Many people lately have been complaining about being cut off while riding a bike or dealing with pedestrians in bike lanes. But what are the laws currently for bicycles in Taipei? What should you know about getting in a bicycle accident in Taiwan? One can search, but the most crucial info is in Chinese. Below we have provided our personal experience, a summary Taiwan bicycle laws, as well as an appendix of the fully translated Taipei/Taiwan bicycle laws for you.
□ Planning your trip to Taiwan? □ Here are some top travel tips for you:
Looking for bicycle rentals in Taiwan? You can search on KKday here and search for tours on Klook here. You can also check out our Taiwan cycling guide here. Cycling is the best way to enjoy Taiwan's landscapes if you have the time and energy. Looking for bicycle rentals in Taiwan? You can use Taiwan's many Youbike sharing stations, or search for rentals on KKday here, and search for tours on Klook here. You can also check out our Taiwan cycling guide here. ​You can also book a Sunset Riverside Bike Ride and Historical Tour, 4 Hour Cycling in Taipei, Ultimate 8-Hour Cycling City Tour, or Taipei City Bike Tour with Night Market Experience on TripAdvisor here. For more information, check out our Taiwan transportation guide here. My Experience riding a bicycle in Taipei First I would like to share my experiences with all of you. I have been riding a bicycle in Taipei for over six years now, and I have seen my fair share of accidents. I have collided with people opening their car doors, I have collided with other cyclists, had near misses with busses, and I have collided with bushes, the road, and pedestrians. A few weeks ago, I collided with a woman as we were both trying to cross the street during the green light for a pedestrian crosswalk. She walked out from behind a bus and I did not have enough time to react. My shoulder caught her arm, and she spun around and fell to the ground, while I continued forward. We both were at fault. I crossed the street from the main road, and she was not walking on the crosswalk. In the end, the police came, made a police report, and she was taken to the hospital for a fractured elbow. I tried to offer money for her medical costs, but she refused. She could have sued me for more money but she didn't because she is a nice person. But things could have gone much, much worse. From this experience, I have some basic advice for foreigners riding in Taiwan, especially if you plan on riding in Taiwan long term: Words of advice:
Looking for a hotel? Find out where to stay in our Taiwan hotels guide or search for the best hotels in Taiwan here.
Bicycle Rules in English
The following information was found in the Laws and Regulations Database of the Republic of China: Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act (道路交通管理處罰條例) : Road Traffic Safety Regulations (道路安全規則): The relevant articles for bicycles are contained in the Road Traffic Safety Regulations, Articles 69-131. I have copied relevant articles from this section, but because this is really long, I have put some of the most interesting parts first here below with commentary: Summary of Findings: When Should Bicycles Yield? According to article 124, slow moving vehicles (bicycles) have to yield to everything on the road, including people and objects. Also, they should also stay on the right side of the road. Article 124: Before driving, the driver should pay attention to whether there are obstacles, vehicles, pedestrians, and should yield to pedestrians and other vehicles. When driving, drivers should follow the road traffic signs, markings, instructions, and be subject to traffic controller’s commands. When driving on a road, drivers should follow the marked signs or provisions of the road; if there are no signs or markings, drivers should follow the provisions below:
