Songshan Brick Factory Smokestack 松山磚廠烟囪
History: Of the many smokestacks that once covered Nangang, only 3 remain standing, and there is another which is highly damaged. The first smokestack I will talk about is not very well known at all. In fact I only found one blog that mentions it, calling it "南港繁華的磚廠遺址," and there is also a facebook page that someone created for it, which has a pretty good history of the place. This factory is still in use as a banana field/garage. 歷史: 曾經覆蓋南港的煙囪中,只剩下3個,還有一被破損的煙囪。 我會說的第一個煙囪根本不是很有名。 其實我只找到一個提到它的部落格,稱它為“南港繁華的磚廠遺址”,還有人為它創建的Facebook頁面,這個頁面有很好的地方歷史。 這家工廠目前有香蕉場/車庫的作用。 To paraphrase from the Facebook page, the kiln was one of many brick kilns in the surrounding neighborhoods. After the tea industry began to decline in Nangang, brick making became the mainstay for the area. Clay was harvested from what is now Songshan station, which was ideal for brick making. There were smokestacks pretty much everywhere (making for terrible air quality), and pretty everyone that lived at what is now the border between Nangang an Songshan was involved in the brick making process in some way. There were roughly 50 workers at each brick kiln, earning roughly 200 NT a day. At the time, the brick kiln had the most advanced technology available and could produce 18,000-20,000 bricks a day! The quality was especially fine at the Bagua kiln (across the street from this one, now destroyed). The bricks from that kiln were crack resistant, and some were used in what is now the presidential office building in Taipei. 從Facebook的頁面來解釋,這個窯是周圍社區的眾多磚窯之一。 南港茶業開始衰落後,製磚成為該地區的中流砥柱。 從現在的松山車站收穫粘土,這是製磚的理想選擇。 幾乎到處都是煙囪(造成可怕的空氣質量),而那些生活在南港和松山之間邊界的每一個人,都以某種方式參與了製磚的過程。 每座磚窯大約有50名工人,每天能掙大約200新台幣。 當時,磚窯擁有最先進的技術,每天可以生產1.8萬到2萬塊磚! 八卦窯的質量特別好(與現在的馬街隔街相望)。 那個窯裡的磚頭是抗裂的,有的被用在現在的台北總統辦公樓裡。 As environmental regulations tightened and demand for bricks decreased, the factory decided to shut down in 1971. After that, the kiln went back to nature, and the owner filled the kiln in with garbage and rubble. The Taipei City government wanted to make the brick kiln into a historical building, but the owner of the kiln did not want to. To escape the city's grasp, he even destroyed the Bagua kiln across the street. In the end the owner got away with it because he owned the property. 隨著環保法規的緊縮和對磚塊的需求下降,工廠決定在1971年關閉。之後,窯爐回歸自然,窯主用垃圾和瓦礫填滿了窯爐。 台北市政府想把磚窯變成一座歷史悠久的建築,但窯主並不想。 為了逃離城市,他甚至摧毀了馬路對面的八卦窯。 所有者最終因為擁有這個財產而逃走了。 My Visit: This place was actually so hard to find that I came across it by accident having nothing to go on but a picture from the former blog. The smokestack itself is not that prominent either because it is hid in the middle of a bunch of buildings. 我的拜訪: 這個地方實在是太難找了,我偶然發現了這個地方,而是從前一個博客的圖片。 煙囪本身並不突出,因為它藏在一堆建築物的中間。
After the ROC took control of Taiwan in 1945, the government designated Taipei's Nangang (南港) as an industrial district. At this time, the brick making and coal mining industries were starting to wind down, and other industries such as chemical plants, tire factories, fertilizer, and others were taking off. A forest of Smokestacks covered the area, and and because of this Nangang was known as Black Town “黑鄉.” For a view of what the old Nangang looked like, click here.
1945年中華民國控制台灣後,政府指定台北市南港區為工業區,此時製磚業和煤礦業開始放緩,其他行業如化工廠,輪胎廠 ,化肥等正在起飛,煙霧繚繞的森林覆蓋了該地區,因此南港被稱為“黑鄉”。為了了解南港古老的風貌,請點擊這裡。
Do you see the brick kiln? Look again.
