來一直是世界十大旅遊的城市之一。 雖然我早就放 棄紐約市居民”法律上的”身份,我還沒有放棄我作為紐約人的身份(或特殊的口音)。
So, finding myself among esteemed company as one of two keynote speakers at a seminar put on by the Dream Travel Taiwan Alliance (the overarching purpose of which was to share and discuss best practices in international destination marketing and the latest trends in the global tourism industry, specifically as applied to cities looking to develop their own marketability as tourist destinations), I began by speaking about the success that New York has had in branding itself.
因此,我在 “ 讓世界旅人。看見台灣” (Dream Travel Taiwan Alliance) 舉辦的一個研討會上,發現自己是在重大人物之中當主題講師,主要目的是分享和討論國際目旅遊行銷的最佳實踐和全球旅遊業的最新趨勢 ,特別是適用於希望發展和市場化為旅遊目的地的城市),我首先談到紐約在品牌化方面取得的成功. I specifically started with New York, despite the fact that I realize the impossibility of any other city replicating NYC’s formula for success. NYC has so many icons (Times Square, The Statue of Liberty, The Empire State Building, a globally-known song called New York, New York, for god’s sake) that it would be impossible for any city lacking these things to ever be as successful at branding itself as a tourist destination. Or is it? 我特意從紐約開始,儘管我意識到任何其他城市都不可能完全模仿紐約市成功的方式。 紐約市有非常多的標誌(紐約時報廣場,自由女神像,帝國大廈,連還有全世界知名的紐約紐約歌曲),任何缺乏這些東西的城市都不可能成功地把自己塑造成旅遊目的地。 還是呢? First, everything that Singapore does well, it does really well. Great food, great transportation, great nightlife and cool, safe neighborhoods in which to wander. If you’re going to Singapore for those four things, you’re going to have an excellent time. Singapore has fine museums and good shopping, but these are not the things that primarily draw people to visit Singapore. It’s the food, convenience, nightlife and “safely exotic” vibe that brings visitors in by the millions. 首先,新加坡所做好的一切,確實做得很好。 美味的食物,很棒的交通,良好的夜生活和涼爽,安全的街區,令人放心在其中漫步。 如果你要為了 以上的四件事情去新加坡,你會有一個美好的經驗。 新加坡有很好的博物館和很好的購物場所,但這些並不是主要吸引人來新加坡的東西。 主要是食物,方便,夜生活和“安全的異國情調”的氛圍,帶來數百萬的遊客。 Second, and as importantly, Singapore knows how to get the message out about what it does offer. If I were to walk into any elevator in the world and ask random strangers (in their language of course) about Singapore, chances are better than average that they’d respond with some variation of “Great food, safe, clean and easy to get around.” (I doubt the Merlion would even come up.) 其次,同樣重要的是,新加坡知道如何將訊息傳達出去。 如果我要走進世界上任何一台電梯,問任何陌生人(當然是用他們的語言)關於新加坡的話,那麼他們會回應一些“偉大的食物,安全,乾淨,交通方便.” (我懷疑他們會提到魚尾獅。)
I’m of the opinion that, like in the case of Singapore, iconography will not be the most important part in the success of getting the message out about what Taiwan’s cities have to offer travelers. True, Taipei has done pretty well for itself with Taipei 101 (which kind of serves double duty as overall branding icon for Taiwan), but I don’t believe that people visit Taipei specifically to visit Taipei 101. It may be a focus point, and a good symbol, but a visit to Taipei 101 should just be a small part of any Taipei visit.
我認為,像新加坡一樣,在傳達台灣的城市能提供給旅客的好處的時候,地標不會是最重要的部分。 的確,台北在101(台灣整體品牌形象的雙重職責)方面做得相當不錯,但我不相信觀光客為了101而專門去拜訪台北.這可能是一個焦點, 且一個很好的象徵,但是參觀台北101應該只是旅遊台北的一小部分。 Other Taiwanese cities offer their own unique variety of experiences and, like Singapore, defy traditional single-sentence branding. 台灣的其他城市也有自己獨特的體驗,也像新加坡一樣不符合傳統的 “單句品牌化。”
Tainan (where the meeting was held) is a hotbed of culture – not just traditional Han Chinese culture, but a sort of new, hipster culture with a vibrant nightlife featuring artist-run coffee shops and collectives in winding cobblestone alleys built during the Qing dynasty. (Not for nothing is one of the chapters of my upcoming book called “Tainan is the Portland of Taiwan”.)