Bicycle Path Rules: According to article 124-1, bicycle paths in cities still give precedent to pedestrians. In other words, you must yield to pedestrians when travelling on bike paths. Sorry. Article 124-1: The competent authority of the road, the urban road authority or the police authority may, without blocking traffic or compromising safety, make a slow vehicle path on sidewalks and set the necessary signs or markings for slow travel. Slow vehicles should follow these lines on the path, and should give priority to pedestrians. Pedestrians and Buses: According to article 126, bikers should yield to pedestrians even when they J-walk. Also, much to my chagrin, bikes are always supposed to yield to buses, even to the point of stopping at an intersection for them. Article 126: When pedestrians are crossing the road, with or without traffic controllers, Drivers should let pedestrians to pass first. When traveling with buses or other mass transit vehicles, when approaching have turn signal sound or light, slow vehicles shall change lanes in accordance with regulations and give priority to these vehicles. Slow vehicles are prohibited from closely following or approaching, except where otherwise provided by the competent authority of the road. Need travel insurance? Compare prices on Insubuy here. Bicycle Parking: According to article, 131 bikes can only be parked in designated parking spots with signs or painted lines. They can park in scooter parking. We will see if this changes, as with the onslaught of Obike Mayer Ke promised he would change these regulations. We will keep you updated with any developments. 2021 Update: Obikes and similar bicycle ride share programs are now a non-issue. In 2017 and 2018, Obike went out of business and most of the bikes were recycled or thrown away. If only their bikes didn't disintegrate into a pile of rust when exposed to the elements... Article 131: Slow moving vehicles cannot be parked unconditionally. Vehicles shall be parked in specified places or within the line markings, and park in an orderly line. In places where bicycle parking facilities are not provided, bicycles may park in motorcycle parking, but may not park in parking designated for cars or heavy motorcycles. If you need help obtaining a visa to Taiwan, you can use You can also book Wifi and SIM cards for Taiwan on Gigago here. Concluding Remarks: The rules for pedestrians and buses are reasonable, but I don't think anyone follows bicycle parking rules, and few people ever get fined. Many people also run red lights or ride in the wrong direction without getting caught. Bicycle laws are so unenforced that it is laughable. I mean, you can't go up to every grandpa in the park and tell him he parked his bike in the wrong place. Taiwan's local governments need to act quickly to improve enforcement of these regulations. For the full translated version of Taipei bike laws, see below. Otherwise please like and share below!
Appendix: Full Translated Bike Laws:
Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act (道路交通管理處罰條例) : Below we have combined the existing English translation (articles 63-90) of the road traffic management and penalty Act with our own translation of articles 90-126. I have left the original Chinese just in case someone thinks I did a poor translation. Well, it's not the most smooth translation, and should be used for reference only, but the main points are all laid out. Enjoy! Chapter III Slow-moving Vehicles Article 69 Slow-moving vehicles are classified and defined as follows: 1. Bicycle: 1) Pedal-powered bicycle 2) Electric power-auxiliary bicycle: a type of approved two-wheeled vehicle that is powered mainly by human exercise and with electric assistance has a maximum speed of 25 km/hr or less and weighs 40 kg or less. 3) Electric bicycle: a type of approved two-wheeled vehicle that is powered mainly by electricity, has a maximum speed of 25 km/hr or less, and weighs 40 kg or less (not including battery). 2. Slow-moving vehicles with three wheels or more: 1) Human-driven vehicles: with three wheels or more, carrying passengers or goods, or a vehicle that is pulled or pushed by a human. 