I am a native born American learning Mandarin Chinese as a second language. I have a bachelor's degree in Chinese, and at this stage in my Chinese learning, I have hit a peak with spoken Chinese and I have been putting all my energy into learning more written Chinese. Chinese idioms are special because normally they are only four characters and you need to memorize what they mean in order to understand; this is the education that is taught in Taiwan elementary schools that I was never able to be a part of. If you can memorize these, you can drastically improve your formal Chinese reading and formal Chinese writing skills.
It can be hard to pick up idioms just out of context. However there are not a lot of English resources that focus on just idioms, and the ones that do don't filter out the commonly used idioms. Chinese idiom dictionaries also have too many idioms that are not widely known or used, or are too formal for normal writing or speech. Some idioms are more formal variations of other more common idioms with the same meaning. In this blog, I am focusing on the more commonly used idioms that most native speakers will recognize, and which are commonly used in formal speech and writing such as news reports and newspapers. Therefore I have created this list using commonly used idioms selected from the dictionary with the help native speaker, filtering the idioms by asking whether or not the native speaker has ever heard of or knows of the idiom. This is a major project, and it will probably take me a few years to catalog all of the useful idioms in the dictionary. The list below is organized according to character stroke order and will be added upon regularly. Some words have two definitions, which are separated by a semicolon. Similar meanings are separated by a comma. FYI: the reason I do not use a table is for SEO purposes, so this list can be found in Google. Also, all these English translations are from yours truly, using a Chinese to Chinese idiom dictionary, translated with my knowledge of Chinese and referencing various other dictionaries when needed. Just so you know, you can also get a big discount on Chinese (and English) classes and tutoring on Tutor ABC by using our promo code: FOREIGNERS10 在這個階段我的中文學習主要專注於閲讀及寫作。成語特別難因爲每一個都需要背起來,但是有太多沒有用的成語,所以我請了一位台灣朋友幫我整理比較常見的成語。以下是常用成語的中翻英對照表,我會陸陸續續把字典裏面所有有用的成語寫上去,可能要花個幾年的時間。以下所有翻譯都是我親自從中文字典里面的解釋直接翻成英文,如果有問題可以在下面留言。
一畫/One Stroke
成語 /Chinese Idiom 拼音/Pinyin 英文/English 一了百了 Yīliǎobǎiliǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: When one thing is done, everything is done 一刀兩斷 yīdāoliǎngduàn 英文翻譯:/translation: End relations 一口咬定 yīkǒu yǎodìng 英文翻譯:/translation: Stubborn 一夕三遷 yī xī sān qiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Live comfortably 一夕髮白 yī xī fà bái 英文翻譯:/translation: Stressed out 一心一意 yīxīnyīyì 英文翻譯:/translation: Of one heart and one mind 一文不值 yīwén bù zhí 英文翻譯:/translation: No value 一五一十 yī wǔ yīshí 英文翻譯:/translation: Explain clearly 一元複始 yī yuán fù shǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: New year 一日三秋 yī rì sānqiū 英文翻譯:/translation: Be separated for a long time 一手包辦 yīshǒu bāobàn 英文翻譯:/translation: One person in charge 一手遮天 yīshǒuzhētiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Cover up; hide corruption 一毛不拔 yīmáobùbá 英文翻譯:/translation: Cheap, stingy 一去不反 yī qù bù fǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Leave and never come back 一石兩鳥 yī shí liǎng niǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Kill two birds with one stone 一目十行 yīmùshíháng 英文翻譯:/translation: Fast reader 一目了然 yīmùliǎorán 英文翻譯:/translation: Understand immediately 一代風流 yīdài fēngliú 英文翻譯:/translation: Influential and popular 一股腦兒 yīgǔnǎo er 英文翻譯:/translation: All at once 一字千金 yīzìqiānjīn 英文翻譯:/translation: Valuable piece of literary work 一帆風順 yīfānfēngshùn 英文翻譯:/translation: Smooth sailing, peaceful journey 一年半載 yī nián bàn zǎi 英文翻譯:/translation: Unknown time 一成不變 yīchéngbùbiàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Unchangeable 一言九鼎 Yī yán jiǔdǐng 英文翻譯:/translation: Keep a promise 一言爲定 yī yán wèi dìng 英文翻譯:/translation: I swear/promise 一言難盡 yīyánnánjìn 英文翻譯:/translation: It's a long story; complicated, too complex to explain 一技之長 yījìzhīcháng 英文翻譯:/translation: Professional skill 一男半女 yīnán bàn nǚ 英文翻譯:/translation: No children, lack of children 一見如故 yījiànrúgù 英文翻譯:/translation: Friends at first sight 一見鍾情 yījiànzhōngqíng 英文翻譯:/translation: Love at first sight 一步登天 yībùdēngtiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Easily accomplished 一波三折 yībōsānzhé 英文翻譯:/translation: Full of twists and turns 一板一眼 yībǎnyīyǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Methodical 一表人才 yībiǎoréncái 英文翻譯:/translation: Handsome 一臥不起 yī wò bù qǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Death 一拍即合 yīpāijíhé 英文翻譯:/translation: Strangers instantly become friends 一雨成秋 yī yǔ chéng qiū 英文翻譯:/translation: Sudden change in the weather 一長兩短 yī cháng liǎng duǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Unexpected change 一事無成 yīshìwúchéng 英文翻譯:/translation: Waste time 一味空談 yīwèi kōngtán 英文翻譯:/translation: Nonsense 一念之差 yīniànzhīchā 英文翻譯:/translation: Be mistaken 一知半解 yīzhībànjiě 英文翻譯:/translation: Superficial knowledge 一往情深 yīwǎngqíngshēn 英文翻譯:/translation: Unchanging 一面之詞 yīmiànzhīcí 英文翻譯:/translation: One sided 一面之緣 yīmiàn zhī yuán 英文翻譯:/translation: Not very good friends, one sided friendship 一飛冲天 yī fēi chōngtiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Awesome from the start 一柱擎天 yī zhù qíng tiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Shoulder responsibility 一馬當先 yīmǎdāngxiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Courageous 一笑千金 yīxiào qiānjīn 英文翻譯:/translation: A beautiful person’s smile 一笑置之 yīxiàozhìzhī 英文翻譯:/translation: Ignore 一針見血 yīzhēnjiànxiě 英文翻譯:/translation: Hit the nail on the head 一盤見識 yī pán jiànshì 英文翻譯:/translation: Shallow take 一息奄奄 yīxī yǎn yǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Almost dead 一息尚存 yī xī shàng cún 英文翻譯:/translation: Life is short 一氣呵成 yīqìhēchéng 英文翻譯:/translation: Do something all at once 一視同仁 yīshìtóngrén 英文翻譯:/translation: Fair judgement 一乾二净 yīgān èr jìng 英文翻譯:/translation: Clean 一敗塗地 yībàitúdì 英文翻譯:/translation: Epic fail 一勞永逸 yīláoyǒngyì 英文翻譯:/translation: Do it once and for all, rest after doing it once 一廂情願 yīxiāngqíngyuàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Selfish 一朝一夕 yīzhāoyīxī 英文翻譯:/translation: Short time 一絲不苟 yīsībùgǒu 英文翻譯:/translation: Matriculate, careful 一絲不掛 yīsībùguà 英文翻譯:/translation: Naked 一筆勾消 yībǐ gōu xiāo 英文翻譯:/translation: Cancelled 一傳眾咻 yī chuán zhòng xiū 英文翻譯:/translation: Teaching interrupted, teaching interrupted by surroundings or muddled by other people 一意孤行 yīyìgūxíng 英文翻譯:/translation: Stubborn 一鼓作氣 yī gǔ zuò qì 英文翻譯:/translation: Strong from the beginning 一塌糊塗 yītāhútú 英文翻譯:/translation: A mess, pile of crap 一落千丈 yīluòqiānzhàng 英文翻譯:/translation: Suddenly fall from grace 一葉知秋 yīyè zhī qiū 英文翻譯:/translation: Know the whole picture from one clue 一塵不染 yīchénbùrǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Virtuous 一語中的 yī yǔ zhòng de 英文翻譯:/translation: Get to the point 一語道破 yī yǔ dàopò 英文翻譯:/translation: Get to the point 一嗚驚人 yī wū jīngrén 英文翻譯:/translation: Suddenly do something amazing 一網打盡 yīwǎngdǎjìn 英文翻譯:/translation: Catch all criminals at once 一摸一樣 yī mō yīyàng 英文翻譯:/translation: 一暴十寒 yī pù shí hán 英文翻譯:/translation: Unfocused, procrastinate 一箭之地 yī jiàn zhī dì 英文翻譯:/translation: A stone’s throw away 一箭雙鵰 yījiànshuāngdiāo 英文翻譯:/translation: Kill two birds with one stone 一盤散沙 yīpánsǎnshā 英文翻譯:/translation: Disunified 一諾千金 yīnuòqiānjīn 英文翻譯:/translation: Honest, promise is worth gold, word is my bond 一鬨而散 yī hòng ér sàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Disperse after an incident 一錢不明 yī qián bùmíng 英文翻譯:/translation: Extremely poor 一錢不值 Yī qián bù zhí 英文翻譯:/translation: Worthless 一應俱全 yī yīng jùquán 英文翻譯:/translation: Complete 一臂之力 yībìzhīlì 英文翻譯:/translation: Some help 一舉一動 yījǔ yīdòng 英文翻譯:/translation: Every move you make 一舉成名 yījǔ chéngmíng 英文翻譯:/translation: Famous for doing one thing 一舉兩得 yījǔliǎngdé 英文翻譯:/translation: Kill two birds with one stone 一瀉千里 yīxièqiānlǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Bold and smooth words, 一竅不通 yīqiàobùtōng 英文翻譯:/translation: Uneducated, stupid 一觸即發 yīchùjífā 英文翻譯:/translation: Ticking time bomb, as soon as you touch something it will react 一覽無餘 yīlǎn wúyú 英文翻譯:/translation: See everything 一顯身手 yī xiǎn shēnshǒu 英文翻譯:/translation: Show talents 一肚子鬼胎 yī dùzi guǐtāi 英文翻譯:/translation: Possessed with a devil 一言以蔽隻 yī yán yǐ bì zhī 英文翻譯:/translation: Summarize 一問三不知 yī wèn sānbùzhī 英文翻譯:/translation: Stupid, or secret 一鼻孔出氣 yī bíkǒng chūqì 英文翻譯:/translation: Agree 一不做二不休 yī bù zuò èr bùxiū 英文翻譯:/translation: Finish to the end 一動不如一靜 yīdòng bùrú yī jìng 英文翻譯:/translation: Doing nothing is better than doing something, take no action 一舉手一投足 yī jǔ shǒu yī tóu zú 英文翻譯:/translation: Easy 一人做事一人當 yīrén zuòshì yīrén dāng 英文翻譯:/translation: Responsible for ones actions 一寸光陰一寸金 yīcùn guāngyīn yīcùn jīn 英文翻譯:/translation: Time is money 一日之計在於晨 yī rì zhī jì zàiyú chén 英文翻譯:/translation: The early bird gets the worm 一失足成千古恨 yī shīzú chéng qiāngǔ hèn 英文翻譯:/translation: One mistake brings everlasting grief 一是一,二是二 yī shì yī, èr shì èr 英文翻譯:/translation: Principled 一人之下,萬人之上 yīrén zhī xià, wàn rén zhī shàng 英文翻譯:/translation: High class; powerful person, only the emperor is more powerful 一人得道,雞犬升天 yīrén dé dào, jīquǎnshēngtiān 英文翻譯:/translation: One’s success lifts others close to them 一人傳十,十人穿百 yī rén chuán shí, shí rén chuān bǎi 英文翻譯:/translation: Rumors spread fast, nothing spreads like a rumor 一日爲師,終身爲父 yī rì wèi shī, zhōngshēn wèi fù 英文翻譯:/translation: Earn respect for a lifetime 一份耕耘,一份收穫 yī fèn gēngyún, yī fèn shōuhuò 英文翻譯:/translation: Work hard and you will receive your reward 一言既出,駟馬難追 yī yán jìchū, sìmǎ nán zhuī 英文翻譯:/translation: Hard to take back what you have spoken, no take backs 一波未平,一波又起 yī bō wèi píng, yī bō yòu qǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: One thing after another 二畫/Two Strokes 成語 /Chinese Idiom 拼音/Pinyin 英文/English 丁是丁, 卯是卯 Dīng shì dīng, mǎo shì mǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Clear, unambiguous 七上八下 qī shàng bā xià 英文翻譯:/translation: Make a mess 七手八腳 Qī shǒu bā jiǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Frantic 七老八老 qī lǎo bā lǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Old 七步成詩 qī bù chéng shī 英文翻譯:/translation: Poetic 七拼八凑 qī pīn bā còu 英文翻譯:/translation: Not ideal 七情六慾 qī qíng liùyù 英文翻譯:/translation: Natural lusts of man 七零八落 qī líng bā luò 英文翻譯:/translation: A mess 七嘴八舌 qī zuǐ bā shé 英文翻譯:/translation: Gossip 九牛一毛 jiǔniúyīmáo 英文翻譯:/translation: Insignificant, a drop in the ocean 九死一生 jiǔsǐyīshēng 英文翻譯:/translation: Dangerous 九泉之下 jiǔquán zhī xià 英文翻譯:/translation: Buried in a grave, dead 九霄雲外 jiǔxiāoyúnwài 英文翻譯:/translation: Far away 二八年華 èrbā niánhuá 英文翻譯:/translation: Young and beautiful 二人同心,其利斷金 èr rén tóngxīn, qí lì duàn jīn 英文翻譯:/translation: If there’s a will, there’s a way; Two people united can accomplish anything. 人山人海 rénshānrénhǎi 英文翻譯:/translation: Tons of people 人亡物在 rén wáng wù zài 英文翻譯:/translation: Someone has died, a phrase for mourning the dead 人才濟濟 réncái jǐ jì 英文翻譯:/translation: Lots of talented people 人心叵測 rénxīn pǒcè 英文翻譯:/translation: Unreadable mind, that person is a mystery 人心惶惶 rénxīn huánghuáng 英文翻譯:/translation: Scared 人心思漢 rénxīn sī hàn 英文翻譯:/translation: People wish for the return of a better government 人云亦云 rényúnyìyún 英文翻譯:/translation: Blindly follow; echo views of others 人中騏驥 rén zhōng qí jì 英文翻譯:/translation: Exceptional talent 人去樓空 rén qù lóu kōng 英文翻譯:/translation: A friend leaves suddenly/ a thief leaves suddenly 人死留名 rén sǐ liú míng 英文翻譯:/translation: Famous after death 人仰馬翻 rényǎngmǎfān 英文翻譯:/translation: Chaotic loss, catastrophe 人多嘴雜 rén duōzuǐ zá 英文翻譯:/translation: Jumble of arguing, shouting contest 人言可畏 rén yán kě wèi 英文翻譯:/translation: To critique, words can be scary 人定勝天 réndìngshèngtiān 英文翻譯:/translation: When there’s a will there’s a way, with determination you can overcome all 人命關天 rénmìng guān tiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Human life is important 人面桃花 rén miàn táohuā 英文翻譯:/translation: Blissfully beautiful person 人面獸心 rénmiànshòuxīn 英文翻譯:/translation: Happy on the outside, evil on the inside 人財兩失 Rén cái liǎng shī 英文翻譯:/translation: People and money are lost easily 人海茫茫 rén hǎi mángmáng 英文翻譯:/translation: No friends among many people 人情冷暖 rénqíng lěngnuǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Change attitude about a person 人貧志短 rén pín zhì duǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Lose money, lose confidence. No confidence when poor. 人間天堂 rénjiān tiāntáng 英文翻譯:/translation: Paradise on earth 人煙絕跡 rén yān juéjī 英文翻譯:/translation: Remote place, middle of nowhere. 