台南(會議的地點)是一個文化焦點,不僅是傳統的漢族文化,而且是一種新興的時髦文化,擁有充滿活力的夜生活,藝術家經營的咖啡店和聚集體在清朝修建的鵝卵石小巷。 (順便提一下, 我即將出版的“台南是台灣的波特蘭”書的其中一個章節是關於這個) I spent a most excellent week in Taichung earlier this year, visiting world-class museums, art parks, restaurants and night markets. I also went scuba diving in a hotel in the middle of the city. (Google “Dive Cube Hotel Taichung” for more info on this most unique venue, a hotel with an 18-meter-deep scuba diving pool). 今年早些時候,我在台中度過了一個非常好的一周,參觀世界級的博物館,藝術公園,餐館和夜市。 我也在市中心的一家酒店去潛水。 (去谷歌:“台中潛水立方酒店”了解更多有關這個最獨特場地的資料,一家擁有18米深潛水游泳池的酒店)。 Kaohsiung, which many international visitors have traditionally seen as a place to pass through on the way to Kenting, is working to brand itself as a sort of slower-paced Taipei, an international harbor city with art, music and culture, not to mention amazing temples and superlative food. I spent several days there earlier this year and found it to be all that and more. Still, I’d be hard pressed to summarize this into a single sentence, let alone an icon – besides that hotel with the two legs (and maybe the Love River). 高雄,一個許多國際遊客被視為去墾丁必經過的地方,正在努力將自身品牌作為一種節奏慢台北的國際港口城市,藝術,音樂和文化,更何況驚人寺廟和最高級的食物。今年早些時候,我在那邊待了好幾天,發現它真的是這樣子, 還有更多。儘管如此,我還是很難把以上所說的總結成一句話,更不用說一個地標- 除了那個有兩條腿的酒店(也許愛河)。 And this may be for the best. To paraphrase another speaker at the seminar (one whose finger was firmly on the pulse of current travel trends), today’s travel trends are increasingly being shaped by millennials, and millennials are increasingly looking for experiences matching their own interests and passions, rather than some great collective consciousness’ idea of what a vacation should be. Taiwan’s cities offer a vast array of experiences catering to a wide variety of interests. Though this wide appeal makes Taiwan’s cities difficult to “summarize”, it make them way more worth visiting. 這可能是最好的情形。我套用在研討會上的另一位發言人的話:(一個非常了解當前的旅遊潮流趨勢),今天的旅遊趨勢日益受到千禧狀,千禧一代越來越多人尋找配自己的興趣和愛好的經驗,而不是一些 “偉大集體” 認為怎麼樣才是渡假。 台灣的城市提供廣泛的經驗,迎合各種各樣的利益。雖然這個廣泛的呼籲使台灣的城市難以“總結”,但這讓它們更值得一看。 It’s just a question of getting the message out. And New York City boy though I am, my advice to my friends in charge of doing this is to look to Singapore for inspiration. Until next week, Joshua Samuel Brown Editor in Chief, MyTaiwanTour 這只是一個讓消息傳播出來的問題。 儘管我是紐約市的男孩,但我對負責這個工作的朋友的建議是: 向新加坡尋求靈感。 直到下週,喬舒亞·薩繆爾·布朗 (Joshua Samuel Brown) MyTaiwanTour主編 (Branding Taiwan’s Cities 品牌化台灣的城市) originally ran at the MyTaiwanTour Journal. All photos and text posted in the above blog were taken from https://www.mytaiwantour.com/blog/. Follow this link for more stories like this one! Visiting Taiwan? Let MyTaiwanTour help curate your experience. Find them online at https://www.mytaiwantour.com/ (Branding Taiwan’s Cities 品牌化台灣的城市)最初跑在MyTaiwanTour學報。 https://www.mytaiwantour.com/blog/. 點擊此鏈接獲得更多這樣的故事! 拜訪台灣? 讓MyTaiwanTour幫助策劃你的經驗。 通過 https://www.mytaiwantour.com/ Be sure to like, share and comment below! 記得按讚, 分享和在下面留言! |
Author 作家I am an American expat who has extensive experience living, working, and traveling in Taiwan. In my day, I had to learn many things about Taiwan the hard way. But I have come to learn that Taiwan is one of the best places in the world for Foreigners to live. This blog does not represent the opinions of every foreigner in Taiwan. I am just trying to help others learn more about this beautiful country. Categories