2) Animal-driven vehicle: a vehicle pulled by cattle, horses, etc. Should a slow-moving vehicle of three wheels or more be operated on roads without applying for registration with the municipal, county, or city government, the driver shall be fined NT$300 and prohibited from continuing driving. Regulations regarding the registrations, issuing licenses, and management for said slow-moving vehicles in the preceding paragraph shall be determined by the municipal, county, or city governments. Article 69-1 All electric power-auxiliary bicycles and electric bicycles shall be inspected, apply for safety approval and be labeled with a certificate of approval before being operated on roads. Regulations regarding matters such as testing criteria, testing methods, type approval procedure, conformity of production, qualifications for application, period of validity for approval certificates, auditing, supervision and administration for the inspection detailed in the previous paragraph shall be determined by the MOTC. The MOTC may authorize professional vehicle technology research institutes to deal with such manners. Article 70 Slow-moving vehicles after being declared disqualification and prohibited from riding and still being operated shall be confiscated and decomposed. Article 71 Should a driver of a slow-moving vehicle operate it without carrying a license with him/her, the vehicle owner shall be fined NT$180. Article 72 Should a slow-moving vehicle be altered without permission, or its safety equipment such as brakes, bells, lights, or reflective devices are not kept intact and in good condition, the vehicle’s owner shall be fined NT$180 and be required to install such equipment or make corrections. Article 73 In the event of any of the following, the driver of a slow-moving vehicle shall be fined from NT$300 to NT$600: 1. Operating without legitimate reason outside the designated slow-moving vehicle lanes or failing to keep right on roadways without designated slow-moving vehicle lanes. 2. Operating not on the designated route or not at the designated time period. 3. Failing to follow regulations when turning, overtaking, parking, or crossing an intersection. 4. Competing on the right of way, racing on roadways, or operating the vehicle in any other dangerous manner. 5. Failing to turn on lights when driving at night. 6. While driving a vehicle, using a mobile phone, a computer or other devices with similar features to dial, receive calls, exchange mobile data, or any behavior that impairs driving safety. 7. Sampling alcohol levels exceeding the maximum tolerate standards. Drivers of slow-moving vehicles refusing tests outlined in Paragraph 7 above shall be fined NT$1,200. Article 74 In the event of any of the following, the driver of a slow-moving vehicle shall be fined from NT$300 to NT$600: 1. Failing to obey the directions made by traffic police officers; or failing to follow the instructions indicated by signs, markings, or signals. 2. Failing to follow the traffic direction on a slow-moving vehicle lane. 3. Failing to follow the regulations to cross over fast-moving vehicle lanes. 4. Parking in violation of regulations. 5. Riding on sidewalks or fast-moving vehicle lanes. 6. Failing to pull over upon hearing the sirens of fire trucks, police cars, ambulances, rescue vehicles, or emergency response vehicles for a toxic chemical substance disaster or accident. 7. Failing to yield to pedestrians when crossing a pedestrian crosswalk or turning at an intersection. 8. Failing to yield to pedestrians on walkways indicated by signs or markings to allow slow-moving vehicles to drive. 9. Failing to pull over or closely following upon hearing or seeing mass rapid transit system vehicles closing as their alarms sound or warning lights flash. Article 75 In the event of any of the followings provided in all subparagraphs of Article 54 concerning operating a slow moving vehicle at railroad crossings, the driver of a slow-moving vehicle shall be fined from NT$1,200 to NT$2,400. Article 76 In the event of any of the following while carrying passengers or goods, the driver of a slow-moving vehicle shall be fined from NT$300 to NT$600: 1. Exceeding the number of passengers allowed. 2. Exceeding the weight limit for goods or carrying goods exceeding the limits of the vehicle body. 3. Carrying goods easy for leaking, scattering, and spraying odors; or hazardous materials without tightly sealed or properly packed. 4. Carrying poultry or livestock that are piled up or placed upside down. 5. Carrying goods that have not been well secured. 6. Failing to pull over to the side when loading or unloading passengers or goods, thereby impeding traffic. 