人煙輳集 rén yān còu jí 英文翻譯:/translation: Crowded 人滿爲患 rén mǎn wèi huàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Too large a population is a bad thing 人賊俱獲 rén zéi jù huò 英文翻譯:/translation: Caught red handed, caught with stolen goods in hand 人老心不老 rén lǎo xīn bùlǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Young at heart 人窮志不窮 rén qióng zhì bù qióng 英文翻譯:/translation: Poor but resolute 人不知鬼不覺 rén bùzhī guǐ bù jué 英文翻譯:/translation: Secret, unknown to man or ghost 人心不足蛇吞象 rénxīn bùzú shé tūn xiàng 英文翻譯:/translation: Super greedy, like a snake trying to swallow an elephant 人心難測水難量 rénxīn nán cè shuǐnán liàng 英文翻譯:/translation: The real intents of the heart are unknowable, like trying to measure the ocean 人生七十古來稀 rénshēng qīshí gǔlái xī 英文翻譯:/translation: From ancient times turning 70 years old is rare 人生何處不相逢 rénshēng hé chù bù xiāngféng 英文翻譯:/translation: It’s a small world 人生得意須盡歡 rénshēng déyì xū jìn huān 英文翻譯:/translation: Live life to the fullest 人怕出名豬怕壯 rén pà chūmíng zhū pà zhuàng 英文翻譯:/translation: Famous people have problems; having too much attention, like a pig is afraid of getting too fat 人到中年萬事休 rén dào zhōng nián wànshì xiū 英文翻譯:/translation: Regression starts at middle age 人非木石,孰能無情 rén fēi mùshí, shú néng wúqíng 英文翻譯:/translation: Everyone has emotions, no one is made of wood or stone 人爲財死,鳥爲食亡 rén wèi cái sǐ, niǎo wèi shí wáng 英文翻譯:/translation: People will die to get money 人要衣裝,佛要金裝 rén yào yīzhuāng, fú yào jīn zhuāng 英文翻譯:/translation: Good looking clothes are important, the clothes make the woman 人無遠慮,必有近憂 rén wúyuǎnlǜ, bì yǒu jìn yōu 英文翻譯:/translation: Having no plans for the future will cause problems for the present 人無千日好,花無百日紅 rén wú qiān rì hǎo, huā wú bǎirìhóng 英文翻譯:/translation: Nothing lasts forever, everyone will get old and die 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量 rén bùkě màoxiàng, hǎishuǐ bùkě dǒu liàng 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t judge a book by its cover 入木三分 rùmù sān fēn 英文翻譯:/translation: Written forcefully, similar to real life 入耳著心 rùěrzhe xīn 英文翻譯:/translation: Diligent 入境隨俗 rùjìng suísú 英文翻譯:/translation: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Ask about local taboos. 八面玲瓏 bāmiànlínglóng 英文翻譯:/translation: Charismatic, social 刀下留人 dāo xià liú rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t’ kill me, spare my life 刀光劍影 dāoguāngjiànyǐng 英文翻譯:/translation: Killing like flies 力不從心 lìbùcóngxīn 英文翻譯:/translation: The heart is willing but the body is weak 力爭上游 lìzhēngshàngyóu 英文翻譯:/translation: Be the top of one’s class 力疾奔走 lì jí bēnzǒu 英文翻譯:/translation: Spare no effort 十全十美 shíquánshíměi 英文翻譯:/translation: Perfect 十步芳草 shí bù fāng cǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: There are talented people everywhere 十拿九穩 shínájiǔwěn 英文翻譯:/translation: Good understanding, successfully grasp a skill/concept 十惡不赦 shí'èbùshè 英文翻譯:/translation: Unforgivable 三畫/Three Strokes 成語 /Chinese Idiom 拼音/Pinyin 英文/English 三十而立 sānshí érlì 英文翻譯:/translation: Become successful and established at 30 years old 三人成虎 sān rén chéng hǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Repeated rumors become fact 三寸金蓮 sān cùn jīnlián 英文翻譯:/translation: Traditional small bound feet on a woman, small feet 三心二意 sānxīn'èryì 英文翻譯:/translation: Unfocused, distracted 三五成群 sānwǔ chéng qún 英文翻譯:/translation: People gathered together, in groups of three to five 三日新婦 sān rì xīnfù 英文翻譯:/translation: Shy, like a woman just married for three days 三生有幸 sān shēng yǒuxìng 英文翻譯:/translation: Really happy, having happiness in three former lives 三言兩語 sānyánliǎngyǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Speak to the point 三更半夜 sān gēng bànyè 英文翻譯:/translation: Late at night 三長兩短 sānchángliǎngduǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Bad luck, unexpected misfortune 三姑六婆 sāngūliùpó 英文翻譯:/translation: An uneducated woman, women with dubious profession 三思而行 sānsī ér xíng 英文翻譯:/translation: Think before you act 三教九流 sānjiàojiǔliú 英文翻譯:/translation: All religions and educational subjects 三陽開泰 sān yáng kāi tài 英文翻譯:/translation: Happy New Year 三番兩次 sān fān liǎng cì 英文翻譯:/translation: Many times 三跪九叩 sān guì jiǔ kòu 英文翻譯:/translation: Super respectful, formal etiquette when meeting the emperor 三魂七魄 sān hún qī pò 英文翻譯:/translation: All parts of the body, spirit 三緘其口 sānjiānqíkǒu 英文翻譯:/translation: Hush, speak carefully 三頭六臂 sāntóuliùbì 英文翻譯:/translation: Godlike, large in stature 三顧茅廬 sāngùmáolú 英文翻譯:/translation: Beg friends to come visit multiple times 三寸不爛之舌 sān cùnbù làn zhī shé 英文翻譯:/translation: Great at talking, charismatic 三月不知肉味 sān yuè bùzhī ròu wèi 英文翻譯:/translation: Appreciate great art 三句不離本行 sān jù bùlí běn háng 英文翻譯:/translation: A person that only talks about work 三人行,必有我師 sān rénxíng, bì yǒu wǒ shī 英文翻譯:/translation: You can learn something from everyone 三十六計,走爲上計 sānshíliù jì, zǒu wèi shàng jì 英文翻譯:/translation: Hide, run away (the 36th stratagem of war) 三日打魚,兩日曬網 sān rì dǎ yú, liǎng rì shài wǎng 英文翻譯:/translation: Not finish your work, get distracted, lazy 上下其手 shàngxiàqíshǒu 英文翻譯:/translation: Secretly scheming 上氣不接下氣 shàng qì bù jiē xià qì 英文翻譯:/translation: Out of breath 上天不負苦心人 shàngtiān bù fù kǔxīn rén 英文翻譯:/translation: God is merciful to those that work hard 上梁不正下梁歪 shàng liáng bùzhèng xià liáng wāi 英文翻譯:/translation: Be a good example, people will follow a bad example 上方不足,下必有餘 shàngfāng bùzú, xià bì yǒu yú 英文翻譯:/translation: You should just enjoy life, sometimes its better to be a poor underdog 下不爲例 xià bù wèi lì 英文翻譯:/translation: Never do it again, it won't happen again 下筆如神 xiàbǐ rú shén 英文翻譯:/translation: Skilled at writing 下筆成章 xiàbǐ chéngzhāng 英文翻譯:/translation: Fast at writing 久而久之 jiǔ'érjiǔzhī 英文翻譯:/translation: Passing of a long time 久仰大名 jiǔyǎng dàmíng 英文翻譯:/translation: I have heard of you, a nice greeting 久安長治 jiǔ'ān chángzhì 英文翻譯:/translation: Good governance 久別重逢 jiǔ bié chóngféng 英文翻譯:/translation: Happy reunion 久病成醫 jiǔ bìng chéng yī 英文翻譯:/translation: Be sick for so long that you become as knowledgable as a doctor 久旱逢甘雨 jiǔ hàn féng gān yǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Finally receive something after a long wait 乞獎得酒 qǐ jiǎng dé jiǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Get something better than you asked for 于歸之喜 yú guī zhī xǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: A bride happy to marry into a man’s family 亡羊得牛 wángyáng dé niú 英文翻譯:/translation: Lose a little to gain a lot, no pain no gain 亡命之徒 wángmìng zhī tú 英文翻譯:/translation: Not afraid of death, play with death 亡國之音 wángguó zhī yīn 英文翻譯:/translation: Annoying song 亡羊補牢,猶未爲晚 wángyángbǔláo, yóu wèi wèi wǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: You can fix the problem if you act fast 凡夫俗子 fánfūsúzǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Normal person, average Joe 千山萬水 qiān shān wàn shuǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Huge area 千方百計 qiānfāngbǎijì 英文翻譯:/translation: Focused, trying really hard 千辛萬苦 qiān xīn wàn kǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Really hard difficult life, untold hardships 千里迢迢 qiānlǐ tiáotiáo 英文翻譯:/translation: Really far and difficult journey 千言萬語 qiānyán wàn yǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t know where to start, too much to say 千依百順 qiānyībǎishùn 英文翻譯:/translation: Obedient, filial 千呼萬喚 qiān hū wàn huàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Something hard to do, hard to get someone to accept an invite to come. 千軍萬馬 qiān jūn wàn mǎ 英文翻譯:/translation: Scary like a huge army 千恩萬謝 qiān ēn wàn xiè 英文翻譯:/translation: Thank you so very much. 千真萬真 qiānzhēn wàn zhēn 英文翻譯:/translation: Extremely correct. 千篇一律 qiānpiānyīlǜ 英文翻譯:/translation: Unchangeable person 千頭萬緒 qiān tóu wàn xù 英文翻譯:/translation: Super complicated 千錘百錬 qiān chuí bǎiliàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Trails make the heart grow stronger 千變萬化 qiānbiànwànhuà 英文翻譯:/translation: Lots of changes 千山萬壑 qiān shān wàn hè 英文翻譯:/translation: Beautiful mountain scenes 千巖萬壑 qiān yán wàn hè 英文翻譯:/translation: Beautiful mountain scenes 千人所指, 無病而死 qiān rén suǒ zhǐ, wúbìng ér sǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: To be killed by gossip, killed by accusation 千軍易得,一將難求 qiān jūn yì dé, yī jiāng nán qiú 英文翻譯:/translation: It’s hard to find good leaders, easy to find low level workers 千鎰之裘,非一孤之白 qiān yì zhī qiú, fēi yī gū zhī bái 英文翻譯:/translation: Takes a lot of talent to build a nation, it’s a team effort 口舌之爭 kǒushé zhī zhēng 英文翻譯:/translation: Argument 口角春風 kǒujiǎo chūnfēng 英文翻譯:/translation: Speak kind words about someone 口是心非 kǒushìxīnfēi 英文翻譯:/translation: Speak different words than what you are feeling 口若懸河 kǒuruòxuánhé 英文翻譯:/translation: Fluent, good at speaking 口無擇言 kǒu wú zé yán 英文翻譯:/translation: Speak nonsense, speak without thinking 口腹之慾 kǒufù zhī yù 英文翻譯:/translation: Thirst and hunger 口碑載道 kǒubēi zài dào 英文翻譯:/translation: Perfect work 口説無憑 kǒushuō wú píng 英文翻譯:/translation: Baseless words, no proof 口蜜腹劍 kǒumìfùjiàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Nice words with evil intent 土頭土腦 tǔ tóu tǔ nǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Stupid, uneducated 土別三日 tǔ bié sān rì 英文翻譯:/translation: Quick improvement 夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏 xīyáng wúxiàn hǎo, zhǐshì jìn huánghūn 英文翻譯:/translation: Happy times fade fast 大刀闊斧 dàdāokuòfǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Good at solving problems 大才小用 dà cái xiǎo yòng 英文翻譯:/translation: Talent wasted 大公無私 dàgōngwúsī 英文翻譯:/translation: Fair and unselfish 大功告成 dàgōnggàochéng 英文翻譯:/translation: Mission accomplished 大同小異 dàtóngxiǎoyì 英文翻譯:/translation: The same, pretty much similar 大而化之 dà ér huà zhī 英文翻譯:/translation: So-so, mediocre 大名鼎鼎 dàmíngdǐngdǐng 英文翻譯:/translation: Super famous 大快人心 dàkuàirénxīn Happy that justice has been served 大快朵頤 dàkuàiduǒyí 英文翻譯:/translation: Enjoy delicious food 大言不慚 dàyánbùcán 英文翻譯:/translation: Big mouth, no shame 大紅大紫 dàhóng dà zǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Rich, adored in fancy bright clothing 大家閨秀 dàjiā guīxiù 英文翻譯:/translation: Outstanding woman 大庭廣眾 dàtíngguǎngzhòng 英文翻譯:/translation: Open public space 大海撈針 dàhǎilāozhēn 英文翻譯:/translation: Hard to find, like finding a needle in a haystack 大惑不解 dà huò bù jiě 英文翻譯:/translation: Unable to make heads or tales, extremely confused 大智如愚 dàzhì rú yú 英文翻譯:/translation: Smart on the inside, but look dumb on the outside. So smart you look dumb. 大發雷霆 dàfāléitíng 英文翻譯:/translation: Easily angry 大搖大擺 dàyáodàbǎi 英文翻譯:/translation: Strut, swagger 大腹便便 dàfùpiánbiàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Fat, or pregnant 大義滅親 dàyìmièqīn 英文翻譯:/translation: Destroy one’s family for the greater good 大夢初醒 dà mèng chū xǐng 英文翻譯:/translation: Awake from a dream 大禍臨頭 dà huò líntóu 英文翻譯:/translation: Bad things will happen soon 大澈大悟 dà chè dàwù 英文翻譯:/translation: Completely understand the truth 大器晚成 dàqìwǎnchéng 英文翻譯:/translation: Save the best for last 大聲疾呼 dàshēngjíhū 英文翻譯:/translation: Cry for help 大驚小怪 dàjīngxiǎoguài 英文翻譯:/translation: Overreact 子孝孫賢 zi xiào sūn xián 英文翻譯:/translation: Loyal and filial offspring 子虛烏有 zǐxūwūyǒu 英文翻譯:/translation: Nothing, nonexistent 子然一身 zi rán yīshēn 英文翻譯:/translation: Lonely 寸土必爭 cùntǔ bì zhēng 英文翻譯:/translation: Fight for the something small, don’t give any ground 寸步難移 cùn bù nán yí 英文翻譯:/translation: Hard to move 寸草不留 cùn cǎo bù liú 英文翻譯:/translation: Leave nothing standing (during a war) 寸鐵殺人 cùn tiě shārén 英文翻譯:/translation: Quality over quantity 小心翼翼 xiǎoxīnyìyì 英文翻譯:/translation: Careful 小巧玲瓏 xiǎoqiǎolínglóng 英文翻譯:/translation: Skilled, talented, attention to detail 小時了了 xiǎoshíliǎole 英文翻譯:/translation: Smart as a child, dumb as an adult 小家子氣 xiǎojiāziqì 英文翻譯:/translation: Selfish, not willing to give to others 小鳥依人 xiǎoniǎo yī rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Cute, shy children 小題大作 xiǎo tí dàzuò 英文翻譯:/translation: Expound, make small problems big 小巫見大巫 xiǎowū jiàn dàwū 英文翻譯:/translation: One is superior, meet one’s match 小不忍則亂大謀 xiǎo bùrěn zé luàn dà móu 英文翻譯:/translation: Ruin the plan due to impatience 尸位素餐 shīwèisùcān 英文翻譯:/translation: Get a free lunch for doing nothing, a corrupt official that does nothing 山光水色 shān guāng shuǐsè 英文翻譯:/translation: Beautiful Nature scenery 山明水秀 shān míng shuǐ xiù 英文翻譯:/translation: Amazing Nature scenery 山珍海味 shānzhēnhǎiwèi 英文翻譯:/translation: Amazing seafood 山窮水盡 shānqióngshuǐjìn 英文翻譯:/translation: Middle of nowhere, deep in the wilderness 山不轉路轉 shān bù zhuǎn lù zhuǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Big problems can be solved, when there’s a will there’s a way 川流不息 chuānliúbùxī 英文翻譯:/translation: Never ending, like an ever-flowing river 工欲其善事,必先利其器 gōng yù qí shànshì, bì xiān lì qí qì 英文翻譯:/translation: You need good tools to do good work 己立立人,己達達人 jǐ lì lì rén, jǐ dá dárén 英文翻譯:/translation: When you are established, help others 己所不欲,勿施於人 jǐ suǒ bù yù, wù shī yú rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t do to others what you don’t want done to you, the golden rule as stated by Confucius 巾幗英雄 jīnguó yīngxióng 英文翻譯:/translation: Female hero 才子佳人 cáizǐ jiā rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Beautiful couple 才高八斗 cái gāo bā dǒu 英文翻譯:/translation: Intelligent and scholarly 才華蓋世 cáihuá gàishì 英文翻譯:/translation: Super talented 才疏學淺 cáishūxuéqiǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Unlearned, humble 才貌出眾 cái mào chūzhòng 英文翻譯:/translation: Talented and good looking