你看到磚窯嗎? 再看一遍。
This historic brick kiln is now hidden on the side of a busy road and is now covered in bushes. If you didn't know what you were looking for, it could easily be mistaken as a brick wall or a mound of dirt.
After discovering the brick factory, I decided to investigate the smokestack first. 這座歷史悠久的磚窯現在隱藏在繁忙的道路邊,現在被灌木叢覆蓋。 如果你不知道你在找什麼,可能很容易被誤認為是磚牆或土堆。 發現磚廠後,我決定先調查煙囪。
In order to get to the base, I had to walk behind some houses in the alley behind the smokestack. I found much garbage. I think this has something to do with the recycling plant next door.
為了到達烟囪,我不得不走在煙囪後面胡同後面的一些房屋後面。 我發現很多垃圾。 我認為這與隔壁的回收工廠有關。
And there it is, the smokestack base in all its glory. Obviously completely out of use.
在那裡,它是所有榮耀的煙囪底下。 顯然完全不能使用。
Someone had made the old brick factory into their own private garage/storage.
If you look closely you can see the opening to the brick kiln, and apparently it has been filled in with rubble. I then began to investigate the brick kiln itself.
如果仔細觀察,可以看到磚窯的開口,顯然已經被瓦礫填滿了。 然後我開始調查磚窯本身。
From the road, I climbed on top of the brick kiln to the banana field above. You would never notice you're on a brick kiln except for the square holes in the ground.
從路上,我爬上磚窯頂到上面的香蕉場。 除了地面的方孔之外,你永遠不會注意到你正在磚窯上。
I then decided to get a view of the smokestack from the other side.
From this angle, I could see no opening at the bottom of the smokestack, which I thought was interesting.
從這個角度,我看不到煙囪底部的開口,我認為這很有趣。 After I went home, I searched the factory using some old maps on the Center for GIS research on the Acadamia Cinica website. Here is a video compiling areal photos of the brick kiln over time: 回家後,我在中研院網站的GIS研究中心使用了一些舊地圖搜索工廠。 下面是一段時間內磚窯的面積照片:
You may notice that there were once two brick kilns and smokestacks next to each other. The brick kiln on the left of the image, Bagua Kiln, has been torn down by the owner, apparently to not have to deal with the property becoming a historical building. All that remains now is an asphalt lot (pictured below). However next to the asphalt lot is a historical residence (dating back to the Bagua kiln) that is still lived in today.
你可能會注意到有兩座磚窯和煙囪相鄰。 圖像左側的磚窯八卦窯已被業主拆除,顯然不需要處理該物業成為歷史建築。 現在剩下的就是一個瀝青堆(如下圖)。 然而,旁邊的瀝青地段是一個歷史悠久的住宅(可追溯到八卦窯),現在仍然住在這裡。
So basically, the owner is a selfish guy who would rather tear down his historical property making it worthless, than preserving for the city and its citizens to enjoy. The lot now just sits there, not even as a parking lot, just an empty asphalt lot.
所以,基本上,主人是一個自私的人,寧願把自己的歷史財產拆毀,也不願為城市和公民享受。 現在只是坐在那裡,甚至不是一個停車場,只是一個空的瀝青地段。
As of 2024, the brick kiln smokestack is still up.
They have also made some brick kiln designs on the levee.
There is also a brick kiln themed restaurant near the empty lot.
I highly recommend visiting to get in touch with the local history and culture.