7. Pulling other vehicles or being pulled by other vehicles. Article 82-1 Abandoned vehicles occupying roadways shall be cleaned away by their owners within a designated time period upon notification by police authority after being reported by the general public, the police authorities, or the competent environmental protection authorities. Should the vehicle owner fail to clean the vehicle within the designated time period, be unable to notify, or the owner can not be identified, the vehicle shall be removed by the competent environmental protection authority or by a contracted private organization, and the vehicle’s owner shall be responsible for the corresponding removing and storage fees. Should the vehicle remain unclaimed for 1 month after public announcement, said vehicle shall be dealt with as a waste by said competent environmental protection authority according to laws. Regulation regarding the definition of a abandoned vehicle as described in the previous paragraph and measures concerning how said vehicle is reported and handled shall be determined by the MOTC in conjunction with the MOI, the Ministry of Justice, and the Environment Protection Administration, Executive Yuan. The removal and storage fees shall be determined by the municipal, county, or city governments. Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions Article 85 Should the recipient of a citation as detailed by this Act for a violation of road traffic regulations, if he/she claims another party should take the responsibility, he/she shall provide relevant evidence or proving documents and report to the charging authority before the final reporting date listed on the notification of the road traffic violation. Upon receiving the claim the charging authority shall then send a notification to the accused party and ask the party to report to the charging authority. Should he/she fail to do so in the prescribed time period, he/she shall be charged for the violation of the provisions as detailed in this Act. Should a vehicle license plates be suspended or revoked according to this Act, that punishments can not be exempted because of ownership transfer, pledging, leasing, closing contract of said vehicle. All items confiscated as detailed in this Act shall be executed without asking whether they belong to the accused party. Should the parties be directly cited or collectively punished for violations of this Act, said parties are presumed to be responsible for such violations. Article 85-4 Should a person with the age of 14 or younger and violate the regulations provided by this Act, punishments shall be imposed on said person’s legal representatives or guardians. Article 90 Behaviors in violation of this Act shall not be subjected to be accused if it is more than 3 months after the violating behavior has occurred, or it is a continuous behavior in violation of this Act shall not be subject to be reported if it is more than 3 months after the violating behavior has ended. However, in the event of an accident involving injuries or deaths for which the responsibilities cannot be determined and for which investigations have begun, the calculation for the aforementioned 3 month period shall begin from the day on which the investigations have been closed. Article 90-1 Drivers of slow-moving vehicles or pedestrians who fail to take road traffic safety lessons in accordance with regulations shall be fined from NT$600 to NT$1,200. Sources: Translation of Articles 119-131 of the Road Traffic Safety Regulations (道路安全規則)道路交通安全規則第 119 條 慢車不得擅自變更裝置,並應保持煞車、鈴號、燈光及反光裝置等安全設 備之良好與完整。 電動輔助自行車及電動自行車之安全設備,應符合電動輔助自行車及電動 自行車安全檢測基準 三輪以上慢車,其安全設備應符合直轄市、縣(市)政府依道路交通管理 處罰條例第六十九條第三項授權另定之管理辦法規定。 慢車擅自加裝補助引擎或馬達行駛者,依汽車之拼裝車輛處理。 Slow vehicles cannot change the equipment without permission, and should keep brakes, bells, lighting and reflective devices and other security facilities good and complete. Electric bicycles and electric bicycle safety equipment, should be consistent with electric assisted bicycles and electric bicycle safety detection benchmarks. Three or more wheeled slow vehicles should have safety equipment consistent with municipalities, county (city) government by road traffic management regulations. Punishment Ordinance Article 69, paragraph 3, authorizes separate management regulations. Slow vehicles that add an engine or motor will be dealt with according to car vehicle regulations. 第 120 條 慢車駕駛人有下列情事之一者,不得駕駛或推拉車輛: 一、患有妨害作業之疾病。 二、心智缺陷或體力不能對所駕車輛為正常之控制。 