四畫/Four Strokes
Chinese Idiom/成語 拼音/Pinyin 英文翻譯:/translation: English 不二法門 bù èr fǎ mén 英文翻譯:/translation: One way/method, the proper course 不三不四 bù sān bù sì 英文翻譯:/translation: Undisciplined, sloppy, lawless 不亢不卑 bù kàng bù bēi 英文翻譯:/translation: Middle ground, good for all 不仁不義 bù rén bù yì 英文翻譯:/translation: Evil, malicious 不分彼此 bù fēn bǐ cǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Good friendship 不分軒輊 bù fēn xuān zhì 英文翻譯:/translation: The same 不毛之地 bù máo zhī dì 英文翻譯:/translation: Wasteland 不可一世 bù kě yī shì 英文翻譯:/translation: Selfish 不可言喻 bù kě yán yù 英文翻譯:/translation: Unspeakable, spiritual and sacred 不可收拾 bù kě shōu shí 英文翻譯:/translation: Super messy 不可限量 bù kě xiàn liáng 英文翻譯:/translation: Bright future 不可思議 bù kě sī yì 英文翻譯:/translation: Unbelievable 不可理喻 bù kě lǐ yù 英文翻譯:/translation: Stubborn, unable to listen to reason 不可捉摸 bù kě zhuō mō 英文翻譯:/translation: Hard to grasp, unpredictable 不可救藥 bù kě jiù yào 英文翻譯:/translation: Beyond saving 不打自招 bù dǎ zì zhāo 英文翻譯:/translation: Confess crimes without being asked or pressured 不甘示弱 bù gān shì ruò 英文翻譯:/translation: Must be #1, cannot show weakness 不由分説 bù yóu fēn shuō 英文翻譯:/translation: No room for debate 不出所料 bù chū suǒ liào 英文翻譯:/translation: As expected 不以爲然 bù yǐ wéi rán 英文翻譯:/translation: I disagree 不安於室 bù ān yú shì 英文翻譯:/translation: Have an affair 不亦樂乎 bù yì lè hū 英文翻譯:/translation: Extremely happy 不成體統 bù chéng tǐ tǒng 英文翻譯:/translation: Against the rules 不同凡響 bù tóng fán xiǎng 英文翻譯:/translation: Extraordinary art 不合時宜 bù hé shí yí 英文翻譯:/translation: Out of fashion 不自量力 bù zì liáng lì 英文翻譯:/translation: Bite off more than you can chew 不言而喻 bù yán ér yù 英文翻譯:/translation: Easily understood 不折不扣 bù zhē bù kòu 英文翻譯:/translation: 100% true 不求甚解 bù qiú shèn jiě 英文翻譯:/translation: Superficial understanding 不即不離 bù jí bù lí 英文翻譯:/translation: Stay neutral, stay at arm’s length 不見天日 bù jiàn tiān rì 英文翻譯:/translation: Have a hard life 不足爲奇 bù zú wéi qí 英文翻譯:/translation: Normal, ordinary 不足掛齒 bù zú guà chǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Not worth one’s time, not worth talking about 不衫不履 bù shān bù l锟斤拷 英文翻譯:/translation: Improper attire 不拘小節 bù jū xiǎo jié 英文翻譯:/translation: Unruly, no filter 不屈不饒 bù qū bù ráo 英文翻譯:/translation: Determined 不知去向 bù zhī qù xiàng 英文翻譯:/translation: Unkown whereabouts 不知甘苦 bù zhī gān kǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t understand the pain of life, naïve and inexperienced 不知死活 bù zhī sǐ huó 英文翻譯:/translation: Clueless, act recklessly 不知好歹 bù zhī hǎo dǎi 英文翻譯:/translation: Clueless, can’t tell bad from good 不知所云 bù zhī suǒ yún 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t get it, don’t grasp the situation 不知所措 bù zhī suǒ cuò 英文翻譯:/translation: Surprised, frenzied 不知輕重 bù zhī qīng zhòng 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t understand what is important 不近人情 bù jìn rén qíng 英文翻譯:/translation: Despicable actions 不舍晝夜 bù shè zhòu yè 英文翻譯:/translation: Hard worker 不計其數 bù jì qí shù 英文翻譯:/translation: Innumerable 不相上下 bù xiāng shàng xià 英文翻譯:/translation: Same level 不相爲謀 bù xiāng wéi móu 英文翻譯:/translation: Can’t plan together, don’t get along well as a team 不省人事 bù shěng rén shì 英文翻譯:/translation: Lose consciousness 不約而同 bù yuē ér tóng 英文翻譯:/translation: Do the same thing without prior planning, happy concidence 不屑一顧 bù xiè yī gù 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t care at all 不恥下問 bù chǐ xià wèn 英文翻譯:/translation: Humble and willing to learn 不時之需 bù shí zhī xū 英文翻譯:/translation: A future period of need, prepare something for a rainy day 不倫不類 bù lún bù lèi 英文翻譯:/translation: Disorderly 不能善後 bù néng shàn hòu 英文翻譯:/translation: Can’t cleanup 不留餘地 bù liú yú dì 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t leave room for change or differing opinions 不修邊幅 bù xiū biān fú 英文翻譯:/translation: Impolite, unkempt 不速之客 bù sù zhī kè 英文翻譯:/translation: Uninvited guest 不情之請 bù qíng zhī qǐng 英文翻譯:/translation: Unreasonable request 不偏不倚 bù piān bù yǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Steadfast, determined 不脛而走 bù jìng ér zǒu 英文翻譯:/translation: Become famous, viral fame 不得其法 bù dé qí fǎ 英文翻譯:/translation: Inefficient work 不動聲色 bù dòng shēng sè 英文翻譯:/translation: Unnoticed doing 不痛不癢 bù tòng bù yǎng 英文翻譯:/translation: Nothing to do with me, doesn’t affect the person 不寒而慄 bù hán ér lì 英文翻譯:/translation: Frightened 不勞而獲 bù láo ér huò 英文翻譯:/translation: Get something for nothing 不惑之年 bù huò zhī nián 英文翻譯:/translation: 40 years old, the year of understanding 不堪一擊 bù kān yī jī 英文翻譯:/translation: Weak constitution 不堪回首 bù kān huí shǒu 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t look back, don’t dwell on the past 不堪其擾 bù kān qí rǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Can’t stand the heat, can’t take the pressure 不堪設想 bù kān shè xiǎng 英文翻譯:/translation: Unthinkable 不期而遇 bù qī ér yù 英文翻譯:/translation: Come across once in a while 不虛此行 bù xū cǐ xíng 英文翻譯:/translation: Worth the trip, worth coming 不著邊際 bù zhuó biān jì 英文翻譯:/translation: Off-topic 不無小補 bù wú xiǎo bǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Every little bit helps 不勝其煩 bù shèng qí fán 英文翻譯:/translation: Super annoying 不勝枚舉 bù shèng méi jǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Numerous 不進則退 bù jìn zé tuì 英文翻譯:/translation: If you are not improving, you are regressing 不義之財 bù yì zhī cái 英文翻譯:/translation: Dirty money 不慌不忙 bù huāng bù máng 英文翻譯:/translation: Calmly 不虞匱乏 bù yú kuì fá 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t worry about lack of food or necessities 不過如此 bù guò rú cǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Nothing special 不解之緣 bù jiě zhī yuán 英文翻譯:/translation: Good friendship 不愁衣食 bù chóu yī shí 英文翻譯:/translation: Safe and well fed 不厭其詳 bù yàn qí xiáng 英文翻譯:/translation: Teach for understanding 不聞不問 bù wén bù wèn 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t care about it 不謀而合 bù móu ér hé 英文翻譯:/translation: Same thoughts or actions without planning 不辨是非 bù biàn shì fēi 英文翻譯:/translation: Can’t tell if it is right or wrong 不學無術 bù xué wú shù 英文翻譯:/translation: Stupid and untalented 不尷不尬 bù gān bù gà 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t know how to react 不翼而飛 bù yì ér fēi 英文翻譯:/translation: Lost for no reason 不離方寸 bù lí fāng cùn 英文翻譯:/translation: Close relationship/unforgettable 不識大體 bù shí dà tǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t understand the big picture, don’t get it 不識泰山 bù shí tài shān 英文翻譯:/translation: Ignorant and disrespectful 不壞而已 bù huài ér yǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Ill intent 不露風聲 bù lù fēng shēng 英文翻譯:/translation: Keep secret 不歡而散 bù huān ér sàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Unhappily part ways 不羈之才 bù jī zhī cái 英文翻譯:/translation: Free spirit 不分青紅好白 bù fēn qīng hóng hǎo bái 英文翻譯:/translation: Impulsive 不打不成相識 bù dǎ bù chéng xiāng shí 英文翻譯:/translation: Become friends after a fight 不出戶知天下 bù chū hù zhī tiān xià 英文翻譯:/translation: Know events without leaving the house 不足爲外人道 bù zú wéi wài rén dào 英文翻譯:/translation: Secret not worth sharing 不幸中之大幸 bù xìng zhōng zhī dà xìng 英文翻譯:/translation: Not that bad 不知天高地厚 bù zhī tiān gāo dì hòu 英文翻譯:/translation: Ignorant 不知其所以然 bù zhī qí suǒ yǐ rán 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t know why 不食人間煙火 bù shí rén jiān yān huǒ 英文翻譯:/translation: Be different from the crowd 不自由,毋寧死 bù zì yóu , wú níng sǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Give me liberty or give me death 不見棺材不掉淚 bù jiàn guān cái bù diào lèi 英文翻譯:/translation: I won’t cry until the funeral, someone deserves pain 不怕官只怕管 bù pà guān zhī pà guǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Not afraid of government only restrictions 不爲五斗米折腰 bù wéi wǔ dǒu mǐ zhē yāo 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t bow to others for a meager meal 不怨天,不尤人 bù yuàn tiān , bù yóu rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Take responsibility, don’t blame others 不管三七二十一 bù guǎn sān qī èr shí yī 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t care about anything 不識廬山真面目 bù shí lú shān zhēn miàn mù 英文翻譯:/translation: Can’t see the real person for who they are 不忍虎穴,焉得虎子 bù rěn hǔ xué , yān dé hǔ zǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: No risk, no reward 不孝有三,無後爲大 bù xiào yǒu sān , wú hòu wéi dà 英文翻譯:/translation: Getting married and have kids is the most important way of being filial, not having kids is disrespecting elders 不求有功,但求無過 bù qiú yǒu gōng , dàn qiú wú guò 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t want fame, just want to get by 不經一事,不長一智 bù jīng yī shì , bù cháng yī zhì 英文翻譯:/translation: Experience brings wisdom 中規中矩 zhōng guī zhōng jǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Reasonable, lawful actions 中通外直 zhōng tōng wài zhí 英文翻譯:/translation: Kind, virtuous, and generous 中道而廢 zhōng dào ér fèi 英文翻譯:/translation: Stop halfway, half baked 中飽私囊 zhōng bǎo sī náng 英文翻譯:/translation: Take bribes, extortion 之乎者也 zhī hū zhě yě 英文翻譯:/translation: Make fun of nerdy people speaking in ancient Chinese 五光十色 wǔ guāng shí sè 英文翻譯:/translation: Bright and colorful 五花八門 wǔ huā bā mén 英文翻譯:/translation: Differing, changeable 五花大綁 wǔ huā dà bǎng 英文翻譯:/translation: Locked up 五馬分屍 wǔ mǎ fēn shī 英文翻譯:/translation: Terrible punishment 武陵少年 wǔ líng shǎo nián 英文翻譯:/translation: Rich and beautiful young person 五彩繽紛 wǔ cǎi bīn fēn 英文翻譯:/translation: Colorful and beautiful 五臟六腑 wǔ zàng liù fǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: All guts and organs 五臟俱全 wǔ zàng jù quán 英文翻譯:/translation: Small but complete, satisfactory 五體投地 wǔ tǐ tóu dì 英文翻譯:/translation: Respect, look up to someone 五十步笑百步 wǔ shí bù xiào bǎi bù 英文翻譯:/translation: Hypocrite, pot calls the kettle back 互通有無 hù tōng yǒu wú 英文翻譯:/translation: Free trade 井中視星 jǐng zhōng shì xīng 英文翻譯:/translation: Short sighted 井底之蛙 jǐng dǐ zhī wā 英文翻譯:/translation: Unlearned, ignorant, live under a rock 井水不犯河水 jǐng shuǐ bù fàn hé shuǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Go separate ways, don’t bother each other 仁心仁術 rén xīn rén shù 英文翻譯:/translation: Moral governance, good doctor 仁者無敵 rén zhě wú dí 英文翻譯:/translation: Have enemies, love conquers all 元氣大傷 yuán qì dà shāng 英文翻譯:/translation: A country suffers disaster/war 内外相應 nèi wài xiāng yīng 英文翻譯:/translation: Thoughts/actions are the same 内剛外柔 nèi gāng wài róu 英文翻譯:/translation: Tough inside, looks soft outside 内視返聼 nèi shì fǎn 聼 英文翻譯:/translation: Humble, willing to listen to others 内憂外患 nèi yōu wài huàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Enemies within and without, big problems in a country 内顧之憂 nèi gù zhī yōu 英文翻譯:/translation: Worried about home/family 六神無主 liù shén wú zhǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Clueless, dumbstruck 六親不認 liù qīn bù rèn 英文翻譯:/translation: Deny relationship, soulless, selfish 公道自在人心 gōng dào zì zài rén xīn 英文翻譯:/translation: People have a natural sense of justice 切切私語 qiē qiē sī yǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Speak/chat quietly 切磋琢磨 qiē cuō zhuó mó 英文翻譯:/translation: Cut/polish learn from each other 分甘共苦 fēn gān gòng kǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Share ups and downs 分門別類 fēn mén bié lèi 英文翻譯:/translation: Reorganize, restructure 分道揚鑣 fēn dào yáng biāo 英文翻譯:/translation: Part ways, go different ways 分疆畫界 fēn jiāng huà jiè 英文翻譯:/translation: Draw a line in the sand, define boundaries 勾肩搭背 gōu jiān dā bèi 英文翻譯:/translation: Pat shoulder, uncomfortable gesture 化險爲夷 huà xiǎn wéi yí 英文翻譯:/translation: Out of danger 化腐朽為神奇 huà fǔ xiǔ wéi shén qí 英文翻譯:/translation: Something useless becomes useful, there is treasure everywhere 反目成仇 fǎn mù chéng chóu 英文翻譯:/translation: Good friends become enemies after a fight 反客爲主 fǎn kè wéi zhǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Turn the tables, guest becomes the host, passive becomes active 返璞歸真 fǎn pú guī zhēn 英文翻譯:/translation: Get back to basics, become one with nature 反覆無常 fǎn fù wú cháng 英文翻譯:/translation: Changeable, unpredictable 天人交戰 tiān rén jiāo zhàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Morals and lusts compete 天下爲公 tiān xià wéi gōng 英文翻譯:/translation: Government belongs to the people 天下無雙 tiān xià wú shuāng 英文翻譯:/translation: Unique/fine art 天女散花 tiān n锟斤拷 sàn huā 英文翻譯:/translation: Bright, attention-getting 天之驕子 tiān zhī jiāo zǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Proper, high class 天下不作美 tiān xià bù zuò měi 英文翻譯:/translation: Bad weather, Typhoon 天文數字 tiān wén shù zì 英文翻譯:/translation: Astronomical number, Huge number, 天地無私 tiān dì wú sī 英文翻譯:/translation: Fair and unselfish 天衣無縫 tiān yī wú féng 英文翻譯:/translation: Perfect, unspotted 天作之合 tiān zuò zhī hé 英文翻譯:/translation: Match made in heaven 天長日久 tiān cháng rì jiǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Get used to things over time, things happen over a long time 天長地久 tiān cháng dì jiǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Forever, everlasting love 天花亂墜 tiān huā luàn zhuì 英文翻譯:/translation: Exaggerated, hype, embellished 天南地北 tiān nán dì běi 英文翻譯:/translation: Far away, lots to talk about 天馬行空 tiān mǎ xíng kōng 英文翻譯:/translation: Free as a bird, bold imagination 天高地厚 tiān