Nangang Tire Factory Smokestack 南港輪胎公司煙囪 By the 1950s after coal mining and the brick industry had begun to slow down, Nangang was designated as an industrial district for tires, fertilizer, flower, chemicals, and other industries. Taiwan’s first tire factory, the old Nangang tire factory built in 1959 (which is now an empty lot between Civic Blvd. and Nangang Road) used to have very prominent smokestack that was later designated as a historical building, but was torn down recently. 到二十世紀五十年代,煤炭開采和磚業開始放緩後,南鋼被指定為輪胎,化肥,花卉,化工等行業的工業區。 台灣第一家輪胎廠,1959年建成的舊南崗輪胎廠(現在是市民大道和南港路之間的一個空地)曾經有一個非常突出的煙囪,後來被指定為歷史建築,但最近被拆除。
In its prime, the tire factory was the economic center of Nangang. All that remains of the factory and smokestack now is a small stub in the ground part of an empty lot. There are still many tire stores, bus depots, car repair shops, car rental shops, car sales outlets, as well as driver’s education courses in Nangang. These remnants from an older time seem now to clash with the modern developments in Nangang.
輪胎廠在巔峰時期是南港的經濟中心。 現在工廠和煙囪裡剩下的只剩下一小塊土地的一小部分了。 南崗還有很多輪胎店,汽車站,汽車修理店,汽車出租店,汽車銷售點以及駕訓班。 這些舊時代的殘餘現在似乎與南港的現代事態發展相衝突。
Areal view of the destroyed smokestack.
The entire factory has been leveled into a brown lot, apparently to make way for a shopping mall that so no signs of construction.
The fence around the lot blew down after a typhoon one day, giving us a rare glimpse inside (faint rainbow in the background).
As of 2024, the Nangang Tire Factory Smokestack has been moved near the new high-rise across from Taipei Music Center, and a new column has been built. I think this is because it was named a historic monument and they have to preserve it. It should be opened to the public soon.
There is also a Nangang Tire Factory ad on the new high-rise.
After visiting the tire factory plot and taking pictures, I noticed that the original smokestack rested in the center of the the lot, not on the side where it rests today. Proof of this can be found in historical aerial photos: 在參觀完輪胎廠區並拍攝照片之後,我發現原來的煙囪停留在地塊的中心,而不是停在今天的那一邊。 這個證據可以在歷史航空照片中找到:
The Nangang Tire Factory Smokestack was listed as a historical building at one time, so it is surprising that is was torn down, and then moved. I am guessing the only reason that one small part of the smokestack still exists on the property is because it was listed as a historical building, so they couldn't destroy "all" of it, or something. I don't know.
南港輪胎廠煙囪一度被列為歷史建築,被拆遷後感到驚訝。 我猜測,房子裡一小撮煙囪依然存在的唯一原因,是因為它被列為歷史建築,所以它們不能摧毀它的“全部”,或者什麼東西。 我不知道。
Liberty Factory Smokestack in Nangang 利百代南港工廠烟囪
The third smokestack I will discuss in Nangang is the Liberty Factory smokestack, which sits in the middle of the Liberty stationary factory. This smokestack is not very obvious to the average passerby, and is not open to the public. 我將在南港討論的第三個煙囪是位於自由固定工廠中間的自由工廠煙囪。 這個煙囪對普通路人來說不是很明顯,不對公眾開放。
Liberty is a popular stationary brand in Taiwan, and their Nangang factory hires quite a few employees. I'm not saying that I actually investigated this smokestack, but there may have been a time when the security guard was on his dinner break and perhaps I got a peek inside. I did not take any photographs, but I could see that the smokestack is still connected to the stationary factory. Whether it is still in use or not I do not know, but I doubt that it is.
利百代是台灣頗受歡迎的固定品牌,南港工廠聘用了不少員工。 我並不是說我調查過這個煙囪,但是可能有一段時間,當保安人員在他的晚餐休息時間,也許我在裡面窺視。 我沒有拍攝任何照片,但我可以看到煙囪仍然連接到固定工廠。 不管它是否還在使用我都不知道,但是我懷疑它是不是。
The entrance to the factory. Perhaps you have seen their products before?
工廠的入口。 也許你以前看過他們的產品?