三、精神失常。 四、飲用酒類或其他類似物後其吐氣所含酒精濃度達每公升○‧一五毫克 或血液中酒精濃度達百分之○‧○三以上。 慢車行駛於道路時,駕駛人不得以手持方式使用行動電話、電腦或其他相 類功能裝置進行撥接、通話、數據通訊或其他有礙駕駛安全之行為。 Drivers of slow moving vehicles cannot drive or push the vehicle under the following circumstances: 1. Suffering from disease caused by injury. 2. Mental disability or lack in physical strength causes abnormal control of the vehicle. 3. People with mental disorders. 4. After drinking alcohol, the exhalation contains an alcohol concentration of 0.1 to 15 milligrams per liter, or alcohol concentration in the blood of more than .03 percent. 5. When driving on a road, the driver may not use the mobile phone, computer or other devices for dialing, talking, data communication or other behavior that hinders driving safety. 第 121 條 (刪除) 第 122 條 慢車之裝載,應依下列規定: 一、自行車不得附載坐人,載物高度不得超過駕駛人肩部,重量不得超過 二十公斤,長度不得伸出前輪,並不得伸出車後一公尺,寬度不得超 過車把手。 二、三輪客車載客不得超過二人。 三、三輪貨車載重不得超過五百公斤,高度不得超過駕駛人肩部,寬度不 得伸出車身兩側,長度不得伸出車後二公尺。並不得附載乘客。 四、手拉(推)貨車載重不得超過一千公斤,高度自地面起不得超過二. 五公尺,寬度不得伸出車身兩側,連同載物全長不得超過四公尺。 五、獸力行駛車輛載重不得超過二千公斤,高度自地面起不得超過二.五 公尺,寬度不得伸出車身兩側,載物全長不得超過四公尺。 六、裝載容易滲漏、飛散、有惡臭氣味及危險性之貨物,應予嚴密封固或 適當裝置。 七、裝載禽獸不得重疊或倒置。 八、裝載貨物應捆紮結實。 The payload of slow moving vehicles shall be as follows: 1. The bike cannot be attached to the person, the height of the load shall not exceed the driver's shoulder, the weight shall not exceed twenty kilograms, the length may not extend out of the front wheel, and not stretched out one meter after the car, the width shall not exceed handle to handle. 2. Three wheeled slow vehicles shall not exceed two passengers. 3. Three wheeled truck load shall not exceed 500 kilograms, the height shall not exceed the driver's shoulder, the width shall not extend the body on both sides, the length must not reach the car after two meters. And do not attach passengers. 4. Hand pull (push) truck load shall not exceed 1000 kilograms, the height from the ground shall not exceed two, the width shall not extend past 5 meters on both sides of the body, together with the full length of the load shall not exceed four meters. 5. Animal husbandry vehicle loads shall not exceed two thousand kilograms, the height from the ground shall not exceed two meters. Width shall not extend on both sides of the body more than 5 meters, the full length of the load shall not exceed four meters. 6. Loading leaking, scattering, odor and dangerous goods, should be tightly sealed or install appropriate devices. 7. Loading animals may not be placed on top of each other or upside-down. 8. Loading goods should be tied down strong. 第 123 條 慢車上下乘客或裝卸貨物,應緊靠路邊,不得妨礙交通。但公路主管機關 、市區道路主管機關或警察機關對停車之時間、地點有特別規定者,應依 其規定。 Slow vehicles when loading and unloading passenger and unloading cargo, should be close to the roadside, and shall not impede traffic. But the highway authority, urban road authorities or the police authorities may have special provisions on the time and place of parking. 第 124 條 慢車起駛前應注意前後左右有無障礙或車輛行人,並應讓行進中之車輛行 人優先通行。 慢車行駛,應遵守道路交通標誌、標線、號誌之指示,並服從交通指揮人 員之指揮。 慢車行駛之車道,應依標誌或標線之規定行駛;無標誌或標線者,應依下 列規定行駛: 一、應在劃設之慢車道上靠右順序行駛,在未劃設慢車道之道路,應靠右 側路邊行駛。但公路主管機關、市區道路主管機關或警察機關對行駛 地區、路線或時間有特別規定者,應依其規定。 二、單行道道路應在最左、右側車道行駛。 三、不得侵入快車道或人行道行駛。 四、不得在禁止穿越地段穿越道路。 慢車在同一車道行駛時,後車與前車之間應保持隨時可以煞停之距離;變 換車道時,應讓直行車先行,並應注意安全之距離。 慢車行駛時,駕駛人應注意車前狀況及與他車行駛間隔,並隨時採取必要 之安全措施。 Before driving, the driver should pay attention to whether there are obstacles, vehicles, pedestrians, and should yield to pedestrians and other vehicles. When driving, drivers should follow the road traffic signs, markings, instructions, and be subject to traffic controller’s commands. When driving on a road, drivers should follow the marked signs or provisions of the road; if there are no signs or markings, drivers should follow the provisions below:
3. They may not drive in the fast lane or on sidewalks. 4. They may not cross the road if it is prohibited. When driving in the same lane, slow vehicles should keep a safe distance with other vehicles. When changing lanes, drivers should let trains go first, and should pay attention to the safety of their distance. When driving, the driver should pay attention to the situation around their vehicle, and all times take necessary security measures. 第 124-1 條 公路主管機關、市區道路主管機關或警察機關得在不妨礙通行或行車安全 無虞之原則,於人行道設置必要之標誌或標線供慢車行駛。慢車應依標誌 或標線之指示行駛,並應讓行人優先通行。 The competent authority of the road, the urban road authority or the police authority may, without blocking traffic or compromising safety, make a slow vehicle path on sidewalks and set the necessary signs or markings for slow travel. Slow vehicles should follow these lines on the path, and should give priority to pedestrians. 第 125 條 慢車行駛至交岔路口,其行進或轉彎,應依標誌、標線或號誌之規定行駛 ,無標誌、標線或號誌者,應依第一百零二條及下列規定行駛: 一、直行時,應順其遵行方向直線通過,不得蛇行搶先。 二、右轉彎時,應靠右側路邊右轉。但行駛於二車道以上之單行道左側車 道或左側慢車道者,應採兩段方式右轉。 三、左轉彎時,應繞越道路中心處左轉進入規定行駛車道內行進。但行駛 於同向二車道以上之單行道右側車道或右側慢車道者,應依兩段方式 進行左轉。 四、在設有交通島劃分行車方向或快慢車道之道路行駛,不得左轉。 五、應讓行人優先通行。 慢車迴車時,除應依第一百零六條規定外,迴車前並應暫停,看清無來往 車輛,並注意行人通過,始得迴轉。 When travelling to a fork in the road or turn, drivers should follow markings, signs or other provisions while driving. When there are no signs, markings or numbers, then the drivers shall be subject to the provisions of Article 102 and the following: 1. When going straight, they should follow the direction of lines, and not proceed in snakelike fashion. 2. When turning right, they should stay to the right side of the roadside and turn right. But when traveling on the left side of a two lane road or left side of the lane, they should make the two step approach to turn right. 3. When turning left, they should be around the road center turn left or follow the provisions of the driving lane road. But when driving in the same way to the two lanes above the one-way lane on the right lane or the right side of the lane, they should take the two step way to turn left. 4. When there is a traffic island with traffic direction or high speed lane, they may not turn left. 5. They should always yield to pedestrians. When U-turning, except in accordance with the provisions of Article 106, drivers must stop before the U-turn, and only turn if there are no oncoming vehicles or pedestrians. 第 126 條 慢車行經行人穿越道,遇有行人穿越時,無論有無交通指揮人員指揮或號 誌指示,均應暫停讓行人先行通過。 慢車行駛,不得爭先、爭道、並行競駛或以其他危險方式駕駛。 慢車超車時,應在慢車道可容超越前車之處,沿前車左邊超越,再駛入原 行路線。 第二項所稱之其他危險方式駕駛,如包括吸食毒品、迷幻藥、麻醉藥品或 其相類似管制藥品,或服用藥物不能對所駕車輛為正常控制等之駕駛行為 。 慢車行駛於大眾捷運系統車輛共用通行之車道時,聞或見大眾捷運系統車 輛臨近之聲號或燈光時,應即依規定變換車道,避讓其優先通行,並不得 在後跟隨迫近。但道路主管機關另有規定者,不在此限。 When pedestrians are crossing the road, with or without traffic controllers, Drivers should let pedestrians to pass first. Drivers should travel slowly, not to be first, contend with other vehicles, drive parallel or in other dangerous ways with other vehicles. When overtaking another car is overtaking, slow vehicles should be in the slow lane and should leave enough room ahead to pass, and then pass along the left side of the car beyond, and then go back into the original lane. Route of Travel: Other dangerous activities referred to in the second paragraph, such as taking drugs, ecstasy, narcotic drugs or similar controlling drugs, or otherwise substances that impair normal control of driving behavior are prohibited. When traveling with busses or other mass transit vehicles, when approaching have turn signal sound or light, slow vehicles shall change lanes in accordance with regulations and give priority to these vehicles. Slow vehicles are prohibited from closely following or approaching, except where otherwise provided by the competent authority of the road. 第 127 條 慢車不得牽引其他車輛或攀附車輛隨行。 Slow vehicles may not grab onto other vehicles or be towed by other vehicles. 第 128 條 慢車在夜間行駛應開啟燈光。 Slow vehicles should have lights turned on at night. 第 129 條 慢車行駛或停止時,聞消防車、警備車、救護車、工程救險車、毒性化學 物質災害事故應變車之警號,應立即靠道路右側避讓;於單行道應靠道路 兩側避讓。 When driving stopping by, when hearing fire engines, police cars, ambulances, engineering rescue vehicles, or toxic chemicals material disaster accident strain car alarm, drivers should immediately pull off to the right side of the road and yield; if on a one way street they should pull off to either side of the road. 第 130 條 慢車行經鐵路平交道,應依下列規定: 一、鐵路平交道設有遮斷器或看守人員管理者,如警鈴已響、閃光號誌已 顯示或遮斷器已開始放下或看守人員表示停止時,應即靠邊暫停,俟 遮斷器開放或看守人員表示通行後,始得通過。如遮斷器未放下或看 守人員未表示停止時,仍應看、聽鐵路兩方無火車駛來,始得通過。 二、鐵路平交道設有警鈴及閃光號誌者,警鈴已響,閃光號誌已顯示,駕 駛人應靠邊暫停俟火車通過後,看、聽鐵路兩方確無火車駛來始得通 過。如警鈴未響,閃光號誌未顯示,仍應看、聽鐵路兩方確無火車駛 來,始得通過。 三、鐵路平交道無看守人員管理或無遮斷器、警鈴、閃光號誌之設備者, 駕駛人應靠邊暫停,看、聽鐵路兩方無火車駛來時,始得通過。 四、在鐵路平交道上,不得超車、迴車、倒車或臨時停車。 