嗨,各位小夥伴們!我是一名在國外晃悠了好一陣子的台灣人。今天我的心情有點複雜,最近啊,我這腦袋裡一直在糾結一件超級大的事兒,那就是2024年搬回台灣到底值不值得呢?這可真是個讓人糾結頭髮都要掉光的難題啊!我想來和大家嘮嘮我這心裡的小九九。 我為什麼會有搬回台灣這個念頭呢? 我們先說說在國外生活的這些日子吧。我在國外待了這麼久,有好有壞。好的呢,就是見識了不少新東西:我看到了不一樣的風景,體驗了不同的文化,有很多新鮮事兒,我也認識了不少很有意思的新朋友。但是呢,時間一長,總覺得缺少了些什麼,我這心裡就開始不舒服了。有時候,那種飄來飄去的感覺真的讓我很難受。每當我走在陌生的街道上,總覺得自己是個外人。每當夜深人靜的時候,我會特別想念台灣,想念那熟悉的街道,想念那一口口地道的美食,想念家裡的親人和朋友。 那如果搬回台灣呢? 好處也是不少滴。台灣,那是我的根。
首先呢,台灣有我們最愛的美食啊!在國外的時候,整天就是漢堡、薯條、披薩什麼的,吃多了真的膩得難受。一想到台灣滷肉飯的香氣、蚵仔煎的鮮美、大腸包小腸……光想想就流口水啦。而且,在台灣,和家人朋友在一起,那種溫暖的感覺是在國外怎麼也找不到的。可以隨時約朋友去夜市逛逛,吃吃喝喝,聊聊八卦,這日子多愜意啊。 ·家人也在台灣,能多陪陪他們。在國外的時候,雖然也能視訊聊天什麼的,但是跟面對面的感覺完全不一樣。有時候遇到點事兒,想找個人說說心裡話,都覺得隔著那麼遠,不踏實。搬回台灣後,我們就可以常常見面,一起吃飯、一起聊天、一起分享生活中的喜怒哀樂。我想在他們身邊,感受那份實實在在的溫暖與關懷,真的太讓人懷念了。 ·而且,台灣的生活節奏也比較適中,不像有些國外的大城市那麼快節奏,讓人喘不過氣來。在台灣,我可以有更多的時間去享受生活,去做自己喜歡的事。台灣的自然風光也很美啊,我可以去海邊散步,去山上看看風景。這種悠閒的生活方式,真的很吸引人呢。 工作方面呢,台灣也有很多機會。雖然可能沒有國外那麼高的薪資,但是生活成本也相對低一些呀。而且,在自己熟悉的環境工作,會更有歸屬感。 而且,台灣的醫療水準也很不錯。如果有什麼病痛,可以及時得到治療。台灣的社會治安也比較好,不用擔心安全問題。 還有,台灣的文化氛圍也很濃厚。可以參加各種文化活動,豐富自己的生活。 但是呢,搬回台灣也不是沒有顧慮啦。 這想搬回去的心雖然強烈,但想到實際的問題,我又開始猶豫了。畢竟在國外生活了這麼久,我已經習慣了這裡的生活方式。擔心回去後會不適應台灣的節奏,擔心找不到合適的工作,擔心生活成本太高......各種擔心湧上心頭。回到台灣,我可能會面臨一些挑戰和困難。 我們先來聊聊台灣的生活成本的問題吧。在國外生活了這麼久,物價水準其實也不低,但也習慣了,相對來說比較穩定,房租、水電費、食品價格等都有一定的規律可循。但聽說台灣這些年物價也漲了不少啊。特別是房價,那簡直是高得嚇人。台北的房價就不用說了,貴得離譜。其他城市的房價雖然相對低一些,但也不便宜。要是搬回去,住哪裡就是個大問題。是買房還是租房?買房子吧,壓力太大,不知道得奮鬥多少年才能買得起;租房子吧,又擔心不穩定,隨時可能被房東趕出來,整天提心吊膽的。 還有水電費啊、物業費啊這些日常開銷也不低。在國外的時候,這些費用還比較好控制,但是聽說台灣的水電費有時候會讓人吃不消。為了控制這些費用,許多人現在開始使用 VPN 來節省網路開銷,特別是 YouTube 的流量費用。找到 YouTube VPN 最平的方案尤其重要。特別是夏天,冷氣一開,電費那叫一個嚇人,蹭著上漲。台灣的美食雖然很多,食物價格也不便宜呢,有些進口的東西比國外還貴。所以,生活成本這一塊,壓力太大了,真的是讓我很糾結。 再來說說工作吧。在國外,我有一份還不錯的工作,收入也還可以。但是如果搬回台灣,能不能找到適合的工作呢?這真的是一個很大的未知數。台灣的就業市場競爭也很激烈啊,特別是一些熱門產業。而且薪資水準也不一定有國外高。要是回去後收入大幅下降,那生活品質一定也會受到影響。但是呢,我又覺得在台灣工作可能更有歸屬感。畢竟是在自己的家鄉嘛,語言、文化都沒有障礙。而且說不定還能有一些新的發展機會。所以,工作這一塊,真的是讓我左右為難。 教育也是個大問題啊。如果我搬回台灣,我的孩子的教育怎麼辦呢?在國外的時候,孩子接受的教育也還不錯,教育資源相對來說比較豐富,而且教育方式也比較多元化。但是,台灣的教育也有自己的優勢。台灣的教育注重傳統文化的傳承,在一些學科方面也有很高的程度。但是呢,台灣的教育也存在一些問題,升學壓力很大,孩子競爭也很激烈。這真的讓我很糾結,不知道該怎麼選擇才好。所以,在教育這一塊,我也需要好好考慮。 說了這麼多,我還是沒個準主意。到底是搬回台灣好呢,還是繼續留在國外好呢?真的好糾結啊!我也想問其他在國外生活過的朋友們,你們有沒有類似的糾結呢?你們是怎麼想的呢? 不過呢,我覺得吧,值不值得搬回台灣,這個問題沒有一個標準答案。每個人的情況都不一樣,所以需要根據自己的實際狀況來做決定。不管怎麼說,這都是個重大的決定,不能草率行事。我得再好好考慮考慮,權衡一下利弊。畢竟這關係到我和我的家人未來的生活。 希望我能盡快做出一個讓自己不後悔的決定吧。也希望大家都能在自己選擇的生活中過得幸福快樂。
你想知道多少錢 萊特幣 未來是否值得?最近的趨勢表明,到 2024 年中期,萊特幣的價格可能會上漲至 84 美元左右。這篇文章將探討影響萊特幣價格的因素以及專家認為它以後可能具有的價值。
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Tax season is here. In Singapore, taxes must be filed before April 18th. As a foreigner, you might be wondering how to file a tax return and what the regulations are. Luckily Singapore has made it easy by creating an online tax filing system that you can complete from your computer, although you do still have to physically send some forms to the tax office. Let us answer some common questions about tax filing that might come up:
Forward: The following is Q+A for tax year 2023 only, based on information provided on Singapore's IRAS website for your reference only. Personal income tax can be a complicated issue; for specific answers regarding your tax situation please call the IRAS hotline at 1800 356 8300 from Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The ultimate decision for tax payable is up to the discretion of the Singapore tax office.
Tax season is here. In Thailand, taxes must be filed before April 8th. As a foreigner, you might be wondering how to file a tax return and what the regulations are. Luckily Thailand has made it easy by creating an online tax filing system that you can complete from your computer, although you do still have to physically send some forms to the tax office. Let us answer some common questions about tax filing that might come up:
Forward: The following is Q+A for tax year 2023 only, based on information provided on Thailand's Ministry of Finance website for your reference only. Personal income tax can be a complicated issue; for specific answers regarding your tax situation please contact the Thailand tax office: +66 1161 from 8:30 AM to 6 PM. The ultimate decision for tax payable is up to the discretion of the Thailand tax office. Q: When should I file Taxes? A: Before March 31st for paper filing or April 8th for online filing after the tax year (the tax year is the same as the calendar year). Q: When are Thailand tax payments due? A: Tax payments are due March 31st for paper filing or April 8th for online filing. Q: What makes me eligible to pay Thailand taxes (or what makes me a tax resident)? A: You become a Thailand tax resident if you stay in Thailand longer than 180 days. Nonresidents are those that stay less than 180 days in the country. Tax residents are taxed on foreign income that is brought into Thailand. Non-tax residents are taxed only on income earned from Thailand. Q: How do I count the days I stayed in Thailand? A: Please note that the day you come to Thailand doesn't count, but the day you leave does. It's a good idea to keep track of the number of days you have been in Thailand via the stamps on your passport. Q: What is the income tax rate?/ How much is Thailand tax? A: The income tax rate varies from 5% to 35% depending on the salary amount. Thailand 2023 Progressive Tax Rate Table (THB):
Tax season is here. In Hong Kong, salary taxes must be filed before May 31st. As a foreigner, you might be wondering how to file a tax return and what the regulations are. Luckily Hong Kong has made it easy by creating an online tax filing system that you can complete from your computer or phone. Let us answer some common questions about tax filing that might come up:
Preface: The following is Q+A for tax year 2023 only, based on information provided on Hong Kong's Government Website for your reference only. Personal income tax can be a complicated issue; for specific answers regarding your tax situation please contact the Hong Kong tax helpdesk at (852) 183 5500 or email to [email protected]. The ultimate decision for tax payable is up to the discretion of the Hong Kong tax office
Tax season is here. In China, taxes must be filed before June 30th. As a foreigner, you might be wondering how to file a tax return and what the regulations are. Luckily China has made it easy by creating an online tax filing system that you can complete from your computer or phone. Let us answer some common questions about tax filing that might come up:
Preface: The following is Q+A for tax year 2023 only, based on information provided on China's State Taxation Administration website for your reference only. Personal income tax can be a complicated issue; for specific answers regarding your tax situation please contact the China tax hotline: +866-12366. The ultimate decision for tax payable is up to the discretion of the China tax office.
Tax season is here. In Vietnam, taxes must be filed before the end of April. As a foreigner, you might be wondering how to file a tax return and what the regulations are. Luckily Vietnam has made it easy by creating an online tax filing system that you can complete from your computer, although you do still have to physically send some forms to the tax office. Let us answer some common questions about tax filing that might come up.
AuthorWe are the same Foreigners in Taiwan, but just sharing blogs about other countries for Expats that are not in Taiwan. For global expats. Archives
September 2024