gāo dì hòu 英文翻譯:/translation: Deep feelings, reasoning and feelings 天真爛漫 tiān zhēn làn màn 英文翻譯:/translation: Cute, innocent 天理不容 tiān lǐ bù róng 英文翻譯:/translation: Sinful, guilty, evil 天旋地轉 tiān xuán dì zhuǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: 1. Lost 2. Big changes 天誅地滅 tiān zhū dì miè 英文翻譯:/translation: You’ve gone too far, God punish you, shame on you 天經地義 tiān jīng dì yì 英文翻譯:/translation: Obvious, it was always like this 天網恢恢 tiān wǎng huī huī 英文翻譯:/translation: Karma, swift judgments to the wicked 天翻地覆 tiān fān dì fù 英文翻譯:/translation: Chaos, changes 天羅地網 tiān luó dì wǎng 英文翻譯:/translation: In deep trouble, dead end 天高皇帝遠 tiān gāo huáng dì yuǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Who is going to stop me? Lawless, boundless 天涯若比鄰 tiān yá ruò bǐ lín 英文翻譯:/translation: Friendship that transcends distance 天有不測風雲 tiān yǒu bù cè fēng yún 英文翻譯:/translation: Unexpected, good or bad could happen 天無絕人之路 tiān wú jué rén zhī lù 英文翻譯:/translation: There is always a way out, work hard and things will work out 天機不可洩露 tiān jī bù kě xiè lù 英文翻譯:/translation: Can’t tell a soul, top secret 天生我才必有用 tiān shēng wǒ cái bì yǒu yòng 英文翻譯:/translation: Everyone has a purpose, don’t give up 天下無難事,只怕有心人 tiān xià wú nán shì , zhī pà yǒu xīn rén 英文翻譯:/translation: When there’s a will there’s a way 夫唱婦隨 fū chàng fù suí 英文翻譯:/translation: Harmony in marriage, wife follows the husband 少安無躁 shǎo ān wú zào 英文翻譯:/translation: Settle down, calm down 少見多怪 shǎo jiàn duō guài 英文翻譯:/translation: Ignorant, make a big deal out of something unimportant 少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲 shǎo zhuàng bù nǔ lì , lǎo dà tú shāng bēi 英文翻譯:/translation: Work hard while you are young or regret it later 巴蛇吞象 bā shé tūn xiàng 英文翻譯:/translation: Too greedy 引人入勝 yǐn rén rù shèng 英文翻譯:/translation: Interesting, attractive 引吭高歌 yǐn háng gāo gē 英文翻譯:/translation: Sing loud 引狼入室 yǐn láng rù shì 英文翻譯:/translation: Have it coming, bring trouble upon yourself 引經據典 yǐn jīng jù diǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Evidence based, backed up 心力交瘁 xīn lì jiāo cuì 英文翻譯:/translation: Put out best effort 心口如一 xīn kǒu rú yī 英文翻譯:/translation: Honest, same inside and out 心心相印 xīn xīn xiāng yìn 英文翻譯:/translation: In love, kindred spirits 心不在焉 xīn bù zài yān 英文翻譯:/translation: Unfocused, distracted 心平氣和 xīn píng qì hé 英文翻譯:/translation: Mild, kind, well tempered 心如刀割 xīn rú dāo gē 英文翻譯:/translation: Really sad, hurt 心如止水 xīn rú zhǐ shuǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Indifferent, no feelings 新血來潮 xīn xuè lái cháo 英文翻譯:/translation: Come up with and idea, think of something together 心安理得 xīn ān lǐ dé 英文翻譯:/translation: Clear conscience, peace of mind 新回意轉 xīn huí yì zhuǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Change of mind, change of heart 心灰意懶 xīn huī yì lǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Give up, no hope 心有餘悸 xīn yǒu yú jì 英文翻譯:/translation: Still afraid, frightened 心直口快 xīn zhí kǒu kuài 英文翻譯:/translation: Speak without thinking, no filter 心服口服 xīn fú kǒu fú 英文翻譯:/translation: Respect, admire 心花怒放 xīn huā nù fàng 英文翻譯:/translation: Happy to see/discover something 心狠手辣 xīn hěn shǒu là 英文翻譯:/translation: Cruel, evil 心高氣傲 xīn gāo qì ào 英文翻譯:/translation: Proud 心浮氣躁 xīn fú qì zào 英文翻譯:/translation: Hyper 心悅誠服 xīn yuè chéng fú 英文翻譯:/translation: Gladly follow, obey 心術不正 xīn shù bù zhèng 英文翻譯:/translation: Scheming, conniving 心無旁騖 xīn wú páng wù 英文翻譯:/translation: Focused, not distracted 心意如膠 xīn yì rú jiāo 英文翻譯:/translation: Deep love, infatuated 心意相投 xīn yì xiāng tóu 英文翻譯:/translation: Same heart and mind 心慌意亂 xīn huāng yì luàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Flustered and confused 心煩意亂 xīn fán yì luàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Upset, perturbed 心滿意足 xīn mǎn yì zú 英文翻譯:/translation: Satisfied 心寬體胖 xīn kuān tǐ pàng 英文翻譯:/translation: Happiness brings good health and no stress 新凝型釋 xīn níng xíng shì 英文翻譯:/translation: One with nature 心曠神怡 xīn kuàng shén yí 英文翻譯:/translation: Happy and peaceful 心懷鬼胎 xīn huái guǐ tāi 英文翻譯:/translation: Evil intent, ideas 新懸兩地 xīn xuán liǎng dì 英文翻譯:/translation: Heart in two places, worried about something 心經肉顫 xīn jīng ròu chàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Scared that bad things will happen 心驚膽戰 xīn jīng dǎn zhàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Super scared 心有餘而力不足 xīn yǒu yú ér lì bù zú 英文翻譯:/translation: Heart willing, body weak 心有靈犀一點通 xīn yǒu líng xī yī diǎn tōng 英文翻譯:/translation: Same heart and mind 手不釋卷 shǒu bù shì juàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Diligent student, studious 手忙脚亂 shǒu máng jiǎo luàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Disorganized, frenzied 手足之情 shǒu zú zhī qíng 英文翻譯:/translation: Brotherly love, between brothers 手足無措 shǒu zú wú cuò 英文翻譯:/translation: Anxious, worried 手到病除 shǒu dào bìng chú 英文翻譯:/translation: Healed intimidate 手無寸鐵 shǒu wú cùn tiě 英文翻譯:/translation: Defenseless, armless 手舞足蹈 shǒu wǔ zú dǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Dance for joy, jump for joy 手頭拮据 shǒu tóu jié jù 英文翻譯:/translation: Poor, bad economic situation 手無縛鷄之力 shǒu wú fù jī zhī lì 英文翻譯:/translation: Weak and feeble 支離破碎 zhī lí pò suì 英文翻譯:/translation: Torn to pieces 文不對題 wén bù duì tí 英文翻譯:/translation: Off topic 文文謅謅 wén wén zhōu zhōu 英文翻譯:/translation: Gentle manners 文以載道 wén yǐ zài dào 英文翻譯:/translation: True words or morals expressed in literature 文定之喜 wén dìng zhī xǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Marriage proposal 文房四寶 wén fáng sì bǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Pen, ink, paper, ink stone 文采風流 wén cǎi fēng liú 英文翻譯:/translation: Fancy, noble, outstanding 文武兼備 wén wǔ jiān bèi 英文翻譯:/translation: Smart and brave 文思泉湧 wén sī quán yǒng 英文翻譯:/translation: Creative, easily write content 文情並茂 wén qíng bìng mào 英文翻譯:/translation: Full and rich text 文過飾非 wén guò shì fēi 英文翻譯:/translation: Liar, hypocrite, hide fault 文質彬彬 wén zhì bīn bīn 英文翻譯:/translation: Refined, gentle, suave 斤斤計較 jīn jīn jì jiào 英文翻譯:/translation: Argumentative, can’t be wrong, care about minor details 方底圓蓋 fāng dǐ yuán gài 英文翻譯:/translation: Impossible, unfit 方便之門 fāng biàn zhī mén 英文翻譯:/translation: Convenient path, make it easy 日月如梭 rì yuè rú suō 英文翻譯:/translation: Time flies 日不暇給 rì bù xiá gěi 英文翻譯:/translation: Busy, no time 日新月異 rì xīn yuè yì 英文翻譯:/translation: Change or progress quickly 日積月累 rì jī yuè léi 英文翻譯:/translation: Built up over a long time 日麗風和 rì lì fēng hé 英文翻譯:/translation: Good weather, spring time 日出而作,日入而息 rì chū ér zuò , rì rù ér xī 英文翻譯:/translation: Routine, do things on schedule 月下老人 yuè xià lǎo rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Match maker 月黑風高 yuè hēi fēng gāo 英文翻譯:/translation: Scary, dark 木已成舟 mù yǐ chéng zhōu 英文翻譯:/translation: Set in stone, unchangeable 止戈為武 zhǐ gē wéi wǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Stopping war is the bravest act of all 毋忘在莒 wú wàng zài jǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t forget the days for Ju, take back the homeland 毋貽後患 wú yí hòu huàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Leave no loose ends 比比皆是 bǐ bǐ jiē shì 英文翻譯:/translation: Normal, average, everyday 比上不足,比下有餘 bǐ shàng bù zú , bǐ xià yǒu yú 英文翻譯:/translation: Passable, not best or worst, so-so 毛手毛脚 máo shǒu máo jiǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Sloppy, repugnant 毛骨悚然 máo gǔ sǒng rán 英文翻譯:/translation: Horrified 毛遂自薦 máo suì zì jiàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Prideful, recommend oneself, offer services like Mao Sui. 水土不服 shuǐ tǔ bù fú 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t fit in 水火不容 shuǐ huǒ bù róng 英文翻譯:/translation: Conflict, don’t fit 水中撈月 shuǐ zhōng lāo yuè 英文翻譯:/translation: Naïve, unrealistic 水平如鏡 shuǐ píng rú jìng 英文翻譯:/translation: Water is still like a mirror 水泄不通 shuǐ xiè bù tōng 英文翻譯:/translation: Traffic, crowded, blocked up 水乳交融 shuǐ rǔ jiāo róng 英文翻譯:/translation: One mind and heart 水到渠成 shuǐ dào qú chéng 英文翻譯:/translation: Things are ready for something good to happen 水長船高 shuǐ cháng chuán gāo 英文翻譯:/translation: As people around you have success, you will also rise with them 水性楊花 shuǐ xìng yáng huā 英文翻譯:/translation: Fickle, flirty, loose woman 水深火熱 shuǐ shēn huǒ rè 英文翻譯:/translation: In a pickle 水落石出 shuǐ luò shí chū 英文翻譯:/translation: Reveal the truth 水能載舟,亦能覆舟 shuǐ néng zài zhōu , yì néng fù zhōu 英文翻譯:/translation: Good and bad, useful and harmful like water to a ship 火燒眉毛 huǒ shāo méi máo 英文翻譯:/translation: Dire, urgent 父母劬勞 fù mǔ qú láo 英文翻譯:/translation: Respect parents, parents that have worked hard deserve respect 片甲不留 piàn jiǎ bù liú 英文翻譯:/translation: Epic Fail 片面之詞 piàn miàn zhī cí 英文翻譯:/translation: Superficial words, one sided 牙牙學語 yá yá xué yǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Baby words 牛刀小試 niú dāo xiǎo shì 英文翻譯:/translation: Talented but tries to hide it 牛角掛書 niú jiǎo guà shū 英文翻譯:/translation: Diligent learner 牛頭馬面 niú tóu mǎ miàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Scary, demon 牛頭不對馬嘴 niú tóu bù duì mǎ zuǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Give an irrelevant answer 王佐之才 wáng zuǒ zhī cái 英文翻譯:/translation: Talent fit for a king
五畫/Five Strokes
世代書香 shì dài shū xiāng 英文翻譯:/translation: Studious family or ancestors 世外桃源 shì wài táo yuán 英文翻譯:/translation: Shangri-La, secret paradise 世故人情 shì gù rén qíng 英文翻譯:/translation: Worldly wisdom, practical knowledge 世風日下 shì fēng rì xià 英文翻譯:/translation: Morals getting worse and worse with each generation 世無常貴 shì wú cháng guì 英文翻譯:/translation: Nothing is permanent, nothing is certain 世路崎嶇 shì lù qí qū 英文翻譯:/translation: Life is difficult, the world is full of evil 世上無難事,只怕有心人 shì shàng wú nán shì , zhī pà yǒu xīn rén 英文翻譯:/translation: When there’s a will theres a way 主客顛倒 zhǔ kè diān dǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t get it, do the opposite of what is needed 乏善可陳 fá shàn kě chén 英文翻譯:/translation: Not worth saying 炸雨乍晴 zhà yǔ zhà qíng 英文翻譯:/translation: Unstable weather 以一警百 yǐ yī jǐng bǎi 英文翻譯:/translation: Make an example of someone 以火救火 yǐ huǒ jiù huǒ 英文翻譯:/translation: Make a problem worse, use fire to put out fire 以牙還牙 yǐ yá huán yá 英文翻譯:/translation: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 以少擊衆 yǐ shǎo jī zhòng 英文翻譯:/translation: Fight with a small number to defeat a large number 以多爲勝 yǐ duō wéi shèng 英文翻譯:/translation: Strength in numbers 以此類推 yǐ cǐ lèi tuī 英文翻譯:/translation: In a similar fashion, in the same thinking 以身作則 yǐ shēn zuò zé 英文翻譯:/translation: Be an example, do things yourself 以身試法 yǐ shēn shì fǎ 英文翻譯:/translation: Knowingly break the law, test the law 以毒攻毒 yǐ dú gōng dú 英文翻譯:/translation: Fight fire with fire 以退爲進 yǐ tuì wéi jìn 英文翻譯:/translation: Act humbly to advance 以淚洗面 yǐ lèi xǐ miàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Really sad, wash face with tears 以副厚望 yǐ fù hòu wàng 英文翻譯:/translation: As you wish, I will do as you wish 以訛傳訛 yǐ é chuán é 英文翻譯:/translation: Lies spread faster than the truth, spread gossip 以逸待勞 yǐ yì dài láo 英文翻譯:/translation: Strike when the enemy is tired 以貌取人 yǐ mào qǔ rén 英文翻譯:/translation: To judge a book by its cover, judge people by their outward appearance 以管窺天 yǐ guǎn kuī tiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Short sighted, narrow minded 以暴易暴 yǐ bào yì bào 英文翻譯:/translation: Use violence in return for violence 以德報怨 yǐ dé bào yuàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Do good to enemies 一蠡測海 yī lǐ cè hǎi 英文翻譯:/translation: Misguided, short sighted, blind. Use a ruler to measure the ocean depth. 以不變應萬變 yǐ bù biàn yīng wàn biàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Steadfast and immovable 以小人之心,度君子之腹 yǐ xiǎo rén zhī xīn , dù jūn zǐ zhī fù 英文翻譯:/translation: Assume people are the same as you 以其人之道,還治其人之身 yǐ qí rén zhī dào , huán zhì qí rén zhī shēn 英文翻譯:/translation: Give someone a taste of their own medicine 令人捧腹 líng rén pěng fù 英文翻譯:/translation: So funny that you laugh until your stomach hurts 令人噴飯 líng rén pēn fàn 英文翻譯:/translation: So funny that one spits rice 令人髮指 líng rén fā zhǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: So angry that hair sticks up 付之一炬 fù zhī yī jù 英文翻譯:/translation: Destroyed, failed, burned 代爲説項 dài wéi shuō xiàng 英文翻譯:/translation: Put in a good word for someone 代遠年湮 dài yuǎn nián yān 英文翻譯:/translation: Forgotten, ancient 仙風道骨 xiān fēng dào gǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Tall and lanky; transcendent 仗義執言 zhàng yì zhí yán 英文翻譯:/translation: Stand up for what is right 仗勢欺人 zhàng shì qī rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Use position to bully others 兄弟鬩墻 xiōng dì xì qiáng 英文翻譯:/translation: Fight between brothers 充耳不聞 chōng ěr bù wén 英文翻譯:/translation: Hear but don’t act or obey 出人意表 chū rén yì biǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Sudden, surprising 出人頭地 chū rén tóu dì 英文翻譯:/translation: Success coming after hard work 出口成章 chū kǒu chéng zhāng 英文翻譯:/translation: Easily write an essay 出生人死 chū shēng rén sǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Life begins and ends, dangerous situation 出言不遜 chū yán bù xùn 英文翻譯:/translation: Impolite, hurtful 出其不意 chū qí bù yì 英文翻譯:/translation: Strike when least expected 出神入死 chū shén rù sǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Reach perfection 出爾反爾 chū ěr fǎn ěr 英文翻譯:/translation: Flaky, change one’s mind often, indecisive 出類拔萃 chū lèi bá cuì 英文翻譯:/translation: Stand out from the crowd 出淤泥而不染 chū yū ní ér bù rǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Become great despite humble background 出師未捷身先死 chū shī wèi jié shēn xiān sǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: General dies before the victory 功成不居 gōng chéng bù jū 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t take credit for service 功成名遂 gōng chéng míng suì 英文翻譯:/translation: Prosperous and famous 功成身退 gōng chéng shēn tuì 英文翻譯:/translation: Retire after achievements 功過相抵 gōng guò xiāng dǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Achievements and failures cancel out 功德無量 gōng dé wú liáng 英文翻譯:/translation: Endless good deeds 功德圓滿 gōng dé yuán mǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Perfect job, seamless finish 功虧一簣 gōng kuī yī kuì 英文翻譯:/translation: Missed by a hair, just short 包羅萬象 bāo luó wàn xiàng 英文翻譯:/translation: Includes everything 半斤八兩 bàn jīn bā liǎng 英文翻譯:/translation: Similar, equal 半生半熟 bàn shēng bàn shú 英文翻譯:/translation: Food or skills undercooked 半信半疑 bàn xìn bàn yí 英文翻譯:/translation: Hard to tell if something is true or not. 