When slow vehicles come across a rail crossing, they should drive in accordance with the following provisions: 1. When coming across railway cross-section breaker or caretaker managers, pay attention to if the alarm has been ring, flashing numbers have been displayed or interrupter has begun to put down or the caretaker said that the stop should be suspended, as soon as when the breaker is open or the caretaker indicates the passage, it is passed. Such as the breaker does not put down or look keep the staff did not mean to stop, should still see, listen to both sides of the railway train without train, had to pass. 2. When coming to a railway cross-section with a bell and flash numbers, the and alarm has been ringing and flash numbers have been shown, the driver should stop by the train. After the train passes, look and listen to the two sides of the railway. If the bell is not ringing, and flash number is not shown, the driver should still look and listen to both sides of the railway train no train and then go through. 3. When the railway level crossing is not put up due to careless management or no fault, and there is no alarm or flash signal from the equipment, the driver should be on the side of the suspension, see, listen to both sides of the railway train. If there is no train then pass. 4. At a railway crossing, slow vehicles may not overtake cars, reverse or temporarily park. 第 130-1 條 慢車行經大眾捷運系統車輛共用通行之交岔路口,除應依標誌、標線或號 誌之指示行駛外,並應遵守下列規定: 一、行至設有聲光號誌之交岔路口,警鈴已響,閃光號誌已顯示,駕駛人 應暫停俟大眾捷運系統車輛通過後,看、聽兩方無大眾捷運系統車輛 駛來,始得通過。 二、行至聲光號誌故障而無交通指揮人員指揮之交岔路口時,駕駛人應暫 停、看、聽兩方無大眾捷運系統車輛駛來,始得通過。 When driving with mass transit system vehicles or buses at forks in the intersection, in addition to signs, marking or numbers, slow vehicles shall comply with the following requirements: 1. When coming to a stoplight at an intersection and the mass transit vehicle turn signal and alarm has been turned on or flashing, drivers should stop and wait for the mass transit system vehicles to pass, listening and looking to both sides to make sure the mass transit system vehicles has passed before they proceed. 2. When coming to an intersection when the stoplight or traffic signal is not working and there is no traffic command personnel, the driver should temporarily stop, look, and listen to both sides of the vehicle. When the mass transit system vehicles has passed, then they can proceed. 第 131 條 慢車不得任意停放,應在規定地點或劃設之標線以內,順序排列。 在未設置自行車停車設施之處所,自行車得比照大型重型機車以外之機車 停放。 Slow moving vehicles cannot be parked unconditionally. Vehicles shall be parked in specified places or within the line markings, and park in an orderly line. In places where bicycle parking facilities are not provided, bicycles may park in motorcycle parking, but not parking designated for cars or heavy motorcycles. Wow you read the whole thing! Or you just scrolled down. Either way, after all that effort please leave a comment and a like. 道路交通安全規則 Cycling is the best way to enjoy Taiwan's landscapes if you have the time and energy. Looking for bicycle rentals in Taiwan? You can use Taiwan's many Youbike sharing stations, or search for rentals on KKday here, and search for tours on Klook here. You can also check out our Taiwan cycling guide here. You can also book a Sunset Riverside Bike Ride and Historical Tour, 4 Hour Cycling in Taipei, Ultimate 8-Hour Cycling City Tour, or Taipei City Bike Tour with Night Market Experience on TripAdvisor here. For more information, check out our Taiwan transportation guide here.
Germain Canon
12/22/2020 11:25:24 am
Hi, I am cyclist here in taipei with 7 years experience. Thanks for the rules clarification, it is (a bit) clearer.
7/26/2021 10:31:31 am
11/14/2023 01:03:55 pm
An interesting read! Well researched.
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Author 作家I am an American expat who has extensive experience living, working, and traveling in Taiwan. In my day, I had to learn many things about Taiwan the hard way. But I have come to learn that Taiwan is one of the best places in the world for Foreigners to live. This blog does not represent the opinions of every foreigner in Taiwan. I am just trying to help others learn more about this beautiful country. Categories
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- Best time to visit: Spring and Autumn when it is not too hot or cold and less rainy
- How to get there: Plane tickets via
- Best places to stay can be found on Agoda
- Book tours and activities in Taiwan on Klook
- Stay connected with a local SIM
- Rent a car to explore distant sights