Jaguar Land Rover Smokestack 路虎和捷豹車煙囪
The fourth smokestack in Nangang is perhaps the hardest to find. It lies in the guarded parking lot behnd the Jaguar and Land Rover car dealerships on Nangang Road, very much not open to the public. Seeing as there are guards there 24/7 with no breaks protecting the vehicles in the overflow parking lot, I have no further information regarding this smokestack. 南港的第四個煙囪也許是最難找到的。 在南港路的捷豹和路虎汽車經銷店裡,有一個守衛的停車場,非常不開放。 看到那裡有警衛24/7沒有休息地保護在溢出停車場車輛,我沒有關於這煙囪進一步的信息。 Model Smokestack Preservation: Huashan 1914 Creative Park Smokestack 保護烟囪的好典範:華山1914文化創意產業園區烟囪 The next smokestack I will discuss is actually in Zhongzheng District, Taipei, but it is a great example of how Nangang should be preserving its past. Huashan 1914 Park in Taipei was originally a wine factory, built in 1914 (as its name suggests). The smokestack itself was built in1931 and was used to fuel the heat needed for the distillery. In the late 90's, early 2000's, a few artists discovered the well-preserved abandoned spaces that the distillery provided and started to hold private performances there. Later the place became more and more popular, and eventually the government decided to turn the place into a creative park. 我將要討論的下一個煙囪實際上是在台北中正區,但它是南港如何保存過去的一個很好的例子。 華山1914文化創意產業園區是一座建於1914年的酒廠(顧名思義)。 煙囪本身建於1931年,用於燃燒酒廠所需的熱量。 九十年代末,二十年代初,一些藝術家發現了酒廠提供的保存完好的廢棄空間,並開始在那裡舉辦私人表演。 後來這個地方越來越受歡迎,最終政府決定把這個地方變成一個創意園。
The smokestack sits on the west side of the park, with no signs or explanations to tell you what its purpose was.
Fuel loading door. 燃料裝載門。
Gauges and pipes perhaps connecting to the distillery.
Huashan park might do a better job at preserving the surrounding buildings than the actual smokestack, but it is still leaps and bound ahead of all efforts in Nangang.
華山公園在保存周邊建築物方面可能比實際的煙囪還要好,但在南港的努力之中還是要有所突破。 Although technological innovation and new development projects are exciting (such as the new exhibition centers, City Link, CTBC building, and music hall), I feel that Nangang is neglecting its rich historic past. Many historic buildings are sitting in decay without a way for the public to appreciate them. Other historic sites, such as the Nangang tire factory smokestack have been completely demolished. I hope that in the future Nangang can continue to develop, but not wipe out its own past in the process. The scattered and scarce historical sites that still remain in Nangang should be protected, refurbished, and opened for future generations to enjoy. The District should take Huashan Creative park as an example, and use these historic sites for the public's value and well being, and not let them sit in decay, or worse, destroy them. 雖然技術創新和新開發項目令人興奮(如新展覽中心,城市連接,CTBC大廈,音樂廳),但我覺得南港忽略了其悠久的歷史。 許多歷史悠久的建築正在衰敗中,沒有一種方法讓公眾去欣賞它們。 南港輪胎廠煙囪等其他歷史遺跡已全部拆除。 我希望今後的南鋼能夠繼續發展,而不是在這個過程中抹去自己的過去。 仍然留在南崗的零星稀缺的歷史遺跡應該得到保護,翻新,開放供後人享用。 該區應以華山創意園為例,將這些歷史遺跡用於公眾的價值和福祉,不要讓它們坐在頹廢中,或者更糟糕的是摧毀它們。 You can also look for more activities in Taipei such as Rock Climbing, Surfing, Speedboat Surfing, Diving, Snorkeling, Cooking Class, Glamping, Motorcycling, and more on Klook here or KKday here. You can get a 20% discount on the Taiwan High Speed Rail to Nangang on Klook here or KKday here. Check out our full guide to Nangang here. Check out our Taipei Museum Guide here. Also be sure to check out our full guide to Taipei here. You can also check out our full travel guide to Taiwan here.
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Author 作家I am an American expat who has extensive experience living, working, and traveling in Taiwan. In my day, I had to learn many things about Taiwan the hard way. But I have come to learn that Taiwan is one of the best places in the world for Foreigners to live. This blog does not represent the opinions of every foreigner in Taiwan. I am just trying to help others learn more about this beautiful country. Categories
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