半推半就 bàn tuī bàn jiù 英文翻譯:/translation: Play hard to get 半途而廢 bàn tú ér fèi 英文翻譯:/translation: Give up halfway 半路出家 bàn lù chū jiā 英文翻譯:/translation: Change professions halfway through life 半部論語治天下 bàn bù lùn yǔ zhì tiān xià 英文翻譯:/translation: Can do great things with only putting out half an effort 去就之分 qù jiù zhī fēn 英文翻譯:/translation: Consider to stay or leave a job 古色古香 gǔ sè gǔ xiāng 英文翻譯:/translation: Old style art 古今往來 gǔ jīn wǎng lái 英文翻譯:/translation: Long time from the past to the present 古稀之年 gǔ xī zhī nián 英文翻譯:/translation: 70 years old, the age not many people reach 史無前例 shǐ wú qián lì 英文翻譯:/translation: Unprecedented, best ever 叱吒風雲 chì zhà fēng yún 英文翻譯:/translation: Heroic presence 司空見慣 sī kōng jiàn guàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Get used to seeing something, nothing out of the ordinary 司馬昭之心,路人皆知 sī mǎ zhāo zhī xīn , lù rén jiē zhī 英文翻譯:/translation: Everyone knows someone is evil 另眼看待 lìng yǎn kàn dài 英文翻譯:/translation: Take another look at something, see something in a new light 只知其一,不知其二 zhī zhī qí yī , bù zhī qí èr 英文翻譯:/translation: Missing the big picture, can’t see the full picture 只需州長防火,不許百姓點燈 zhī xū zhōu cháng fáng huǒ , bù xǔ bǎi xìng diǎn dēng 英文翻譯:/translation: Above the law, the official lights a huge fire but does not allow citizens to light lamps. 四大皆空 sì dà jiē kōng 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t care for worldly things 四分五裂 sì fēn wǔ liè 英文翻譯:/translation: Fall apart, crumble (both literally and figuratively) 四面楚歌 sì miàn chǔ gē 英文翻譯:/translation: Be surrounded by troubles, surrounded on four sides by the Chu. 四海一家 sì hǎi yī jiā 英文翻譯:/translation: People get along, a unified world is like home 四海爲家 sì hǎi wéi jiā 英文翻譯:/translation: Unified country feels like home; the world is home. 四通八達 sì tōng bā dá 英文翻譯:/translation: Convenient transportation 外方内圓 wài fāng nèi yuán 英文翻譯:/translation: Look good on the outside, sly and scheming on the inside. 外巧内嫉 wài qiǎo nèi jī 英文翻譯:/translation: Nice on the outside, jealous on the inside. 外剛内柔 wài gāng nèi róu 英文翻譯:/translation: Tough on the outside, soft on the inside. 外孫䪢臼 wài sūn 䪢 jiù 英文翻譯:/translation: Beautiful words, beautiful writing. 外强中乾 wài qiáng zhōng gān 英文翻譯:/translation: Looks strong on the outside but weak on the inside 失魂落魄 shī hún luò pò 英文翻譯:/translation: Out of your mind, about to faint; one weak link 失之毫釐,差之千里 shī zhī háo lí , chà zhī qiān lǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Make a problem worse, add gas to the fire 左右兩難 zuǒ yòu liǎng nán 英文翻譯:/translation: Difficult situation, choose between two evils 左右逢源 zuǒ yòu féng yuán 英文翻譯:/translation: Insightful writing, education 左思右想 zuǒ sī yòu xiǎng 英文翻譯:/translation: Ponder, consider all aspects 左顧右盼 zuǒ gù yòu pàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Unfocused, look at something else 巧言令色 qiǎo yán líng sè 英文翻譯:/translation: Superficial, fake expression or words 巨細靡遺 jù xì mí yí 英文翻譯:/translation: Complete, tell a whole story in detail 市道小人 shì dào xiǎo rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Value material gain over morals 平心而論 píng xīn ér lùn 英文翻譯:/translation: Fair, justly judge 平分秋色 píng fēn qiū sè 英文翻譯:/translation: Share the limelight, equal treatment 平白無故 píng bái wú gù 英文翻譯:/translation: No reason, for no reason 平步青雲 píng bù qīng yún 英文翻譯:/translation: Become rich and rise in status 平易近人 píng yì jìn rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Nice, calm, approachable 平起平坐 píng qǐ píng zuò 英文翻譯:/translation: Equal level, same rank 平頭百姓 píng tóu bǎi xìng 英文翻譯:/translation: Normal person 平時不燒香,臨時抱佛脚 píng shí bù shāo xiāng , lín shí bào fó jiǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Prepare at the last second, procrastinate 必恭必敬 bì gōng bì jìng 英文翻譯:/translation: Really respectful 必然之勢 bì rán zhī shì 英文翻譯:/translation: Trend, changes as expected 打成一片 dǎ chéng yī piàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Harmonious, at one 打抱不平 dǎ bào bù píng 英文翻譯:/translation: Fight injustice 打退堂鼓 dǎ tuì táng gǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Stop halfway, go back 打草驚蛇 dǎ cǎo jīng shé 英文翻譯:/translation: Alert enemy, make an example as a warning 打情罵俏 dǎ qíng mà qiào 英文翻譯:/translation: Flirt, banter 打鴨子上架 dǎ yā zǐ shàng jià 英文翻譯:/translation: Force someone to do something they don’t want to do. 打腫臉充胖子 dǎ zhǒng liǎn chōng pàng zǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Act like something you are not, 打破沙鍋問到底 dǎ pò shā guō wèn dào dǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Get to the bottom of it 打開天窗說亮話 dǎ kāi tiān chuāng shuō liàng huà 英文翻譯:/translation: Straight forward, direct speech 旦夕之危 dàn xī zhī wēi 英文翻譯:/translation: Dangerous, bad things could happen at any time 未卜先知 wèi bǔ xiān zhī 英文翻譯:/translation: Prophetic, seer 未可厚非 wèi kě hòu fēi 英文翻譯:/translation: Forgivable, understandable 未必盡然 wèi bì jìn rán 英文翻譯:/translation: Not exactly like that 未老先衰 wèi lǎo xiān shuāi 英文翻譯:/translation: Become frail and weak while young 未雨綢繆 wèi yǔ chóu móu 英文翻譯:/translation: Prepare against disasters 本末倒置 běn mò dǎo zhì 英文翻譯:/translation: Mix up important and unimportant details, don’t get it 本性難移 běn xìng nán yí 英文翻譯:/translation: Hard to change one’s nature 正人君子 zhèng rén jūn zǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Righteous and unselfish person 正氣磅礴 zhèng qì bàng bó 英文翻譯:/translation: Brave and righteous person 正襟危坐 zhèng jīn wēi zuò 英文翻譯:/translation: Respectful attitude 民不畏死 mín bù wèi sǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: The people are not afraid to die in a revolt 民以食爲天 mín yǐ shí wéi tiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Food is the most important thing in life, a citizens livelihood is the most important 玉成其事 yù chéng qí shì 英文翻譯:/translation: Could not do it without your help 玉樹臨風 yù shù lín fēng 英文翻譯:/translation: Talented and handsome young man 玉不琢不成器 yù bù zhuó bù chéng qì 英文翻譯:/translation: Must go through trial and training to become talented 瓜田李下 guā tián lǐ xià 英文翻譯:/translation: Dubious looking, suspicious looking 甘之如飴 gān zhī rú yí 英文翻譯:/translation: Optimistic, happy despite trials 甘拜下風 gān bài xià fēng 英文翻譯:/translation: I give up, you win 生死之交 shēng sǐ zhī jiāo 英文翻譯:/translation: Good friendship, willing to die for a friend 生老病死 shēng lǎo bìng sǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Life’s experience, journey of life from birth to death 生花妙筆 shēng huā miào bǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: A moving piece of writing 生龍活虎 shēng lóng huó hǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Healthy and nimble, like a tiger and a dragon. 生米煮成熟飯 shēng mǐ zhǔ chéng shú fàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Set in stone, no going back. 生死人,肉白骨 shēng sǐ rén , ròu bái gǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Grateful, you saved my life 生死有命,富貴在天 shēng sǐ yǒu mìng , fù guì zài tiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Give up to fate, accept one’s fate 生於憂患,死於安樂 shēng yú yōu huàn , sǐ yú ān lè 英文翻譯:/translation: Death comes from ease and pleasure, life comes from sorrow and calamity 用武之地 yòng wǔ zhī dì 英文翻譯:/translation: A place to show off one’s talent 用錢如水 yòng qián rú shuǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Waste money, spend money like its water 用之為虎,不用則爲鼠 yòng zhī wéi hǔ , bù yòng zé wéi shǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Low key, laid back. Act like a mouse but become a tiger when needed. 白手成家 bái shǒu chéng jiā 英文翻譯:/translation: Start from nothing, create a business from nothing. 白手空歸 bái shǒu kōng guī 英文翻譯:/translation: Old with no achievements, nothing to show from life. 白面畫生 bái miàn huà shēng 英文翻譯:/translation: Nerd, a student with no life experience. 白頭偕老 bái tóu xié lǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Long live the bride and groom. 皮開肉綻 pí kāi ròu zhàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Flesh wound, a wound that issues blood 目不暇給 mù bù xiá gěi 英文翻譯:/translation: Too much to see, a feast for the eyes 目中無人 mù zhōng wú rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Proud, best in one’s own eyes. 目光如豆 mù guāng rú dòu 英文翻譯:/translation: Short sighted, having only superficial knowledge 目光如炬 mù guāng rú jù 英文翻譯:/translation: Smart, wise and knowledgeable 目無全牛 mù wú quán niú 英文翻譯:/translation: Skilled, expert 目瞪口呆 mù dèng kǒu dāi 英文翻譯:/translation: Scared silly, scared stiff 矛盾無辯 máo dùn wú biàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Self contradictory 石沉大海 shí chén dà hǎi 英文翻譯:/translation: Vanish, gone without a trace, lose contact 石破天驚 shí pò tiān jīng 英文翻譯:/translation: Amazing, surprise 立地成佛 lì dì chéng fó 英文翻譯:/translation: Repent, become like Buddha 立竿見影 lì gān jiàn yǐng 英文翻譯:/translation: Quick results 六畫/Six Strokes 丟人現眼 diū rén xiàn yǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Extremely embarrassing 丟三六四 diū sān liù sì 英文翻譯:/translation: Forgetful, lose things 亙古通今 gèn gǔ tōng jīn 英文翻譯:/translation: Since ancient times to now, from past to present 交淺言深 jiāo qiǎn yán shēn 英文翻譯:/translation: Loose acquaintances have deep conversation 交頭接耳 jiāo tóu jiē ěr 英文翻譯:/translation: Whisper, low talk 仰天長嘆 yǎng tiān cháng tàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Disgraced, frustrated 仰首伸眉 yǎng shǒu shēn méi 英文翻譯:/translation: Proud, prideful attitude 仰望終身 yǎng wàng zhōng shēn 英文翻譯:/translation: Rely one someone for support, (usually used to express wife relies on husband) 伏虎降龍 fú hǔ jiàng lóng 英文翻譯:/translation: Overcome temptations and trials 任重道遠 rèn zhòng dào yuǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Great weight and responsibility, a long road to travel 任勞任怨 rèn láo rèn yuàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Willing to take responsibility 伉儷情深 kàng lì qíng shēn 英文翻譯:/translation: Deep love between husband and wife 光大門楣 guāng dà mén méi 英文翻譯:/translation: Entire family lifted by good deeds of one family member 光天化日 Guāng tiān huà rì 英文翻譯:/translation: In broad daylight; heyday, days of glory 光芒萬丈 guāng máng wàn zhàng 英文翻譯:/translation: Splendid and radiant writing 光明正大 guāng míng zhèng dà 英文翻譯:/translation: Righteous, virtuous, moral 光明磊落 guāng míng lěi luò 英文翻譯:/translation: Open and honest, upright 光宗耀祖 guāng zōng yào zǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Achievements that bring honor to ancestors 光前裕後 guāng qián yù hòu 英文翻譯:/translation: Bring honor from ancestors to decsendents 光陰如箭 guāng yīn rú jiàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Time flies (like an arrow) 光陰荏苒 guāng yīn rěn rǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Time passes steadily 光彩奪目 guāng cǎi duó mù 英文翻譯:/translation: Bright and colorful 先入爲主 xiān rù wéi zhǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Only believe what you hear first 先見之明 xiān jiàn zhī míng 英文翻譯:/translation: Perceptive, keen 先知先覺 xiān zhī xiān jué 英文翻譯:/translation: Quick to observe, know something first 先斬後奏 xiān zhǎn hòu zòu 英文翻譯:/translation: Better to act first and report later. Better to ask forgiveness than permission. 先發制人 xiān fā zhì rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Act first to stop an opponent. 先睹爲快 xiān dǔ wéi kuài 英文翻譯:/translation: Want to see something first. 先憂後樂 xiān yōu hòu lè 英文翻譯:/translation: Happiness after pain, reward comes after sacrifice 先獲我心 xiān huò wǒ xīn 英文翻譯:/translation: You guessed what I was thinking, do and say the same thing (like saying ditto) 先禮後兵 xiān lǐ hòu bīng 英文翻譯:/translation: Use reason before force 先聲奪人 xiān shēng duó rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Coerce, degrade with words 先下手爲强 xiān xià shǒu wéi qiáng 英文翻譯:/translation: Make the first move 先小人後君子 xiān xiǎo rén hòu jūn zǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Plan before you act 全始全終 quán shǐ quán zhōng 英文翻譯:/translation: Do something from start to finish, complete something from end to end 全軍覆沒 quán jūn fù méi 英文翻譯:/translation: Total failure, be totally wiped out 共襄盛舉 gòng xiāng shèng jǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Work as a team to accomplish a goal 再三再四 zài sān zài sì 英文翻譯:/translation: Again and again 再生父母 zài shēng fù mǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Extremely grateful to someone, holding them as parents in another life 再接再厲 zài jiē zài lì 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t belong, prepare 再造之恩 zài zào zhī ēn 英文翻譯:/translation: Thanks for your benevolence 冰天雪地 bīng tiān xuě dì 英文翻譯:/translation: Super cold location 冰消瓦解 bīng xiāo wǎ jiě 英文翻譯:/translation: Destroyed, gone away 冰清玉潔 bīng qīng yù jié 英文翻譯:/translation: Virtuous and moral 冰雪聰明 bīng xuě cōng míng 英文翻譯:/translation: Smart and talented 冰炭不相容 bīng tàn bù xiāng róng 英文翻譯:/translation: Two people cannot get along, personality clash 冰凍三尺,非一日之寒 bīng dòng sān chǐ , fēi yī rì zhī hán 英文翻譯:/translation: This didn’t happen over night. Literally it didn’t take just one night for the ice to freeze three feet. 列土分疆 liè tǔ fēn jiāng 英文翻譯:/translation: Change boundaries 刑期無形 xíng qī wú xíng 英文翻譯:/translation: Punishment eradicates evil 刎頸之交 wěn jǐng zhī jiāo 英文翻譯:/translation: Still good friends even after harming one another 匡濟時艱 kuāng jì shí jiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Escape trouble 危在旦夕 wēi zài dàn xī 英文翻譯:/translation: Danger can come at any time 危如累卵 wēi rú léi luǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: A dangerous situation, like eggs stacked on top of each other 危言聳聽 wēi yán sǒng tīng 英文翻譯:/translation: Exaggerate something to sound good 各有千秋 gè yǒu qiān qiū 英文翻譯:/translation: Everything has worth 各自爲政 gè zì wéi zhèng 英文翻譯:/translation: Disorderly, ununified 各執一詞 gè zhí yī cí 英文翻譯:/translation: Everyone’s own view is right, everyone pushes their own viewpoint 各人自掃門前雪 gè rén zì sǎo mén qián xuě 英文翻譯:/translation: Mind your own business, usually selfishly. Everyone is only responsible for sweeping the snow on their own front porch. 同工異曲 tóng gōng yì qū 英文翻譯:/translation: Different methods can still get the job done. 同舟共濟 tóng zhōu gòng jì 英文翻譯:/translation: Work together to overcome obstacles 同床異夢 tóng chuáng yì mèng 英文翻譯:/translation: Different ideas among close friends 同流合汙 tóng liú hé wū 英文翻譯:/translation: Bad influence, if you hang out with bad people you will start to do bad things 同病相憐 tóng bìng xiāng lián 英文翻譯:/translation: Sympathize, go through the same pain 同窗共硯 tóng chuāng gòng yàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Students learn together 同歸於盡 tóng guī yú jìn 英文翻譯:/translation: Sacrifice self to destroy an enemy 吃裡扒外 chī lǐ bā wài 英文翻譯:/translation: Traitor; secretly help the others 吃力不討好 chī lì bù tǎo hǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Strenuous efforts are not appreciated 吃不了兜著走 chī bù liǎo dōu zhù zǒu 英文翻譯:/translation: Get into trouble, take leftovers 吉凶未卜 jí xiōng wèi bǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Future could hold bad or good luck, future is uncertain 吉日良辰 jí rì liáng chén 英文翻譯:/translation: Good times, happy days. 名土風流 míng tǔ fēng liú 英文翻譯:/translation: Elegant person or scholar 名不副實 míng bù fù shí 英文翻譯:/translation: Fake, unmotivated 名不虛傳 míng bù xū chuán 英文翻譯:/translation: Someone really is who they say they are 名正言順 míng zhèng yán shùn 英文翻譯:/translation: Obvious; have proper motive to do something 名利前茅 míng lì qián máo 英文翻譯:/translation: Top grades, test number one. 名利雙收 míng lì shuāng shōu 英文翻譯:/translation: Become rich and famous. 名門閨秀 míng mén guī xiù 英文翻譯:/translation: Girl from a well known and prosperous family. 名副其實 míng fù qí shí 英文翻譯:/translation: Reputation and good looks match a person’s inner heart. 名過其實 míng guò qí shí 英文翻譯:/translation: Reputation and fame is less than a person claims. 名落孫山 míng luò sūn shān 英文翻譯:/translation: Fail a test 名滿天下 míng mǎn tiān xià 英文翻譯:/translation: Everyone knows his reputation. 名噪一時 míng zào yī shí 英文翻譯:/translation: Enjoy fleeting fame, 15 minutes of fame. 名聲狼藉 míng shēng láng jiè 英文翻譯:/translation: Everyone knows this person is evil. 因人成事 yīn rén chéng shì 英文翻譯:/translation: Rely on others to complete tasks. 因小失大 yīn xiǎo shī dà 英文翻譯:/translation: Save a little and lose a lot. Not worth the sacrifice. 因地制宜 yīn dì zhì yí 英文翻譯:/translation: Adapt to local conditions 因材施教 yīn cái shī jiào 英文翻譯:/translation: Teach to a student’s level, teach to needs and ability. 因果報應 yīn guǒ bào yīng 英文翻譯:/translation: Karma 因風吹火 yīn fēng chuī huǒ 英文翻譯:/translation: Take the easy route; accomplish something with little effort 因陋就簡 yīn lòu jiù jiǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Accept things as they are, don’t try to change a situation 因循苟且 yīn xún gǒu qiě 英文翻譯:/translation: Stick to the old ways. 因禍得福 yīn huò dé fú 英文翻譯:/translation: Good things come from disasters, luck that came from a bad event 因緣為市 yīn yuán wéi shì 英文翻譯:/translation: Make judgement based on bribes 因噎廢食 yīn yē fèi shí 英文翻譯:/translation: Avoid risk, give up early for fear of failure 回天乏術 huí tiān fá shù 英文翻譯:/translation: Beyond saving, someone is close to death. 回心轉意 huí xīn zhuǎn yì 英文翻譯:/translation: Change mind back to original thoughts 回光返照 huí guāng fǎn zhào 英文翻譯:/translation: Last strength before death 回祿之災 huí lù zhī zāi 英文翻譯:/translation: Fire, blaze, inferno. 回頭是岸 huí tóu shì àn 英文翻譯:/translation: Repent to be saved. 地老天荒 dì lǎo tiān huāng 英文翻譯:/translation: Everlasting love. 地角天涯 dì jiǎo tiān yá 英文翻譯:/translation: Far away, on the edge of the earth 地拆天崩 dì chāi tiān bēng 英文翻譯:/translation: Big change or large noise 在水一方 zài shuǐ yī fāng 英文翻譯:/translation: Separated, apart 在家出家 zài jiā chū jiā 英文翻譯:/translation: Grow up without leaving home; mature with age 在人矮簷下,不敢低頭 zài rén ǎi 簷 xià , bù gǎn dī tóu 英文翻譯:/translation: Humble when oppressed 多多益善 duō duō yì shàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Become better and better 多此一舉 duō cǐ yī jǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Unnecessary; gossip. 多言多敗 duō yán duō bài 英文翻譯:/translation: The more words you say, the more easy it is to be wrong. 多愁善感 duō chóu shàn gǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Fragile emotions, sad 多錢善賈 duō qián shàn jiǎ 英文翻譯:/translation: The more money you have, the easier it is to be successful 多行不義必自滅 duō xíng bù yì bì zì miè 英文翻譯:/translation: Doing evil always has a bad reward 多一事不如省一事 duō yī shì bù rú shěng yī shì 英文翻譯:/translation: Better to not do something in the first place. 夙夜匪懈 sù yè fěi xiè 英文翻譯:/translation: Diligently work. 夙夜夢寐 sù yè mèng mèi 英文翻譯:/translation: Think about something night and day, constantly worry. 妄自尊大 wàng zì zūn dà 英文翻譯:/translation: Talentless but still proud, overestimate oneself. 妄自菲薄 wàng zì fēi báo 英文翻譯:/translation: Underestimate oneself. 好大喜功 hǎo dà xǐ gōng 英文翻譯:/translation: Exaggerate and over-celebrate 好事多磨 hǎo shì duō mó 英文翻譯:/translation: Good things are stopped, good is cancelled out by bad. 好爲人師 hǎo wéi rén shī 英文翻譯:/translation: Happy to be a teacher, glad to teach others. 好高騖遠 hǎo gāo wù yuǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Unreachable goal, unrealistic 好馬不吃回頭草 hǎo mǎ bù chī huí tóu cǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Ambitious and successful people do not look back, keep going on with life. 好漢不吃眼前虧 hǎo hàn bù chī yǎn qián kuī 英文翻譯:/translation: Need to be patient in order to accomplish a goal 好事不出門,壞事傳千里 hǎo shì bù chū mén , huài shì chuán qiān lǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Bad news spreads fast, good news never leaves the door. 如日中天 rú rì zhōng tiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Business is flourishing and well known. 如火如茶 rú huǒ rú chá 英文翻譯:/translation: Colorful and bountiful. 如出一口 rú chū yī kǒu 英文翻譯:/translation: Like said from the same mouth, what he says is the same. 如出一轍 rú chū yī zhé 英文翻譯:/translation: Look exactly the same, from the same mold. 如坐針氈 rú zuò zhēn zhān 英文翻譯:/translation: Sit uncomfortably, like a needle laced pillow, nervous, anxious, painful. 如花似玉 rú huā sì yù 英文翻譯:/translation: Beautiful woman 如法炮製 rú fǎ páo zhì 英文翻譯:/translation: Follow instructions, make standard 如風過耳 rú fēng guò ěr 英文翻譯:/translation: Unteachable student; something unrelated to you that does not affect you 如狼似虎 rú láng sì hǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Violent and terrible, like a wolf or tiger 如魚得水 rú yú dé shuǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Happy couple; good environment to develop like a fish in water 如椽之筆 rú chuán zhī bǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Wonderful writing 如雷貫耳 rú léi guàn ěr 英文翻譯:/translation: Famous, everyone knows 如意算盤 rú yì suàn pán 英文翻譯:/translation: Wishful thinking, smug plans. 如履平地 rú l锟斤拷 píng dì 英文翻譯:/translation: Really easy, a cakewalk. 如膠似漆 rú jiāo sì qī 英文翻譯:/translation: Strong relationship, like glue and rubber. 如數家珍 rú shù jiā zhēn 英文翻譯:/translation: Familiarity with something, like one’s own family jewels 如影隨形 rú yǐng suí xíng 英文翻譯:/translation: Follows something like a shadow; karma. 如臨大敵 rú lín dà dí 英文翻譯:/translation: Afraid, as if facing a giant foe. 如獲至寶 rú huò zhì bǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Happy to get a small reward, like receiving a gem. 如願以償 rú yuàn yǐ cháng 英文翻譯:/translation: Dreams come true 如癡如醉 rú chī rú zuì 英文翻譯:/translation: Lost, like a mentally handicapped person or drunkard. 如釋重負 rú shì zhòng fù 英文翻譯:/translation: Let go of a mental or emotional burden, like letting go of a heavy load 如失左右手 rú shī zuǒ yòu shǒu 英文翻譯:/translation: Lose ability, like losing one’s own hands. 如入無人之境 rú rù wú rén zhī jìng 英文翻譯:/translation: Meet no resistance, like conquering an unhinhabited land. 如人飲水,冷暖自知 rú rén yǐn shuǐ , lěng nuǎn zì zhī 英文翻譯:/translation: You need to have been there, need to experience it yourself to understand, like touching water to feel the temperature. 字正腔圓 zì zhèng qiāng yuán 英文翻譯:/translation: Standard and perfect speech. 字裡行間 zì lǐ xíng jiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Read between the lines, fine print. 守口如瓶 shǒu kǒu rú píng 英文翻譯:/translation: Keep a secret like a sealed bottle 守成不易 shǒu chéng bù yì 英文翻譯:/translation: Not easy to keep riches, or keep a business going. 守身如玉 shǒu shēn rú yù 英文翻譯:/translation: Preserve honor and integrity. 守株待兔 shǒu zhū dài tù 英文翻譯:/translation: Stubborn; try to get a free lunch. 守望相助 shǒu wàng xiāng zhù 英文翻譯:/translation: Neighbors watch out for each other 安分守己 ān fēn shǒu jǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Be true to yourself; don’t leave your comfort zone 安不忘危 ān bù wàng wēi 英文翻譯:/translation: Safe but still aware of danger 安如泰山 ān rú tài shān 英文翻譯:/translation: Safe and secure, like an emperor in his palace 安身立命 ān shēn lì mìng 英文翻譯:/translation: Settle down and have a family and stable career 安坐而食 ān zuò ér shí 英文翻譯:/translation: Only relax (eat) and don’t work or put in effort. 安枕而臥 ān zhěn ér wò 英文翻譯:/translation: Not a care in the world 安居樂業 ān jū lè yè 英文翻譯:/translation: Happy and prosperous 安貧樂道 ān pín lè dào 英文翻譯:/translation: Stay pure and true despite temptations 安然無事 ān rán wú shì 英文翻譯:/translation: Safe and sound 尖酸刻薄 jiān suān kè báo 英文翻譯:/translation: Sarcastic, rude, demeaning 尖嘴猴腮 jiān zuǐ hóu sāi 英文翻譯:/translation: Unrefined appearance, like an ape. 屹立不動 yì lì bù dòng 英文翻譯:/translation: Strong and firm 屹然特立 yì rán tè lì 英文翻譯:/translation: Large, tall, and peculiar. 州官放火 zhōu guān fàng huǒ 英文翻譯:/translation: Corrupt, misuse power, like an official that lets off fireworks while forbidding the same for others. 並日而食 bìng rì ér shí 英文翻譯:/translation: Poor and hungry. 年壯氣盛 nián zhuàng qì shèng 英文翻譯:/translation: Young and strong 年事已高 nián shì yǐ gāo 英文翻譯:/translation: Old and great in age. 忙中有錯 máng zhōng yǒu cuò 英文翻譯:/translation: Make mistakes in your haste. 忙裡偷閑 máng lǐ tōu xián 英文翻譯:/translation: Work/life balance, find ways to relax and live life while working. 成人之美 chéng rén zhī měi 英文翻譯:/translation: Do a good deed, fulfill someone’s wish 成千累萬 chéng qiān léi wàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Many thousands 成仁取義 chéng rén qǔ yì 英文翻譯:/translation: Die for country or a good cause. 成竹在胸 chéng zhú zài xiōng 英文翻譯:/translation: Plan before you act. 成何體統 chéng hé tǐ tǒng 英文翻譯:/translation: What a scandal, a baffling scene. 成事不説 chéng shì bù shuō 英文翻譯:/translation: Move on, do not dwell on the past. 成家立業 chéng jiā lì yè 英文翻譯:/translation: Start a family and career. 成則爲王,敗者如寇 chéng zé wéi wáng , bài zhě rú kòu 英文翻譯:/translation: There are only winners and losers. 扣人心弦 kòu rén xīn xián 英文翻譯:/translation: Touching, heartwarming. 曲直分明 qū zhí fēn míng 英文翻譯:/translation: Know difference between right and wrong. 有口皆碑 yǒu kǒu jiē bēi 英文翻譯:/translation: Worthy of praise. 有口無心 yǒu kǒu wú xīn 英文翻譯:/translation: Bark worse than bite. 有口難言 yǒu kǒu nán yán 英文翻譯:/translation: Hard to defend one’s self. 有目共睹 yǒu mù gòng dǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Everyone knows 有名有性 yǒu míng yǒu xìng 英文翻譯:/translation: Established identity. 有名無實 yǒu míng wú shí 英文翻譯:/translation: Have fame but no power or authority. 有求必應 yǒu qiú bì yīng 英文翻譯:/translation: All your requests are granted, your wish is my command. 有志竟成 yǒu zhì jìng chéng 英文翻譯:/translation: You can accomplish anything if you have a desire. 有始有終 yǒu shǐ yǒu zhōng 英文翻譯:/translation: Do something from start to finish. 有恃無恐 yǒu shì wú kǒng 英文翻譯:/translation: Not afraid of anything, no fear. 有勇無謀 yǒu yǒng wú móu 英文翻譯:/translation: Brave but stupid, no plan. 有容乃大 yǒu róng nǎi dà 英文翻譯:/translation: Patient and forgiving. 有氣無力 yǒu qì wú lì 英文翻譯:/translation: Soft speaker, low talker. 有條不素 yǒu tiáo bù sù 英文翻譯:/translation: Well organized. 有眼無珠 yǒu yǎn wú zhū 英文翻譯:/translation: Can’t judge properly, cannot tell things apart. 有教無類 yǒu jiào wú lèi 英文翻譯:/translation: All students are on the same level, teach all students the same. 有朝一日 yǒu zhāo yī rì 英文翻譯:/translation: Someday 有無相通 yǒu wú xiāng tōng 英文翻譯:/translation: Trade goods 有備無患 yǒu bèi wú huàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Planning avoids disaster, be prepared and you will not run into mishap 有經有緯 yǒu jīng yǒu wěi 英文翻譯:/translation: Solid argument 有隙可乘 yǒu xì kě chéng 英文翻譯:/translation: Opportunity to attack weak spot 有頭有尾 yǒu tóu yǒu wěi 英文翻譯:/translation: Complete from start to finish 有錢有勢 yǒu qián yǒu shì 英文翻譯:/translation: Have money and power 有憑有據 yǒu píng yǒu jù 英文翻譯:/translation: Have real solid evidence 有聲有色 yǒu shēng yǒu sè 英文翻譯:/translation: Profound and beautiful art 有識之徒 Yǒu shí zhī tú 英文翻譯:/translation: Someone that understands, have a good understanding. 有礙觀瞻 yǒu ài guān zhān 英文翻譯:/translation: Ugly, looking at it makes the eyes sore, an eye sore 有子萬事足 yǒu zǐ wàn shì zú 英文翻譯:/translation: Having a son is the ultimate fulfillment 有眼不識泰山 yǒu yǎn bù shí tài shān 英文翻譯:/translation: I didn’t recognize you (polite), didn’t recognize an important person 有其父必有其子 yǒu qí fù bì yǒu qí zǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Like father like son 有情人都成眷屬 yǒu qíng rén dū chéng juàn shǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Lovers become family (said to newly weds) 有緣千里來相會 yǒu yuán qiān lǐ lái xiāng huì 英文翻譯:/translation: Even if separated by a thousand miles, if fate wills it we will meet again. 有錢使得鬼推磨 yǒu qián shǐ dé guǐ tuī mó 英文翻譯:/translation: With money you can do anything 有福同享有難同當 yǒu fú tóng xiǎng yǒu nán tóng dāng 英文翻譯:/translation: Trials come together with happiness, blessings come along with sadness 朴而不文 pǔ ér bù wén 英文翻譯:/translation: Simple and uncultured, unlearned 朱陳之好 zhū chén zhī hǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Two families are joined in marriage 朱脣皓齒 zhū chún hào chǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Beautiful woman, with red lips and white teeth 朽木不可雕 xiǔ mù bù kě diāo 英文翻譯:/translation: Unable, unwilling to improve and learn 此仆彼起 cǐ pū bǐ qǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Steady and constant to the end 此調不彈久矣 cǐ diào bù dàn jiǔ yǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Have not done something in a long time, can’t do it like I used to 此調不留人,自有留人處 cǐ diào bù liú rén , zì yǒu liú rén chǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: If you cannot live somewhere, there are other places that you can live 死不瞑目 sǐ bù míng mù 英文翻譯:/translation: Unwilful death 死心眼兒 sǐ xīn yǎn ér 英文翻譯:/translation: Stubborn and difficult 死心塌地 sǐ xīn tā dì 英文翻譯:/translation: Focused on one thing 死生有命 sǐ shēng yǒu mìng 英文翻譯:/translation: Life and death are predetermined 死去活來 sǐ qù huó lái 英文翻譯:/translation: Super painful 死皮賴臉 sǐ pí lài liǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Thick skinned, not afraid of being bold 死而不朽 sǐ ér bù xiǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Dead but still famous forever after death 死而後己 sǐ ér hòu jǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Work until ones dying breath 死而無悔 sǐ ér wú huǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Die with no regrets 死有餘辜 sǐ yǒu yú gū 英文翻譯:/translation: Death is not a worthy punishment for such evil 死於非命 sǐ yú fēi mìng 英文翻譯:/translation: Unnatural death 死無對證 sǐ wú duì zhèng 英文翻譯:/translation: Die with crucial evidence, death of witness of a crime 死傷相枕 sǐ shāng xiāng zhěn 英文翻譯:/translation: Lots of death and carnage 死裡逃生 sǐ lǐ táo shēng 英文翻譯:/translation: Escape from death 死馬當活馬醫 sǐ mǎ dāng huó mǎ yī 英文翻譯:/translation: Desperate times call for desperate measures 死無葬身之地 sǐ wú zàng shēn zhī dì 英文翻譯:/translation: Terrible crimes, his body is not worthy of a proper burial because he is so evil 汗流浹背 hàn liú jiā bèi 英文翻譯:/translation: Really hot such that sweat covers your back; something really scary 江河日下 jiāng hé rì xià 英文翻譯:/translation: Passing of time 江東父老 jiāng dōng fù lǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Home, parents 江郎才盡 jiāng láng cái jìn 英文翻譯:/translation: Limited in skills and knowledge 江山易改,本性難移 jiāng shān yì gǎi , běn xìng nán yí 英文翻譯:/translation: Easier to change mountains and rivers in nature than to change one’s personality 池魚籠鳥 chí yú lóng niǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Trapped, no freedom. 灰心喪氣 huī xīn sāng qì 英文翻譯:/translation: Loose motivation, discouraged 灰頭土面 huī tóu tǔ miàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Dejected, depressed 百口莫辯 bǎi kǒu mò biàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Cannot deny, can’t defend ones self. 百年好合 bǎi nián hǎo hé 英文翻譯:/translation: Good match (of a couple) 百年樹人 bǎi nián shù rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Education is important 百折不撓 bǎi zhē bù náo 英文翻譯:/translation: Unrelenting, undaunted, determined 百思不解 bǎi sī bù jiě 英文翻譯:/translation: Beyond understanding, an enigma 百拜之交 bǎi bài zhī jiāo 英文翻譯:/translation: Deep friendship 百無一失 bǎi wú yī shī 英文翻譯:/translation: Master a skill, unable to make a mistake 百無禁忌 bǎi wú jīn jì 英文翻譯:/translation: Wish for good luck 百發百中 bǎi fā bǎi zhōng 英文翻譯:/translation: Good at archery, talented at a certain skill 百感交集 bǎi gǎn jiāo jí 英文翻譯:/translation: Mixed feelings 百聞不如一見 bǎi wén bù rú yī jiàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Seeing is believing 百尺竿頭,更進一步 bǎi chǐ gān tóu , gēng jìn yī bù 英文翻譯:/translation: Keep learning and improving 白金買宅,千金買鄰 bái jīn mǎi zhái , qiān jīn mǎi lín 英文翻譯:/translation: Good neighbors are hard to come by 竹馬之好 zhú mǎ zhī hǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Friends from childhood, both rode bamboo horse together as kids 竹報平安 zhú bào píng ān 英文翻譯:/translation: Wish for peace (placed on door) 羊入虎口 yáng rù hǔ kǒu 英文翻譯:/translation: Deadly situation, he is a goner 羊腸小徑 yáng cháng xiǎo jìng 英文翻譯:/translation: Small road, a path hard to travel by in the mountains 老生常談 lǎo shēng cháng tán 英文翻譯:/translation: Old news, uninspired 老蚌生珠 lǎo bàng shēng zhū 英文翻譯:/translation: Give birth in old age 老羞成怒 lǎo xiū chéng nù 英文翻譯:/translation: Embarrassed into anger 老馬識途 lǎo mǎ shí tú 英文翻譯:/translation: Experienced, know the ropes 老當益壯 lǎo dāng yì zhuàng 英文翻譯:/translation: Older and stronger with age 老謀深算 lǎo móu shēn suàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Well thought out and planned 老死不相往來 lǎo sǐ bù xiāng wǎng lái 英文翻譯:/translation: Avoid all contact with someone 而今而後 ér jīn ér hòu 英文翻譯:/translation: From now on 耳目一新 ěr mù yī xīn 英文翻譯:/translation: Now everything feels different, different outlook on life 耳順之年 ěr shùn zhī nián 英文翻譯:/translation: 60 years old 耳提面命 ěr tí miàn mìng 英文翻譯:/translation: Exhort, give advice 耳熟能詳 ěr shú néng xiáng 英文翻譯:/translation: If you hear it over and over again enough times, you will understand 耳濡目染 ěr rú mù rǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Be influenced by sight and sound, enlightened 耳聞不如目見 ěr wén bù rú mù jiàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Seeing is believing 肉食者鄙 ròu shí zhě bǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Most officials are corrupt and have no ability 自力更生 zì lì gēng shēng 英文翻譯:/translation: Self-reliant 自不量力 zì bù liáng lì 英文翻譯:/translation: Overestimate one’s ability 自由自在 zì yóu zì zài 英文翻譯:/translation: Free to do what one wants 自以爲是 zì yǐ wéi shì 英文翻譯:/translation: Biased, must always be right about everything 自成一家 zì chéng yī jiā 英文翻譯:/translation: Unique art 自有公論 zì yǒu gōng lùn 英文翻譯:/translation: It will sort itself out over time, no need to intervene 自作自受 zì zuò zì shòu 英文翻譯:/translation: Accept the bad consequences of one’s actions 自作聰明 zì zuò cōng míng 英文翻譯:/translation: Proud, do things beyond one’s ability 自投羅網 zì tóu luó wǎng 英文翻譯:/translation: Dig a pit for yourself 自知之明 zì zhī zhī míng 英文翻譯:/translation: Know your own strengths and weaknesses 自命不凡 zì mìng bù fán 英文翻譯:/translation: Proud people think they are the best 自取其咎 zì qǔ qí jiù 英文翻譯:/translation: All my fault 自相矛盾 zì xiāng máo dùn 英文翻譯:/translation: Doesn’t make any sense, self contradictory 自怨自艾 zì yuàn zì ài 英文翻譯:/translation: Complain but don’t improve 自食其力 zì shí qí lì 英文翻譯:/translation: Take care of one’s self 自强不息 zì qiáng bù xī 英文翻譯:/translation: Keep improving yourself 自給自足 zì gěi zì zú 英文翻譯:/translation: Make enough for oneself 自貶身價 zì biǎn shēn jià 英文翻譯:/translation: Lose status or position 自欺欺人 zì qī qī rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Escape reality, live a lie 自圓其説 zì yuán qí shuō 英文翻譯:/translation: Try to make something sound good 自暴自棄 zì bào zì qì 英文翻譯:/translation: Let yourself go, give up on oneself 自顧不暇 zì gù bù xiá 英文翻譯:/translation: No ability to help others, can’t even help oneself 至公無私 zhì gōng wú sī 英文翻譯:/translation: Fair, just 至理名言 zhì lǐ míng yán 英文翻譯:/translation: Valuable words 舟中敵國 zhōu zhōng dí guó 英文翻譯:/translation: If you are unkind to others, even your friends will hate you 舟車勞頓 zhōu chē láo dùn 英文翻譯:/translation: Super tired after a trip 色即是空 sè jí shì kōng 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t overreact 色膽包天 sè dǎn bāo tiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Do anything to accomplish a goal 血口噴人 xuè kǒu pēn rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Speak evil of others 血肉橫飛 xuè ròu héng fēi 英文翻譯:/translation: Blood and guts everywhere in battle 血流成渠 xuè liú chéng qú 英文翻譯:/translation: River of blood from battle 血氣方剛 xuè qì fāng gāng 英文翻譯:/translation: Young and headstrong, impulsive 行尸走肉 xíng shī zǒu ròu 英文翻譯:/translation: Zombie, a person with no life 行有餘力 xíng yǒu yú lì 英文翻譯:/translation: Extra time and energy 行雲流水 xíng yún liú shuǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Free; not worth noticing 行行出狀元 xíng xíng chū zhuàng yuán 英文翻譯:/translation: If you work hard, you can be good at anything 衣裳襤褸 yī cháng lán l锟斤拷 英文翻譯:/translation: Poor; destitute 衣食父母 yī shí fù mǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Person providing necessities of life, such as friend or boss 衣鉢相傳 yī bō xiāng chuán 英文翻譯:/translation: Master passes on his skills to another 衣錦還鄉 yī jǐn huán xiāng 英文翻譯:/translation: Come home after becoming rich 七畫/7 Strokes 低聲下氣 dī shēng xià qì 英文翻譯:/translation: Humbly follow, meekly obey 佛口蛇心 fó kǒu shé xīn 英文翻譯:/translation: Kind words, evil intent 佛法無邊 fó fǎ wú biān 英文翻譯:/translation: Can do anything, godlike 伶牙俐齒 líng yá lì chǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Elequent orator, good at speaking 伯仲之間 bó zhòng zhī jiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Similar in talent and ability 你死我活 nǐ sǐ wǒ huó 英文翻譯:/translation: An epic struggle to the death 你爭我奮 nǐ zhēng wǒ fèn 英文翻譯:/translation: Epic match or contest 作好作歹 zuò hǎo zuò dǎi 英文翻譯:/translation: Persuade at all costs 作育英才 zuò yù yīng cái 英文翻譯:/translation: Teacher that has raised a bright student 作姦犯科 zuò jiān fàn kē 英文翻譯:/translation: Break the law 做賊心虛 zuò zéi xīn xū 英文翻譯:/translation: Guilty conscience 何足挂齒 hé zú guà chǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Not worth mentioning (polite) 何樂而不爲 hé lè ér bù wéi 英文翻譯:/translation: Why not? What is the down side? 似是而非 sì shì ér fēi 英文翻譯:/translation: Looks right at first, then turns out to be wrong 似曾相識 sì zēng xiāng shí 英文翻譯:/translation: Dejavu 伴君如伴虎 bàn jūn rú bàn hǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Be careful what you say, someone can get angry 伸手不見五指 shēn shǒu bù jiàn wǔ zhǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Very dark or foggy, so dark you can’t see your hand in front of your face 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟 dàn yuàn rén cháng jiǔ , qiān lǐ gòng chán juān 英文翻譯:/translation: Wish everyone peace, wish we can be together forever under the same moon 克勤克儉 kè qín kè jiǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Simple and frugal lifestyle 免開尊口 miǎn kāi zūn kǒu 英文翻譯:/translation: Shut up, I know what you are going to say 兵不厭詐 bīng bù yàn zhà 英文翻譯:/translation: Cheat and lie to win 兵荒馬亂 bīng huāng mǎ luàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Chaos and terror of war 兵强馬壯 bīng qiáng mǎ zhuàng 英文翻譯:/translation: Strong forces 冷言冷語 lěng yán lěng yǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Look down upon, speak impolitely 冷眼旁觀 lěng yǎn páng guān 英文翻譯:/translation: Nuetrally observe, don’t intervene 冷暖自知 lěng nuǎn zì zhī 英文翻譯:/translation: You don’t need to see for yourself 冷嘲熱諷 lěng cháo rè fěng 英文翻譯:/translation: Joke, poke fun, sarcasm 判若兩人 pàn ruò liǎng rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Hypocrite, inconsistent actions 別出心裁 bié chū xīn cái 英文翻譯:/translation: Do extra things to impress others 別有天地 bié yǒu tiān dì 英文翻譯:/translation: There is another amazing world out there 別有洞天 bié yǒu dòng tiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Enter paradise, enter Shangrila 利用厚生 lì yòng hòu shēng 英文翻譯:/translation: Utilize rescources for the good of all 利增百倍 lì zēng bǎi bèi 英文翻譯:/translation: Make good profit margin 刪繁就簡 shān fán jiù jiǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Simplify, edit, cut 劫後餘生 jié hòu yú shēng 英文翻譯:/translation: Live through disaster 君子之爭 jūn zǐ zhī zhēng 英文翻譯:/translation: Friendly rivalry/contest 君子不器 jūn zǐ bù qì 英文翻譯:/translation: Talented 君子自量 jūn zǐ zì liáng 英文翻譯:/translation: Dignity and self respect 君臣魚水 jūn chén yú shuǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Get along with someone, brotherly love 君子之交淡如水 jūn zǐ zhī jiāo dàn rú shuǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Normal but lasting relationship 君子愛財,取之有道 jūn zǐ ài cái , qǔ zhī yǒu dào 英文翻譯:/translation: Make money in a proper fashion 吞吞吐吐 tūn tūn tǔ tǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Mumble 吞聲忍氣 tūn shēng rěn qì 英文翻譯:/translation: Super mad, be made 含血噴人 hán xuè pēn rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Make slanderous accusations 含英咀華 hán yīng jǔ huá 英文翻譯:/translation: Relish literature 含苞待放 hán bāo dài fàng 英文翻譯:/translation: Young girl ready to blossom 含笑九泉 hán xiào jiǔ quán 英文翻譯:/translation: Die with no regrets 含情脈脈 hán qíng mài mài 英文翻譯:/translation: Flirt without words, show tenderness with gestures 含冤負屈 hán yuān fù qū 英文翻譯:/translation: Be blamed for something you didn’t do 含羞帶笑 hán xiū dài xiào 英文翻譯:/translation: Happy young girl, bashful smile 含始弄孫 hán shǐ nòng sūn 英文翻譯:/translation: Retirees spoiling grandchildren 含糊其詞 hán hū qí cí 英文翻譯:/translation: Mumble, unclear speech 否極泰來 fǒu jí tài lái 英文翻譯:/translation: Out with the bad, in with the good 吹毛求疵 chuī máo qiú cī 英文翻譯:/translation: Picky 吹灰之力 chuī huī zhī lì 英文翻譯:/translation: Super easy 吸風飲露 xī fēng yǐn lù 英文翻譯:/translation: Live off nature, become a monk 倫湖吞棗 lún hú tūn zǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Eat without chewing, take too big of a bite 坐以待斃 zuò yǐ dài bì 英文翻譯:/translation: Sit and wait to be destroyed 坐地分贓 zuò dì fēn zāng 英文翻譯:/translation: Do nothing but still get money, receive bribes 坐山觀虎鬥 zuò shān guān hǔ dǒu 英文翻譯:/translation: Watch two enemies fight, sit back and watch 夾七夾八 jiā qī jiā bā 英文翻譯:/translation: Incherent, cluttered speech 夾搶帶棍 jiā qiǎng dài gùn 英文翻譯:/translation: Sacrastic and spiteful speech 妙不可言 miào bù kě yán 英文翻譯:/translation: Amazing beyond description 妙手回春 miào shǒu huí chūn 英文翻譯:/translation: Doctor has amazing healing power 妙想天開 miào xiǎng tiān kāi 英文翻譯:/translation: Unrealistic ideas, living in a dream 妖言惑衆 yāo yán huò zhòng 英文翻譯:/translation: Use lies and heresy to fool the masses 孝子不諛親 xiào zǐ bù yú qīn 英文翻譯:/translation: A good child will not fool their parents 孜孜不倦 zī zī bù juàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Diligent worker, not lazy 屁滾尿流 pì gǔn niào liú 英文翻譯:/translation: So scared that you pee your pants 岌岌可危 jí jí kě wēi 英文翻譯:/translation: Extremely dangerous 弄巧成拙 nòng qiǎo chéng zhuō 英文翻譯:/translation: Make a bad situation worse, add gas to the fire 弄假成真 nòng jiǎ chéng zhēn 英文翻譯:/translation: What was once pretend or fake has become real 弄璋之喜 nòng zhāng zhī xǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Congradulations on having a baby boy 形形色色 xíng xíng sè sè 英文翻譯:/translation: Varied, different in shapes and colors 形影不離 xíng yǐng bù lí 英文翻譯:/translation: Very intimate and close 忍氣吞聲 rěn qì tūn shēng 英文翻譯:/translation: Hold back critisim 忍辱負重 rěn rǔ fù zhòng 英文翻譯:/translation: Be humiliated for the greater good 忘年之交 wàng nián zhī jiāo 英文翻譯:/translation: Good friends because of common interests, despite difference in age 忘恩負義 wàng ēn fù yì 英文翻譯:/translation: Ungrateful 志在千里 zhì zài qiān lǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Big aspirations 志在必得 zhì zài bì dé 英文翻譯:/translation: Have faith to accomplish a goal 志同道合 zhì tóng dào hé 英文翻譯:/translation: Have a common gaol 志得意滿 zhì dé yì mǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Business is running smoothly, prosperous business 忐忐忑忑 tǎn tǎn tè tè 英文翻譯:/translation: Fee uneasy, unsafe, scared. 快馬加鞭 kuài mǎ jiā biān 英文翻譯:/translation: Hurry up, move quickly. 快刀斬亂麻 kuài dāo zhǎn luàn má 英文翻譯:/translation: Be descisvie, take action during chaos 我行我素 wǒ xíng wǒ sù 英文翻譯:/translation: Do your own thing without care for others. 扶老攜幼 fú lǎo xié yòu 英文翻譯:/translation: Take everyone old and young. 扭扭捏捏 niǔ niǔ niē niē 英文翻譯:/translation: Shy and awkward 扭轉乾坤 niǔ zhuǎn qián kūn 英文翻譯:/translation: Change an entire situation 投石問路 tóu shí wèn lù 英文翻譯:/translation: Try to find the truth 投其所好 tóu qí suǒ hǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Cater to someones likes and interests 投桃報李 tóu táo bào lǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Exchange gifts 投筆從戎 tóu bǐ cóng róng 英文翻譯:/translation: Give up the pen to take up the sword in order to protect one’s country 投機取巧 tóu jī qǔ qiǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: Take advantage of a situation 把持不定 bǎ chí bù dìng 英文翻譯:/translation: Flaky, easily give up 抑揚頓坐 yì yáng dùn zuò 英文翻譯:/translation: Beautiful or writing 抑鬱寡歡 yì yù guǎ huān 英文翻譯:/translation: Worried, concerned and unhappy 攻心爲土 gōng xīn wéi tǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Use wisdom and virtue to fight battles 攻其不備 gōng qí bù bèi 英文翻譯:/translation: Attack when the enemy is not ready 攻城略地 gōng chéng l锟斤拷è dì 英文翻譯:/translation: Fight and take over cities and lands 改弦更張 gǎi xián gēng zhāng 英文翻譯:/translation: Start new, do things different 改過自新 gǎi guò zì xīn 英文翻譯:/translation: Fix mistakes, make a new start 改頭換面 gǎi tóu huàn miàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Only superficial change on the outside, not really change 更深人靜 gēng shēn rén jìng 英文翻譯:/translation: Middle of the night 更勝一籌 gēng shèng yī chóu 英文翻譯:/translation: Make it even better 杞人憂天 qǐ rén yōu tiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Unneeded worry 社絕後患 shè jué hòu huàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Stop disasters 束之高閣 shù zhī gāo gé 英文翻譯:/translation: Useless, to be thrown out like trash 束手待斃 shù shǒu dài bì 英文翻譯:/translation: Dead end, out of ideas; wait for death. 束手無策 shù shǒu wú cè 英文翻譯:/translation: In a tight spot, cornered. 杏林春滿 xìng lín chūn mǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Amazing physician, incredible medical skill. 步人後塵 bù rén hòu chén 英文翻譯:/translation: Follow others 步步爲營 bù bù wéi yíng 英文翻譯:/translation: Do things carefully and fully prepare 每下愈況 měi xià yù kuàng 英文翻譯:/translation: The situation gets worse and worse 求之不得 qiú zhī bù dé 英文翻譯:/translation: Something wished for but unable to obtain 求仁得仁 qiú rén dé rén 英文翻譯:/translation: Seek out virtue to fulfill one’s wishes 求神問卜 qiú shén wèn bǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Ask the gods, ask oracle bones for answers. 求人不如求己 qiú rén bù rú qiú jǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Relying on self is better than relying on others 求生不得,求死不能 qiú shēng bù dé , qiú sǐ bù néng 英文翻譯:/translation: Beat someone to death, leave someone on the verge of death, torture. 決勝千里 jué shèng qiān lǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Good at making war, even when far away from the battlefield 汲汲忙忙 jí jí máng máng 英文翻譯:/translation: Rushed and hurried 沒沒無聞 méi méi wú wén 英文翻譯:/translation: Nobody, unkown person, not famous 沒精打來 méi jīng dǎ lái 英文翻譯:/translation: Out of energy, lack spirit, sickly 沒頭沒腦 méi tóu méi nǎo 英文翻譯:/translation: For no reason, without ryme or reason 沃野千里 wò yě qiān lǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: Good and fruitful field 沉魚落雁 chén yú luò yàn 英文翻譯:/translation: Extremely beautiful 沉默寡言 chén mò guǎ yán 英文翻譯:/translation: Soft spoken and quiet 牢不可破 láo bù kě pò 英文翻譯:/translation: Indestructible 狂風驟雨 kuáng fēng zhòu yǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Big rainstorm, loud sounds 男耕女織 nán gēng nǚ zhī 英文翻譯:/translation: Men and women have different roles and rely on one another 男婚女嫁 nán hūn nǚ jià 英文翻譯:/translation: Find love after a breakup, children get married off 男盜女娼 nán dào nǚ chāng 英文翻譯:/translation: Terrible crimes 男女授受不親 nán nǚ shòu shòu bù qīn 英文翻譯:/translation: No dating allowed during old times 男大當婚,女大當嫁 nán dà dāng hūn , nǚ dà dāng jià 英文翻譯:/translation: Need to get married, of marrying age 秀外慧中 xiù wài huì zhōng 英文翻譯:/translation: Smart and beautiful girl 肝膽相照 gān dǎn xiāng zhào 英文翻譯:/translation: True friendship 良辰美景 liáng chén měi jǐng 英文翻譯:/translation: Beautiful moment and scenery 良藥苦口 liáng yào kǔ kǒu 英文翻譯:/translation: Good things for you are hard to bear, like chastisement or trials 芒刺在背 máng cì zài bèi 英文翻譯:/translation: Scared, something is bothering you 見仁見智 jiàn rén jiàn zhì 英文翻譯:/translation: Everyone has a different viewpoint 見死不救 jiàn sǐ bù jiù 英文翻譯:/translation: Don’t save someone in trouble; cruel. 見利忘義 jiàn lì wàng yì 英文翻譯:/translation: Seek after profit and forget morals 見怪不怪 jiàn guài bù guài 英文翻譯:/translation: Calmly approach strange things 見所未見 jiàn suǒ wèi jiàn 英文翻譯:/translation: See things that have never been seen 見風轉舵 jiàn fēng zhuǎn duò 英文翻譯:/translation: Turn from trouble, run from problems, make adjustments according to the situation 見笑大方 jiàn xiào dà fāng 英文翻譯:/translation: Make a fool of oneself in front of experts, 見異思遷 jiàn yì sī qiān 英文翻譯:/translation: Change one’s mind, be inconsistent 見義為勇 jiàn yì wéi yǒng 英文翻譯:/translation: Bravely do what must be done 言之有物 yán zhī yǒu wù 英文翻譯:/translation: Substantial words or writing 言不由衷 yán bù yóu zhōng 英文翻譯:/translation: Say what you don’t mean 言不盡意 yán bù jìn yì 英文翻譯:/translation: Can’t fully express what you are feeling 言外之意 yán wài zhī yì 英文翻譯:/translation: Words with multiple meanings 言多必失 yán duō bì shī 英文翻譯:/translation: Speak carefully, don’t speak rashly 言近旨遠 yán jìn zhǐ yuǎn 英文翻譯:/translation: Beautiful writing, speech 言過其實 yán guò qí shí 英文翻譯:/translation: Exaggerate 言語之吾 yán yǔ zhī wú 英文翻譯:/translation: Unclear words, don’t understand 言簡意賅 yán jiǎn yì gāi 英文翻譯:/translation: Use simple words to convey great meaning 言歸正傳 yán guī zhèng chuán 英文翻譯:/translation: Get back to the point, anyway 豆蔻年華 dòu kòu nián huá 英文翻譯:/translation: Righteous young woman 赤子之心 chì zǐ zhī xīn 英文翻譯:/translation: Pure and innocent heart or nature 赤子空拳 chì zǐ kōng quán 英文翻譯:/translation: Empty handed, nothing to lean back on 走投無路 zǒu tóu wú lù 英文翻譯:/translation: Dead end, now way out, no one to help. 走馬看花 zǒu mǎ kàn huā 英文翻譯:/translation: Take a look oversomething, view a place quickly in a superficial way 身不由主 shēn bù yóu zhǔ 英文翻譯:/translation: Controlled by someone else, no freedom over one’s self 身敗名裂 shēn bài míng liè 英文翻譯:/translation: Career and reputation ruined at the same time 身無長物 shēn wú cháng wù 英文翻譯:/translation: Penniless, poor, no worldly possessions 身體力行 shēn tǐ lì xíng 英文翻譯:/translation: Fulfill one’s beleifs physically. 車水馬龍 chē shuǐ mǎ lóng 英文翻譯:/translation: Heavy and fast traffic 車載斗量 chē zài dǒu liáng 英文翻譯:/translation: Very many, numerous 迅雷不及掩耳 xùn léi bù jí yǎn ěr 英文翻譯:/translation: Things happen too fast with no time to react 八畫/8 Strokes More to come soon... Just so you know, you can also get a big discount on Chinese (and English) classes and tutoring on Tutor ABC by using our promo code: FOREIGNERS10
Sook Ling
10/29/2021 04:00:15 pm
This is so useful!!! And you made a great effort that even Chinese can't do! 👏
Foreigners in Taiwan
11/1/2021 01:48:49 pm
Thanks Sook!
11/4/2021 11:15:29 pm
Thank you for your great effort.
Frankie Lim
1/5/2022 10:11:40 pm
It is wonderful! Thanks for sharing. Appreciate your effort to help me learn more about Chinese idioms. I look forward to seeing more ........More to come soon.
Ryan Siu
2/1/2022 01:00:49 am
Great work!
Charles Jie
11/7/2022 05:49:24 pm
For entry: 一元複始 yī yuán fù shǐ 英文翻譯:/translation: New year
Charles Jie
11/7/2022 10:04:20 pm
Charles Jie
11/7/2022 10:12:03 pm
Bad! The site eats from the eyebrow down ... (95%)
12/14/2023 04:50:10 pm
Please send me complete list of Chinese Idioms in English. Thank you!
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Author 作家I am an American expat who has extensive experience living, working, and traveling in Taiwan. In my day, I had to learn many things about Taiwan the hard way. But I have come to learn that Taiwan is one of the best places in the world for Foreigners to live. This blog does not represent the opinions of every foreigner in Taiwan. I am just trying to help others learn more about this beautiful country. Categories
□ Planning your trip to Taiwan? □
Here are some top travel tips for you:
- Best time to visit: Spring and Autumn when it is not too hot or cold and less rainy
- How to get there: Plane tickets via Trip.com
- Best places to stay can be found on Agoda
- Book tours and activities in Taiwan on Klook
- Stay connected with a local SIM
- Rent a car to explore distant sights